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Magicals is the replacement for the Medication option for the Switch Port of NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD, likely because of censorship preventing the depiction of actual drugs. Its function is identical to its PC version counterpart. Making Ame-chan take Magicals relieves her Stress, but overdosing on them raises her Darkness and Impact.

Action effects

Moderate: -1 stress, -1 darkness

The following all take 2 time slots:


Magical Macarons (Depaz equivalent)

Macarons are available at the very beginning of the game.

Effects for overdosing on Magical Macarons
Stress Darkness Impact
<20 Darkness -12 +6 +1
20-39 Darkness -4 +6 +1
40-59 Darkness -2 +6 +1
60+ Darkness -1 +6 +1

Magical Cookies

Cookies are unlocked at 20 Mental Darkness. (Dylsem equivalent)

Effects for overdosing on Magical Cookies
Stress Darkness Impact
<40 Darkness -12 +6 +1
40-59 darkness -4 +6 +1
60+ darkness -2 +6 +1

Magical Cake (Embian equivalent)

Cake is unlocked at 40 Mental Darkness.

Effects for overdosing on Magical Cake
Stress Darkness Impact
<60 darkness -12 +6 +1
60+ darkness -4 +6 +1

Magical Cigarettes (Magic grass equivalent)

Magical Cigarettes is unlocked at 60 Mental Darkness. There is no regular dose for Magical Cigarettes, and any consumption of magical cigarettes will yield the additional effects as if it was an overdose at lower tier medication.

Effects for taking Magical Cigarettes
Stress Darkness Impact
<80 darkness -18 +8 +1
80+ darkness -12 +8 +1

Magical Candy (Magic Paper equivalent)

Magical Candy is unlocked at 80 mental darkness. Similar to Magical Cigarettes, any usage of Magical Candy will yield the following effects:

Effect for taking Magical Candy
Stress Darkness Impact
Any darkness -18 +8 +1

The first 4 uses unlock diaries. If Conspiracy Theories 5 has been done, starts the Welcome To My Religion ending.

The fifth use ends the game instantly at the Rainbow Girl ending.

Stream Unlocks

  • Breakdown Stream 1 (FEELING GREAT): Overdose on Magical Macarons
  • Breakdown Stream 4 (Up and down): Overdose on Magical Cake
  • Breakdown Stream 5 (I AM LEGEND): Smoke Magical Cigarettes
  • Nerd Talk 4 (A “highly" recommended movie): Smoke Magical Cigarettes
  • Angel Explains 5 (Proof that god exists): Take Magical Candy
  • Conspiracy Theory 4 (I’ve seen the truth): Take Magical Candy
  • Conspiracy Theory 5 (The truth): Take Magical Candy

Post action tweeter dialogue

Magical Macarons/Cake (Moderate)

"took some magicals" -Ame


"I feel better after having some sweets😇 I'm going to keep doing my best on my streams so guys, give me all your love! Let's goooooooo!!!✨" -KAngel

"like eating myself bc im so sweet~ jk😂 i do feel better though so im gonna go get ready to stream!!!!" -Ame


"ejhghogshofgnlsjhgo;h;skfjg;" -KAngel

"ugh i took too many sweets and fucked up on main😢the anons are gonna jump on this so fasttt life is so hard🥺 but i kinda did this to myself so" -Ame


"Hey look I'm taking sweets..." -KAngel

i only took these magicals once today im so good!! though i guess only taking a moderate amount is like. bare minimum" -Ame


"how is taking these once per day enough??? it might fix my cold but not my emotions....... well if i take more i might get worse so ill be good and follow the instructions!" -Ame


"Suddenly felt like going on a night walk so I did. It was colder than I thought and I felt really... melancholic🥺 I kept thinking about how every single person out there is leading their own lives, just like you and me. It's a humbling thought."

"going for a night walk after taking magicals is actually kinda nice? theres usually too many people around during the day which makes me anxious but theres no one around at night and you can actually see the whole street this way. damn thats kinda deep" -Ame

Magical Macarons/Cake (G0!)

"someome hle pme i fell like im goign crazy my head hruts so fuckig n bad i want ot ukcukgin die hwy thje fuck was i born die die id ei" -Ame


"I'm in a really good mood today!!! Head empty no worries!!!! I'm gonna stream heaps for you guys!!!!! I wanna have a chat with all of you!!!!!!!!! Anyone up for a spontaneous stream??????!?!?!?!?! LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -KAngel

"that was too ott dumbass" -Ame


"Ahh I feel so warm... Wish I could stay like this forever............ Ah, I can see time itself..." -KAngel

"oops i went a little overboard... but i still seem coherent so its probably fine right ha ha ha... no i bet people can tell... i need to be more careful so i dont cause more trouble for p-chan🥺" -Ame


"haaaaaaah my brain feels so good rn i feel like its wrapped in a nice cold burrito im gonna melt aaaaaaaaa my brain s gonna leak out my earss" -Ame


"aaaaaa i feel like p-chan and i are melting into one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it feels sooo good i want to stay like this forever i dont wanna get off this high aaaaaaaaaa" -Ame


"If I walk along these neverending pipes, would I eventually reach the ocean?

I'm sort of out of it right now though, so I'd probably just fall over instead😢" -KAngel

"aaaaaaaaa i told myself i wouldnt go out by myself when im really high gdi what if i fell and hurt myself and p-chan isnt there to help me? (smacks myself) no more" -Ame

Magical Cookies (Moderate)

"My throat was feeling kinda sore but I took a little something-something for it so now it's all better!✨ I'm going to be speaking with my sweetest voice in the next stream, so get your best headphones ready💕" -KAngel

"lmao cant believe this stuff actually made me feel better and i only took a moderate amount

though i guess it was designed to help your throat...😶" -Ame


"It's so scary how you can get addicted to sweets if you take too many💦😱 I promise I'll be responsible, though! 🙆" -KAngel

"i used to pop those every day... would not recommend though the withdrawal symptoms are fucking awful" -Ame


"My tineline is so shinyyy whoa this blue SLAps all the words are floatin gkjsgggggg" -KAngel

"i swear i stuck to the recommended dose but i ended up accidentally going overboard anyway and posting weird shit on kangels account lol" -Ame


"I think I'm coming down with a cold... I'll be better soon so please give me some time! Sorry to worry you all😢" -KAngel

"all the commenters telling me to see a doctor are so annoying ugh its just a cold. all i need is some magical sweets and sleep" -Ame


"My skin is a mess… Make sure you all get enough sleep unlike me! I'm going to take some sweets to help with my skin and 🙏PRAY🙏 that it works!" -KAngel

"omfg once i took too many of these and it drove me crazy... i took a whole bunch at once and it made me itch all over. now i only take them in moderate amounts but yeah hahaha" -Ame


"bought some skincare thats been going around on tweeter and wow my skin is super clear now!!! sometimes the internet is good😊" -Ame

Magical Cookies (GO!)

"took some sweets i feel so floaty…… comfy……. goodnight" -KAngel

"i told myself i wouldnt go super overboard when p-chans around but oopsie~ it made my brain feel really good but now my body feels so sluggish... im never doing this again..." -Ame


"My timeline looks soooo nice today *O* Everyones tweets are so sparkly... I never knew they were so sparkly..." -KAngel

"aaagggjhdkjghskjfslkgjksjhglskdjghlsdjghlskdfnvkdnkj gl" -Ame


"Bleh, my throat isn't feeling too good...💦 Might be out of commission for a while😢 It shouldn't take too long to get better though, so I should be fine!" -KAngel

"fuck i did it again... my throat hurts and i cant stop coughing... how am i supposed to kiss p-chan like this!!" -Ame


"i feel cold all over and i feel like vomming... i know i should just stop doing this to myself but uughgh... p-chan stay with me........ 😢" -Ame


"Aaaah my head really hurts so no stream today... I feel like I'm exiting this plane of existence" -KAngel

"agh going wild on these is so bad but i love how they make me feel all floaty and hazy so i cant help but buy a shitload every time i go out... doesnt help that theyre sold everywhere... i know theres a lot more cons than pros but i cant help it..." -Ame

Magical Cigarettes

"Real talk but every day is like a dream when I can stream for you guys🎶

I'm so grateful for all the fans I have! You guys make every day amazing for me😊💗" -KAngel


"I love it when everyone gets along online☮️ Love y'all!" -KAngel

"💖" -Ame


"Wishing my fans and followers and haters all a good day~" -KAngel

"a good day today for my haters to go step in some dog shit💩💩" -Ame


"i feel so good rn i feel like all my stress just disappeared

this is the only time when im truly happy... everything about kangel is a lie" -Ame


"I'm not feeling very well today, so I'll be taking the day off💦 Sorry guys 🥺 I'll be better in no time, so don't worry too much!" -KAngel

"aaaaahh I feel so good

as if im gonna waste this time on streaming lmao im 8)" -Ame


"im having so much fun 8)" -Ame

Magical Candy

"when i close my eyes i can see patterns like the inside of a church or those mandala things... i feel like ive been transported to thailand or india... I feel like im closer to god...' -Ame


"is this what they call altered state of consciousness? am i dissociating? i feel like im not me, like im astral projecting and floating around in space... i think i just flew past buddha..." -Ame


"I see and know everything. Your favorite internet angel will be the solution to all your problems..." -KAngel"

"i have seen the akashic records. i know everything. i will solve the worlds problems. i will became a real angel and savior to all of mankind." -Ame


"I have become a real angel" -KAngel

"i am a real angel emitting pure radiance" -Ame


"Love" -KAngel

"i can see everything... i can see that we live in a simulation... the higher beings are watching my every move... we are being quantified by them... jk lol" -Ame


"Life is awesome!!! I feel like I can do anything!!! The world is made of rainbows!!!!!" -KAngel

"i never knew my room was this colorful... never knew the world could be so beautiful... how could i have been so ignorant i cant believe this..." -Ame