Welcome To My Religion

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Welcome To My Religion is one of the 27 endings in NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD. The player will receive an achievement of the same name after going through this ending.


To achieve this ending, you must complete five "Conspiracy theory" streams. You can do so by doing these streams:

  1. What if the government made you a nerd? (unlocked by going on social media)
  2. Only one government 30 years later? (Unlocked by playing video games)
  3. Beware the microchips (unlocked by video streaming + 10k? followers)
  4. I’ve seen the truth (unlocked by doing magic paper (mental darkness over 80 + 100k followers)
  5. The truth (unlocked by doing magic paper + 250k followers)

After the 5th stream do magic paper again and you should get the ending.


In this ending, KAngel streams "The truth" wearing angelic robes and apologizes, telling her stream that the world is ending. She promises she will guide all her nerds. She then compares wars of the past to people fighting on the internet and says that her plan to stop fighting is to reduce the population to 10%. It ends with KAngel saying, "Let there be! Peace on Earth!" and a crude drawing of KAngel and four followers behind her. The ending text box says, "She was not ready for the "truth" yet."


Idea get dialogue:

"...now i understand"

"p-chan... i have the answer to everything now"

"as i move between the internet and the imaginary, ive come to slowly remember my original mission"

"i want to save everyone on the internet. i want to save the internet, as it had saved me once upon a time, when it was my only refuge"

"this is just between you and me, but... i met god"

"i could channel him because im an angel and all"

"he told me that kangel is the only one capable of saving the internet from the chaos it has become"

"and im going to do it."

"dont worry about me! im not afraid of anything anymore. not with you and god by my side"

"i will bring light to the internet..."


"just a bit more... im so close to being able to save everyone..." -KAngel

"The Light" stream:

"Testing. Testing. Angel to Earth. Can you all hear me? You can, Right?"

"There's something I have to apologize for."

"The world will end very soon, but it took me much too long to realize. I'm sorry."

"But don't worry. I'll be here to guide you all. I promise."

"Hey, why do you think humans wage all these awful wars?"

"You guessed it. It's because this planet is overpopulated! And it's the same with the internet."

"It used to be a place where nerds could pass their time in peace, but with the advent of smartphones..."

"...the internet population has blown up, and now wherever you turn, people are fighting each other."

"That's just how things are, I guess, But what could we do about it?"

"You guessed it. We just have to reduce the amount of people here!"

"If we reduce the population to 10% of what it is now, then no one would fight. Peace... would flourish."

"I already have a plan of action ready. All I need now is for you all to come with me."

"Let there be! Peace on Earth!"
