Comment te dire adieu

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Comment te dire adieu is one of the 26 endings in NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD, and is the only ending not represented by any ending slot on the Main Menu. Instead, it is represented by a hidden Data icon. The player will receive an achievement of the same name after going through this ending.


To achieve this ending, the player must obtain all other required endings. To know which endings are required, the player can check if the ending has a square icon on the Main Menu screen. Happy End World, shown with a question mark icon, is the only ending that is not required for obtaining Comment te dire adieu. Therefore, the player can track their progress toward this ending by checking if all their square ending slots have been filled in with white.

Once these conditions have been met, a new save slot, titled "Data0," will appear on the Main Menu. Clicking on this save slot will prompt the player with a confirmation window. Selecting "OK" will start the ending.


When clicking on Data0, the game asks the player to confirm their choice, stating that they cannot "return." Once the player clicks "OK," the ending begins. All dialogue takes place on JINE.

On Day 1, Ame-chan messages P-Chan. She tells them to "watch me closely, P-chan" and begins playing through the game without any player input; the player can only spectate as Ame chooses every in-game action for herself. On Day 3, she apologizes to P-chan and clarifies she had "wanted to try doing it by myself for once." On Day 6, Ame tells P-chan that she feels as though she is getting into the proper mindset of a streamer. On Day 9, she tells P-chan that she feels as though her current follower count is "perfect," and that she has the most fun when at said follower count. At this stage in Ame's automatic playthrough, she has 14,989 followers. On Day 12, Ame tells P-chan that her initial worries are fading, as she now perceives it to be working out for her. On Day 14, she tells P-chan that out of every route she could have taken, she feels as though her current route is "more correct." On Day 16, she says that there's a side of herself she doesn't know of yet, and she wishes to know it better. On Day 18, she says she feels as though she's entered the "endgame," and says that it's "time for me to..." before cutting herself off. On Day 20, she exclaims she managed to make "things work out all by myself," and that she doesn't need P-chan "after all." On Day 22, she tells P-chan she will "find a new future." On Day 30, she leaves her final messages to P-chan; she thanks them for everything, and claims that she will pursue her own future on her own accord, and bids a seemingly permanent goodbye to P-chan. Ame is then seen in her webcam, standing up and walking away from the computer.

In this state, the player is finally free to exert control on the desktop. No typical actions can be selected, and the only thing left to do is to read a text file titled "secret.txt". This text file has always been visible within any prior usual playthrough, and this is the first and only time that the game will allow the player to open it. When opened, secret.txt contains text written by Ame, denoting how much she loves P-chan, that they are her favorite person and her producer, how they tell her what to do and how they support her emotionally and mentally. The next lines of text then denote how Ame feels about the "current P-chan," stating how she doesn't want to have a P-chan that is "only being nice to me," and states she will make a "better P-chan [...] with the goal of making marriage material next." She then exclaims how she can't wait to live a new life being happily married. Attached to the text file is a crude drawing of KAngel and Ame holding hands, surrounded by hearts, candy, flowers, stars, and butterflies, with a big ribbon depicted above the two of them, and an orange cat depicted standing in-between them.

The game will forever remain in this state, leaving the player no choice but to restart the game if they wish to continue playing. The ending has no GAME OVER screen, and there is no ending pop-up.


Save Slot Pop-up

You will not be able to return. Continue?

Day 1

Icon jine ame.png watch me closely, p-chan

Day 3

Icon jine ame.png sorry, that mustve been really surprising, huh?
Icon jine ame.png i just wanted to try doing it by myself for once

Day 4

Icon jine ame.png i feel myself getting more and more into the mindset of a proper streamer

Day 9

Icon jine ame.png this amount of followers is the perfect amount
i think i have more fun with this amount of people

Day 12

Icon jine ame.png at first i was worried, but...
Icon jine ame.png its all working out so far

Day 14

Icon jine ame.png there are a lot of ways we could potentially go with, but...
Icon jine ame.png i realized that this way is way better. its more correct

Day 16

Icon jine ame.png theres a side of myself that i dont know yet
Icon jine ame.png and i want to get to know her better

Day 18

Icon jine ame.png feels like weve entered endgame
Icon jine ame.png i think its almost time for me to...

Day 20

Icon jine ame.png look! i managed to make things work out all by myself!
Icon jine ame.png so i dont need you after all...

Day 22

Icon jine ame.png im...
Icon jine ame.png going to find a new future

Day 30

Icon jine ame.png thanks for everything, p-chan
Icon jine ame.png but now im going to pursue my own future with my own hands
Icon jine ame.png so... goodbye


Notes on the current P-chan:

Profile: My favorite person in the world and also my producer. Tells me what to do so we can turn KAngel into the strongest internet angel. Also supports me emotionally and mentally. I wuv my P-chan!

Thoughts: The current P-Chan isn't bad, but I kind of can't deal with people only being nice to me, so. I made things work by myself but it's still not ideal. I'll just make a better P-chan next time. One that's so dreamy that I'll never wake. I think I'll start off with the goal of making marriage material next.

I can't wait to live a new life happily married~!
Secret txt drawing.png


This ending has several narrative implications for the story of Needy Streamer Overload. The scenario that plays out upon selecting the Data0 save file is the only situation in which P-chan does not ever exert control over daily desktop activities, nor do they have the opportunity to select dialogue responses to Ame's JINE messages. Ame herself calls attention to this in Day 3, apologizing for the surprise and stating that she had wanted to "do it by myself this time." This implies that Ame and P-chan have both been accustomed to the idea of P-chan directing her on what to do for her streaming career. Additionally, Ame seems to refer to her activities as something casual and familiar; in particular, Ame states that 14,989 followers is the "perfect amount," and that she has "more fun" with this amount of followers. The wording of her messages implies that this is not her first time going through the usual cycle of being an internet streamer. Lastly, Ame states that she wishes to explore a side of herself she isn't aware of yet, noting that she's reaching the "endgame," and once Day 30 arrives, she states that she will pursue her future on her own accord, before walking away from the computer.

All of these factors imply that the typical gameplay of Needy Streamer Overload does not actually take place in the real world. Ame speaks as though P-chan was already directing her on her daily desktop activities, and also speaks as though she is familiar with how it feels to have certain thresholds of follower counts, something she could not know unless she had already began a streaming career as KAngel in the past. This implies that the player's past endings have all taken place, but not in a literal sense. It instead implies that Ame has been playing through a simulation, or has been experiencing imaginary scenarios, in which she repeatedly encountered different outcomes of a streaming career, represented by the game's various different endings. It is likely that Ame's own playthrough in Comment te dire adieu is not real, either, and that she is simply choosing to play out a scenario on her own accord instead of letting P-chan take charge. The implied conclusion is that Ame has only been imagining herself as being an internet streamer. This is almost explicitly confirmed in the way she refers to herself as reaching the "endgame" when she gets closer to Day 30, a term often used when referring to stages of progression within a video game. Finally, given the contents of secret.txt, it can be assumed that P-chan is an imaginary partner and not a real person. The text file speaks of "making" a better P-chan, and that she isn't happy with the current iteration. This text file was likely written in the past, before the current P-chan — represented by the player — was made. This is supported by the fact that the secret.txt file is visible, but not clickable, from the very start of the game. Ame's refusal to allow P-chan to access secret.txt in prior playthroughs may have been her own form of self-denial, trying to deny the fake nature of P-chan. This confirms that Ame has been taking the role of both herself and P-chan, imagining that she has been living with a romantic partner who has directed her every action. In reality, however, Ame is the only one that has ever been present for the entirety of the game, and has been directing herself into experiencing different endings in order to find out what would happen if she chose to go down certain routes.

What this ending likely represents, then, is Ame's realization that she can only attain a healthy future if she chooses to take charge of her own life. This is made clear within her Day 30 messages, in which she tells P-chan that she will "pursue [her] own future with [her] own hands." Since Comment te dire adieu is only available after nearly every other ending is obtained, Needy Streamer Overload can be interpreted as having a meta narrative in which Ame is only able to realize the best path forward for her future once she has gone through every possible ending involving P-chan. The game implies that her only happy ending is one where she discards the imaginary partner, an unhealthy coping mechanism, and begins to move forward in her life with a healthier mindset. The finality of this ending is cemented in the fact that the desktop remains in an unplayable state, never directing the player to a GAME OVER screen. All that the player can do is read secret.txt, and either restart or close the game. This implies that this is meant to be the conclusive ending of Needy Streamer Overload.

The drawing in secret.txt has one last detail of note. The drawing depicts Ame and KAngel holding hands, smiling happily around cutesy scenery. Given the crude nature of this drawing, and the simplicity of Ame's outfit, it can be assumed that this drawing was made during Ame's early childhood years. This confirms that the concept, or aesthetic, of KAngel was created far in the past. In Chat & Chill 5: "Imaginary Dreamers," Ame states to her viewers that she had an imaginary friend as a kid, but that this friend disappeared and that she chose to "step out... as an angel instead of being trapped by my delusions." In this stream, Ame is still denying the reality of P-chan being an imaginary partner. However, the stream does not imply that this imaginary friend was actually P-chan. The drawing in secret.txt, coupled with the wording Ame uses in the stream, instead implies that KAngel, or an earlier concept of her, was Ame's imaginary friend when she was a kid. What further supports this idea is the fact that, in the crude drawing, Ame's outfit is much less detailed than her present-day attire, but KAngel's outfit more closely resembles KAngel's present-day attire. This further supports the idea that Ame's current streaming persona is the method in which Ame acts out her ideal self, by acting out the perfect personality that she perceived in her past imaginary friend, who looks just like KAngel. In sum, the text in secret.txt acknowledges that P-chan is an imaginary partner, and the drawing in secret.txt acknowledges that KAngel is an idealized imaginary friend. With these details in mind, the ending of Comment te dire adieu is not only representative of Ame letting go of P-chan, but is also representative of Ame letting go of KAngel.


  • The ending's name, "Comment te dire adieu," is a French phrase which translates into "How to say goodbye to you" in English. It is a reference to the 2001 adult visual novel, "さよならを教えて~Comment te Dire Adieu~" ("Teach Me Goodbye: How to Say Goodbye to You").
  • Ame receives 999 followers after her first stream instead of receiving 1,000 followers like she normally does.
  • Though the game warns of the player not being "able to return" if they choose to initiate the ending, there are no long-term consequences in terms of gameplay. The player is able to close the game and start it up again with no additional effects. The save slot pop-up may be warning the player that they literally cannot return to the Main Menu screen within the ending itself, or it may be a fake warning in an attempt to scare the player. Alternatively, the wording may only apply in a narrative or emotional sense, in the sense that this new ending reveals P-chan is fake, therefore meaning that Ame or the player cannot "return" to the prior false assumption that P-chan is real or has the capacity to help Ame.