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INTERNET YAMERO is a standalone song serving as the sequel to INTERNET OVERDOSE.[1] Though not featured within the game itself, it is labelled as a theme song in the title of Aiobahn's Youtube upload, making it the second theme song for Needy Streamer Overload. It was released to Youtube, Spotify, and other music streaming platforms on March 16, 2023. The literal translation of the song title is "INTERNET STOP". However, the official translation instead reads "LET'S ALL QUIT THE INTERNET".


  • Vocals: KOTOKO
  • Composer: Aiobahn
  • Lyrics: Nyalra
  • Character illustration: Kokamuno & お久しぶり
  • Pixel art: Nenai
  • Background: ccnaov
  • Music video: TOHRU MITSUHASHI & Maeda Jisei
  • Vocal direction: Maron (IOSYS)
  • Special thanks: Megumi Torii (Xemono)
  • Producer: Saito Daichi (WSS Playground)


かわいい虹色の照明です ぶいっ

忘れさせてあげる 慈愛の天使


わかる真似をして なにも知らないね アナタ
なにが悲しいの なにが寂しいの 聴こえてる?
人が恋しくて 人がイヤすぎて ループ
夜が好きなのに 一人じゃ寒くて 震えてる


アンチに負けず 信者に媚びず

かけめぐるエクスタシー 融けるマイスリー
画面光りだすの 不安止まらないよ
誰か殺してくれ イヤだ死にたくない


もうおまえらと会えないと思った瞬間 胸が苦しくて

もう細かいことはどうでもいいね せーのっ

ほとばしるエクスタシー 甘い夢をみせてマイスリー
指先で感じる 泳ぐ電子の海 インターネット・ボーイ
悲しみ舞い散る 暗い闇の中インターネット・ゲーム
アナタのとなり微笑む 忘れないでいてねインターネット・ガールきっと……

(キボンヌ! オワタ! 半年ROMれ! キタ――(゚∀゚)――!! age!
漏れ! 香具師! 逝ってヨシ! 久々にワロタ!
ぽまいら! これは 乙じゃなくてポニーテールなんだからね!
 フヒヒ! ぬるぽ! 禿同!)

(無理ぽ! オマエモナー! お礼は三行! うp汁!
日本語でおk! >>1の母です!(久々にワロタ!)
キボンヌ! オワタ! 半年ROMれ! キタ――(゚∀゚)――!! age!
 漏れ! 香具師! 逝ってヨシ! 禿同!)


The phenomenon called internet angel
Is one postulated, organic alternating-current-lamp
Adorable rainbow illumination (Peace!)
(A complex of all transparent accounts)

This disgusting, icky-yucky shithole of a reality
Will all be wiped from your minds by the angel of charity, me!
Oh, but don't tell any of the adults, okay?
Everything's going to be all right, don't be afraid now

Now log off all your social media and we'll go see the ocean together

You pretend to understand, but you know nothing, do you?
Oh, what is sadness, really, now? What do you think loneliness is? Are you listening?
Can you all interact with me, but also get away from me? On it loops...
My favorite time of day is night, but it gets so cold by myself... Someone hold me please

TBH I know I can be happy,
But I can't stop pretending I'm not

I won't let the haters get to me! I won't suck up to my fanatics!
No matter how much work I put in,
I know I'm going straight to hell
Nah, I'm probably in one of the circles already
Likes are the best lawyer in hell
The hypocrite's trap of the spider's thread
But even as the pain takes over
I can't tear myself away from the internet!

Running through my body is ecstasy, melting down my throat is Myslee
My screen illuminates the dark, bathing me in anxiety
Can someone come and kill me please... Wait, no, I still don't wanna die
Can the sun just never rise again?
I'm dying! Kill! Me! My head is gonna f*ckin explode!!!!!1

Despite everything, I'll wade through the chaos with all my nerds
We'll bear witness to something that can only be found there
From that terrifying, disturbed internet
These poison waves fall like beautiful snow

I went and got a therapist
When I went to see them, they told me to "get off the internet"
But when I imagined never seeing any of you guys again, I felt so hurt
I don't care what happens in the real world; I like it here

I still remember the first day I started to gain followers
Knowing people saw me and cared about me felt so comfy
Oh, who cares about anything anymore. One, two!
The internet's the f*ckin best!

I can feel the swell of ecstasy. Deliver to me to sweet dreams, dear Myslee
I feel you at my fingertips; swimming through the cyberspace, my internet boy
The sorrow twirls and descends as the internet game plays in the dark
I smile as I rest my head on you... Don't ever forget your internet girl. Promise?

(OMG plz! fckn ded! bump thread! sure is summer here! kita━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!
anon! kys! nonnie! megalul!
newfriend! go lurk more! hey anon can we kiss!
nice digits! topkek! THIS SO MUCH!)

(kms! ITT! pic unrelated! dropped pic!
i don't speak moonrunes! get back in the basement!
OMG plz! fckn ded! bump thread! sure is summer here! kita━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!
nice digits! topkek! THIS SO MUCH!)

Through the blue light of the world's monitors
It is my mission to heal the loneliness of all nerds
For I am the internet angel

In other media

  • The song is featured in the mobile rhythm game Arcaea.[2]
  • The song is featured in the multi-platform rhythm game Muse Dash.[3]


  • The music video's opening animation is a callback to the opening animation of INTERNET OVERDOSE, in which several outlines of shapes flash into the screen on a black background, in timing with the music.
  • The song's title, lyrics, and overall premise serve as a thematic callback to many elements of Needy Streamer Overload; in particular, the song references the game's themes about quitting the internet, which is most prominently seen in the obtainable ending and achievement, Happy End World. The loading screen for the game also features a graphic which reads "INTERNET YAMERO," predating the song's creation and potentially serving as the inspiration for its name.
  • The song's official Youtube release, and its Google Drive folder — both uploaded by WSS Playground — contain minor errors or gaps in their lyrics. In the Youtube upload, the English captions do not translate the last two lines of the "internet chant" segment of the song. In the Google Drive folder, the Japanese lyric sheet fails to transcribe the entirety of the two stanzas from the internet chant segment.
  • Furthermore, several other portions of the vocals are missing from the Japanese lyric sheet. Most notably, certain coarse vocals heard after the 7th stanza are translated as "(AAAGH!!! I wanna die!!!! Kill me!!! Please!!! I wanna end it all!!!) etc." Additionally, the repeating vocals heard before the song's very last stanza are translated as "love you love you love you love you." Neither of these lines or vocals are given a transcription in the Japanese lyric sheet found within the Google Drive folder. This may not be an error, however, as these vocals may not be intended to be a part of the song's main lyrics.

External Links

  • INTERNET YAMERO on Youtube, uploaded by Aiobahn.
  • INTERNET YAMERO on Youtube, uploaded by WSS Playground. This upload contains captions which provide an official English translation.
  • INTERNET YAMERO on Spotify, uploaded by the official NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE artist profile.
  • Off-vocal version of INTERNET YAMERO, coupled with a few text files containing Japanese lyrics and other assets, bundled together in a Google Drive folder. Uploaded by WSS Playground.
