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SMT is one of seven non-ending achievements in NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD.


When the player reaches Night of any Day with 100 mental darkness, the game will roll a number between 0 and 100. If the game rolls a 66, a cutscene will take place, yielding the player this achievement. If the player has achieved at least 16 endings, the game instead rolls a number between 0 and 20, triggering the achievement if a 6 is rolled.

With <16 endings earned, the player has a ~1% chance of obtaining SMT. With 16+ endings earned, the player has a ~5% chance instead. Therefore, it is recommended to only attempt this achievement when you have obtained at least 16 endings.


This achievement is often referred to as an ending achievement within the community of NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD. However, this achievement has no indicators of being an ending, conventional or otherwise. It has no representation on the Main Menu screen, which is a trait every other ending shares. It also lacks any ending pop-up text, a trait seen in almost every single ending. Finally, there are no endings which lack both of these traits, which would make SMT the single exception if it were an ending. These factors lend credence to the idea that SMT is only intended as an easter egg achievement.


The screen vibrates in an erratic manner as Ame-chan covers her face with her hands. Then, her webcam automatically goes into fullscreen mode, with a dark outline surrounding the edges of the screen as its vibrations intensify. Her webcam abruptly disappears, as a mostly dark screen takes over, with glitched pixels fragmenting the view of the game. The words “DELETE IMMEDIATELY” appear on-screen, one letter at a time; the view of the game once again changes, with the fragmented glitched pixels no longer obstructing the screen. Instead, the game's view changes to display a 3D black and blue wire frame, as the camera seemingly heads further into this vague plane. Pixel distortions are still subtly shown around the edge of the screen, but are far less prominent than before. Throughout all of this, "DELETE IMMEDIATELY" continues to type itself out for a total of twelve times. Then, the 3D plane suddenly shifts, bending and twisting itself while the camera appears to speed up. This view lasts for only a few seconds before the screen returns to AME's desktop, wherein the player will see several JINE notifications from Ame. Her notifications are rapid-fire, with “aAaAAaaaAaAAaaAAa” flooding the screen nonstop. Finally, the game abruptly restarts itself, taking the player back to the bootup sequence that leads into the Main Menu.


  • Several aspects of this achievement reference the Shin Megami Tensei series.
  • The description is a reference to a tagline for Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne: "Tokyo died... and I was given life."
  • The achievement title itself is also a reference to the Shin Megami Tensei series; SMT is an abbreviation of the series's title.
  • This achievement's cutscene references an urban legend about the SNES version of Shin Megami Tensei. The rumor in question claims that there is a small chance for the game's screen to fill with red text which reads, "すぐにけせ." This text is usually translated as, "Turn it off," but can also be translated to "Delete immediately," which matches the text shown in the SMT achievement cutscene.
  • The rumor itself has been debunked.
  • This is the only non-ending achievement that can be avoided if the player wishes to obtain every ending.
  • This and Blazing Hell are the only achievements that rely on RNG. Additionally, both achievements require mental darkness for their conditions to be met.
  • Unlike SMT, however, Blazing Hell has an element of control. If the player does not select the correct response, Blazing Hell will not trigger. SMT, however, will always trigger a cutscene once its RNG takes effect; this makes it the only RNG achievement that forcibly triggers itself once rolled.