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Internet is one of the categories of actions you can do to progress through the game and collect ideas for Streams. Most actions affect Ame-chan's Stress and Darkness stats.

Action effects

Social media

  • Daily Tweet (Social Media with <10k followers and <20 darkness): 1x followers multiplier, +2 stress, +1 Pre-Stream Alert
  • Vent on Main (Social Media with <10k followers and 20+ darkness, or 10k-99,999 followers and 40+ darkness): -4 stress, +3 darkness, +1 Pre-Stream Alert
  • Business Tweet (Social Media with 10k-99,999 followers and <40 darkness): 2x followers multiplier, +5 stress, +1 Pre-Stream Alert
  • Bash Others (Social Media with 10k-99,999 followers and 60+ darkness): -8 stress, +5 darkness
  • Muse (Social Media with 100k followers): 5x followers multiplier, +2 stress +1 Pre-Stream Alert
Icon desktop egosearch.png

Vanity Search: -2 affection, +1 darkness

Icon desktop movie.png

Video Streaming: -4 stress, +1 Cinephile


  • Search Opinions (/st/ with <40 darkness): +2 stress, +2 darkness, -2 affection
  • Go Undercover (/st/ with 40-59 darkness): +2 stress, +4 darkness, -2 affection
  • Stir shit (/st/ with 60+ darkness): -2 stress, +6 darkness, -2 affection
Icon desktop tinder.png

Dinder: (takes 2 time slots) -8 stress, +4 darkness, -10 affection, +1 Experience, +1 Communication

Stream Unlocks

Social media

Vanity Search

Video Streaming

  • Angel Explains 1 (What makes a nerd)
  • Nerd Talk 1 (A girls idols journey! (In a kids anime))
  • Sponsorship 2 (Get ready with me! #ad)
  • Sexy Stream 3 (Me eating ice cream)
  • Kangel Tries Stuff 3 (Singing until my throat shrivels up!)
  • ASMR 4 (7 minutes in heaven with kangel)
  • Conspiracy Theory 3 (Beware the microchips)
  • Nerd Talk 5 (My favorite anime director)


  • Netlore 1 (A mysterious figure in my stream…)
  • Chat & Chill 2 (My secret dark past)
  • Netlore 2 (A message from the future)
  • Netlore 5 (KAngel)


  • Kangel tries Stuff 4 (I tried online dating?!)
  • ASMR 5 (Cucked)

Post action tweeter dialogue

Social media (Daily tweet)

"Someone I met for the first time today told me "you look like you would be really into underground male idols" ...Do I really??Icon emoji s 5.png" -Kangel

"i dont need to get into underground idols when i have p-chan!! though if i didnt id probably get really deep into underground idols and hosts........" -Ame


"Wanted to buy myself a super comfy couch but if I did I think I would never leave it... I think I would turn into a blobIcon emoji s 39.png" -Kangel


"Went for a really long walk around my house todayIcon emoji s 57.png My legs feel like tree trunks now... but it's fine because I burnt a lot of calories!!!" -Kangel

"took some pills that boost concentration but i got too hyper and ended up walking around outside for hours... cant believe they actually prescribe this stuff..." -Ame


"Going to ban myself from eating any food after 9pm!!! Icon emoji s 48.png Swearing that oath right here right now!!! If I break it I'll quit the internet forever!!! Icon emoji s 21.png" -Kangel

"sike i actually had some chocolate lol. but snacks arent really food so that doesnt count" -Ame

Social media (Vent on main)

"I've been putting a lot of energy into streaming every day so I might have to take a bit of a break... I've been straining myself too much and my shoulders really hurt. I'll take some medication for it and just relax for a while." -Kangel

"i take these pills to get high but as a bonus they help me with shoulder pain?? nice

on another note im kinda running out of ideas for streams which sucks but its times like this i need to try harder to build my following!" -Ame


"You guys have been so good in the chat recently! Icon emoji s 21.png I get really sad when I see people fighting in there... Don't make me have to warn you guys at the beginning of every stream! Please also help me by telling off anyone that starts to act out~ Love and peace to all!Icon emoji s 56.png" -Kangel

"stop telling me what to do if youre not gonna pay up lol. fuck love and peace i want money and cold hard cash" -Ame


"Feels like everyone's a little on edge recently... is it because of something I did? Also, please remember that streamers are people too and that we can be hurting on the other side of the screen Icon emoji s 21.png

Please be a bit more considerate. You guys can do that for me, right?" -Kangel

"oops i think i fed the fans too much. getting that depression/fanservice balance right is really hard. i should go talk to p-chan about it sometime" -Ame


"I've been getting a lot of hate recently and TBH it's really draining... Icon emoji s 21.png I might need to take a bit of a break from streaming, sorry guys...Icon emoji s 5.png When I'm back, I'll be better and stronger!" -Kangel

"i hope all the haters fucking die i bet yall are broke jobless virgins that no one would touch with a ten foot poleIcon emoji s 20.png where do you get off bullying a girl online you fuckheadsIcon emoji s 3.png" -Ame


"am i actually cute...? all my fans say i am and im like def two times cuter than average... or even three times cuter... but man i hate my face sometimes" -Ame


"I hope you guys are having a good day! I'm super pumped because I've been up since early to prepare for the next stream, and I know you adorable fans will love what I have planned! Stay tunedIcon emoji s 37.png" -Kangel

"everything i said on kangels acc is a liiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i havent got anything ready fuuuuuuuucccckkkkk" -Ame


"There are a bunch of people out there who keep calling me ugly... Why do you do this? You've made this internet angel very sad... Icon emoji s 21.png" -Kangel

"UGLY? ME??????" -Ame

Social media (Business tweet)

“I’ve been getting a lot of new followers recently so, hey there! I’m Icon emoji s 57.pngOMGKawaiiAngelIcon emoji s 57.png but you can call me KAngel!!!! My best feature is my faceIcon emoji s 42.pngIcon emoji s 18.png I stream now and then every week so I hope you’ll all stay for the fun!!!” -Kangel

””what are your strengths” im cute “what are your weaknesses” im TOO cute” -Ame


“I’ll be sending out lots of love to everyone here as always~ Icon emoji s 37.pngIcon emoji s 37.pngIcon emoji s 37.png” -Kangel

”cant be bothered putting effort into my postssssss im going back to bed. byeeee” -Ame


“Hiii it’s your internet angel and savior KAngel!! Icon emoji s 57.png Let’s get this bread!! And don’t forget to smile!!! Icon emoji s 42.png” -Kangel

”i took a whole bunch of sleeping pills last night coz i couldnt sleep but now im super sleepy and my head hurts… i feel like absolute shit…” -Ame


“You there! Yes, you! The one that’s always supporting me! I love youIcon emoji s 12.png” -Kangel

”damn maybe the nerds that watch my streams are actually good sometimes………” -Ame


“I love you all! MwahIcon emoji s 43.png” -Kangel

”cant believe people got so excited over such a short post… theyre so simple. but its important to be able to enjoy the simple things in life. people who can do so are a thousand times more awesome than i could ever be” -Ame


“I love everyone who watches my streams! Yes, you! Doesn’t matter what age or gender you are, I love youIcon emoji s 36.png” -Kangel

”not the haters though fuck them lmao” -Ame


“Hey, can I ask you guys something? Am I cute today? Like always?Icon emoji s 21.png” -Kangel

”im gonna kill anyone who doesnt say im cute” -Ame


“To all my followers: I love youIcon emoji s 36.png” -Kangel

”i love my fans… as long as they give me money and validation. cant blame me coz their love only lasts until the next wave of hate rolls in anyway. thats just how things are” -Ame


“To all the geeks and nerds out there who curse themselves for having no friends! I won’t stop you from wallowing in your own sadness, but don’t forget that the internet angel always has you in her heart!” -Kangel

”ugh i dont want to see the nerds complaining about dumb things again… maybe i should dona stream and cheer them up first” -Ame


“I’ve got heaps of streams and fun stuff planned for the future so make sure you subscribe to my channel! Icon emoji s 17.png Though I probably don’t need to remind you guys because how can you not subscribe to me when I’m this cute? Icon emoji s 50.pngIcon emoji s 50.pngIcon emoji s 50.png” -Kangel

”why wont people subscribe i ask nicely!!!!!” -Ame


“Good morningIcon emoji s 4.png And good luck to everyone who has work or school! I’ll be watching over you all~“ -Kangel

”work and school are both so useless, just quit everything and dedicate all your time to me” -Ame


“I’ve been gone the whole day practicing… Were you guys worried about me?Icon emoji s 21.png Don’t worry, it’s for the next special thing I have panned for you all! It’s veeery very exciting, so lemme hear you make some noise in the replies!” -Kangel

”all ive been doing today is roll around in bed though lol” -Ame

Social media (Bash others)

“Praying for world peaceIcon emoji s 18.png“ -Kangel

”stupid streamer slut fuck offfffff you flirt too much stop whoring it up so much. people only follow you coz you show a lot of skin not coz youre cute or anything i hope you get banned!!!!!!!!” -Ame


“why is this girl trying to be kangel 2.0 wtf? the stuff she wears in her selfies and the way she captions her photos is exactly the same… but its fine im way cuter so all shes doing is making me look even better by being the ugly one. thank u god for making me so adorable” -Ame


“LOOK AT THE SHOOP OK THIS SELFIE LMAAAOOO the background is all warped im crying. goblin-ass face. thanks for the laughs though i hate you less now xoxo” -Ame


“went to hatewatch a stream to get material to flame them for but now im just pissed off AAAGGHH. why would people watch that shit and not my streams i dont get it!!!! people have trash taste!!!” -Ame

Social media (Muse)

“I love you all

It’s true. I love all the denizens of the internet equally. But there is one little thing that I have been keeping from all of you. I’ll tell you all what it is when the time is right, but for now, it shall remain my little secret.” -Kangel

”i cant decide if i love p-chan more of if i love the fans who have supported me all this way more…. i love both a lot but if i really had to pick one, id probably pick you” -Ame


“I’m having the time of my life right now on the internet. All of you are here with me, smiling and laughing whenever I speak. Even if i disappear one day, please never forget that I existed… that the internet angel existed in this moment” -Kangel

”if people forget about me ill cry…” -Ame


“Within me is a small galaxy, and millions of beautiful, twinkling stars. I shower upon the internet with my beautiful stars, but my galaxy may fall apart one day, so I hope you’ll gaze upon the stars while you still can.” -Kangel

”the reason why kangel is able to shine as brightly as she does is because ive already waded through so much shit to cobble together whatevee good i can find to create her. i want to shine as brightly as i can through her before i eventually fall to pieces” -Ame


“Fret not, for I shall lift the sorrows from your shoulders. Let your mind relax. Turn your phone off, crawl into the warm comfort of your bed, and come and see me in your dreams. Fill yourself with energy for a brighter tomorrow.” -Kangel

”why are people online always up in arms or annoyed about one thing or another… i cant stand it. im gonna do something about it” -Ame


“If I ever leave the internet, I’ll just go from an internet angel to a regular angel… a real angel that has left cyberspace and ascended to Heaven. What would happen to the internet if I left it? Maybe that was the path I was always destined to walk through.” -Kangel

”can any of us really quit the internet though? we all have the choice to. dont forget that” -Ame


“Nights are unforgiving… It’s the time your brain loooves to remember all the terrible things that happened to you and turn itself into mush. When the going gets tough, just open one of my videos. I’ll always be with you, right here in your device. Smile, because you’re not alone.” -Kangel

”no one wants to see you grown ass losers crying or whatever. cheer up already geez…” -Ame


“Can anything last forever? People say beauty exists because there is decay, but is that really the case? I want to be the one thing that lasts forever in your life, so always keep me in your thoughts. That way, I can be with you anywhere, at any time…” -Kangel

”nothing lasts forever. not on the internet, at least. no matter how big you get as a streamer, you only hit your peak once, and then everyone forgets about you. but what matters more now is that at this very moment, there are people out there who like me” -Ame


“I want to be the cyber beacon of hope that everyone can feel safe returning to. My wings shall heal you of all the impurities of the real world. However, the day will come when they will be so tainted they will no longer be able to fly, and I will plummet to the earth below.” -Kangel

”im grateful that so many people watch my streams but on the other hand its also kind of sad that theyre relying on a random girl on the internet for emotional support… but also they must be in a really tough spot if they need me like this…” -Ame


“Let me tell you about a reoccurring dream I have: everyone realizes my whole existence was all a lie, then everything runs red with blood. I feel this is not just a dream, but a premonition. Everything I’ve built up, brick by brick, will come crashing down by my own hand.” -Kangel

“the more fans i get the more i think like what if i ruined it all that. would p-chan still love me? would you still hold me even when im broken?” -Ame


“My biggest fear is being ignored. I am a mechanical angel powered by digital input, so if no one gives me input, I will fall apart and plummet to the depths of cyberspace. Surrounded only by the cold and malice, I will surely turn into a corrupt, fallen angel.” -Kangel

”if kangels an angel then i must be the corrupt demon tricking everyone from the other side of the camera. i guess its true that demons have a more angelic smile than real angels do” -Ame


“I exist here as an angel, surrounded by devout fans. If this is a dream, then I pray to never wake. Let me live buried in this blissful slumber, forever” -Kangel

”ive been thinking about how this “internet angel” persona was born from the perfection ive always been subconsciously aspiring for, like shes the embodiment of my ideal self. i think ive always wished that i could be someones angel” -Ame

Vanity search

“Did a little vanity searching and found out that one of my favorite artists was talking about my channel aaaa I’m so happy!!! Icon emoji s 57.pngIcon emoji s 57.png I’m so glad I never gave up on streamingIcon emoji s 38.png” -Kangel

”gonna suck up to them so hard in dms so theyll draw fanart of me lmao” -Ame


“LRT “KAngel is so cute! If she makes any merch I’d buy it so quickly!”

It’s me, the super adorable OMGKawaiiAngel~ Icon emoji s 57.pngIcon emoji s 35.png Thank you so much!

I promise I’ll make some merch! Should I make shirts? Charms? Let me know what you would buy! Icon emoji s 42.png” -Kangel

”ahhhhh i wanna make more money but making merch is such a pain… also worried ill end up with a bunch of stuff that doesnt sell;;” -Ame


“You can say whatever you want, but you can’t stop me. I’m doing this because I like it, not because I want male attentionIcon emoji s 10.pngIcon emoji s 3.png” -Kangel

”can these maleoids keep their mouths shut jesus christ theyre all so stupid” -Ame


“If you’ve got some nice messages for me, make sure you tag them with #internetangel Icon emoji s 57.png I’ll be sure to look through all of them!!! Icon emoji s 36.png” -Kangel

”i Need to see every single post thats saying good stuff about me im going to print them all out and frame them” -Ame


“All right guys, after me! “KAngel can see all of your posts~!” \KAngel can see all of our posts~!/“ -Kangel

”i mute all my haters though lmao” -Ame

Video streaming

"Variety TV show are really good inspiration for my streams! If there's anything you guys would like me to do, let me know in the replies and maybe I could do something that we could all have fun withIcon emoji s 41.pngIcon emoji s 25.png" -Kangel

"tv producers and editors are really on another level... well i guess thats why theyre paid to do tv and not me ill keep doing my best though!" -Ame


"There's been a lot of depressing videos going around recently...Icon emoji s 21.png If things get too much to bear, you're always welcome to pop by one of my streams. I always try to make it a bright and fun place that everyone can take comfort in when the real world gets too hardIcon emoji s 38.png" -Kangel

"behind every cheery stream is my blood sweat and tears and also me getting high off my ass" -Ame


"Watched Shin Godziller! Seeing Tokyo get destroyed like in the movie was scary;; But the area around my house was totally fine! Thank you for sparing me GodzillerIcon emoji s 42.pngIcon emoji s 18.png" -Kangel

"character development is when you go from wanting to be a superhero as a kid to wanting to become the monster they fight so you can destroy buildings and stuff" -Ame


"I've been streaming a lot of anime by myself recently! Let me know in the replies if you have any recommendationsIcon emoji s 2.png" -Kangel

"lying around with p-chan and watching late night anime is probably my fav thing ever hehe" -Ame


"Watching a history program on TV RN, I can feel my brain expanding! BTW stan Zhou YuIcon emoji s 57.png" -Kangel

"i was such an insufferable history nerd in middle school ugh dont look at me..." -Ame


"whenever i watch other female streamers i get mad that theyre pandering too much but when they watch me they probably feel the same way. whatever we going to the same hell anyway" -Ame


"I really like romance movies... They make me want to fall in love myselfIcon emoji s 57.png When will I get my meet cuteIcon emoji s 21.png" -Kangel

"romcoms are kinda dumb so id never go watch one in an actual cinema but watching them with p-chan is actually kinda fun? i think i wouldve liked them unironically in middle school... Icon emoji s 21.png ah to be young againIcon emoji s 39.png" -Ame


"the actors in riders are so hot im whewIcon emoji s 18.pngthey should just not transform imo👀 maybe i should post that on kangels account for some ControversyIcon emoji s 19.png" -Ame


"p-chan got SUPER into shark movies and wont stop renting them... if i have to watch another shark movie ill be swimming with them soon i s2g (jk anything for p-chanIcon emoji s 39.png)" -Ame


"Lost in oblivion. Dark and silent and complete I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom." -Kangel

"watched a movie about a secret club for fighting that you should definitely never talk about! it was sooo good! i started smacking p-chan as a joke but p-chan thought i was giving a free back massage lol" -Ame


"you ever like think about if you should grab onto your SO during a horror movie for jokes and then when you actually do it they think youre actually scared and theyre all like "this isnt even that scary wtf" (cries)" -Ame


"we were watching a romance movie and when a sex scene came up p-chan got embarrassed and looked away even though we fuck all the time lol shy p-chan is cute!! not me though i watched the whole thing lmao👀" -Ame


"i like watching pack openings but its not exactly exciting when a rich streamer does it... i only like watching the poorer streamers pull cards bc the stakes are higher... but then the interesting ones become popular then they become rich so. its tough finding good content" -Ame


"i love digging for old commercials online, especially ones from before the internet era coz everyone looks like theyre having so much fun without the internet... like i cant even imagine ill go berserk if you tell me to stop using my phone for an hour" -Ame


"Watched a horror movie and now I can't sleep;; Help;;" -Kangel

"watched a scary movieIcon emoji s 21.png it was dark n there was a lot of water... like the title literally says but wow j-horror is really good at building suspense? i like jumpscares but this hits different. should i do a jumpscare stream lol ill just start screaming in the middle of a game" -Ame


"i didnt really go to school so i learned a lot of my history from metube... i really like watching in-depth videos... and id rather get my education from videos with cute avatars and cool animations than the stupid arrogant adults that masquerade as educators in schools" -Ame


"men: Icon emoji s 65.png

men covered in blood and gunpowder: Icon emoji s 32.png

yall know what im talking about right?? i wanna jump in guns ablazing like an action movie hero too!! desperado lets gooooo" -Ame


"There's a program online right now about the police arresting a bunch of drug addicts!!!! It's a lot... It's kind of scary to watchIcon emoji s 5.png" -Kangel

"dont smoke too much weed ok!!!!!!! pinky promise me!!!Icon emoji s 17.png" -Ame


"i see a lot of videos of girls playing instruments in low cut tops or sticking their asses out while cooking and they get a lot of views but when you look at their old content they dont do any of that pandery stuff..." -Ame

/st/ (Search opinions)

"got put in S tier for someones "ranking streamers by their looks" video good job me~" -Ame


"Went out for yakiniku todayIcon emoji s 78.png#foodporn" -Kangel

"the haters are calling me an ugly cow and its like... if i really were an ugly cow do you think id have as many followers as i do? lmaooo todays yakiniku was delicious but the tears of these haters come pretty close tooIcon emoji s 42.pngIcon emoji s 18.png" -Ame


"my last stream was a total flop so everyones probably bashing me right now!!! ill need to get p-chan to look at /st/ for me... im too scared to look myself!!! praying that theyre only bashing me a regular amount!!!!" -Ame


"Oh my god, I just found out that an author I've liked ever since I was a kid watches my streams! This is like a dream come true!!!Icon emoji s 16.pngIcon emoji s 57.pngIt's moments like these that make me so glad that I started streaming~" -Kangel

"im happy that one of my favorite authors messaged me but when i replied he was like do you want to video call sometime? the disappointment i felt when i found out that my childhood idol is a thirsty simp... men amirite" -Ame


"Kind of going through it so no stream today. sorry!!Icon emoji s 45.pngI'm going to take some time off for my mental health but I'll be back soon!" -Kangel

"this girl i used to be friends with blocked me and is now shittalking me all over /st/ (theres a bunch of posts with information that only she knows)??!?! whyy.............

thats my entire week ruined... im gonna go eat some ice cream.. Icon emoji s 45.png" -Ame


"Thank you all so much for the support! It's really interesting seeing what people of all ages and gender think of my streams. My streams are for anyone and everyone to enjoy so I hope you'll all continue to support meIcon emoji s 42.pngIcon emoji s 57.png" -Kangel

"my comments are always a lawless wasteland so i have to keep going in and deleting shit... but even though the work is hard, its all worth it in the end!

as if lmao can these kids fuck off if theyre just gonna come and start shitIcon emoji s 3.png" -Ame

/st/ (Go undercover)

"telling people online to not look at kangel sexually" -Ame


"someone else replied to one of my undercover posts like "i bet kangel wrote this" ??? how did they know... i know i should just like not respond but did they think it was me because i have such a distinct and cute energy?Icon emoji s 42.png" -Ame


"Some people say some really awful things about me, but it's thanks to the support of my lovely fans that I can push past them. Sticks and stones!Icon emoji s 42.png" -Kangel

"really boutta snap and post all the haters posts on /st/ and let my fans roast them

im here busting my ass why do i have to take this shit from a bunch of shut ins that dont know shit about meIcon emoji s 3.png" -Ame


"KAngel will always be 100% pure of heart and unproblematic! You can rest easy stanning meIcon emoji s 36.png" -Kangel

"KAngel's awesome. I think she has what it takes to become one of the biggest streamers ever. aaaand hit send" -Ame


"some info that only a few people around me know got posted on /st/ again!??? whos being a snitch??? is it one of you guysIcon emoji s 45.png

ill just pretend to someone else and reply that the infos not true..." -Ame


"Haven't posted a selfie in a whileIcon emoji s 57.png Spare a like?Icon emoji s 36.png" -Kangel

"maybe i should post my best selfies anonymously to get more fans organically. gotta start with the smaller things~ the path to becoming a top streamer starts with going undercoverIcon emoji s 55.png" -Ame

/st/ (Stir shit)

"A drama free day is a good day! OMGkawaiiAngel will always be your guardian angel!!Icon emoji s 42.pngIcon emoji s 57.png" -Kangel

"this other streamer is totally ripping me off... her content and even the way she speaks is exactly the same as mine... i should post her onto /st/ and let everyone rip into her. im gonna get you bitch" -Ame


"stop getting in kangels way stupiddddd stupid stupid idiot!!!!! (breaths) ok i feel better after that flamefest on /st/... gonna spend the rest of the night cuddling with p-chan and recharging" -Ame


"I'm in a super good mood today!!! WHOO!!!!!!!" -Kangel

"a streamer ive never liked but never bothered to talk about is getting flamed to death rn LMAAOO i KNEW they were bad news. i am always correct and right about everything" -Ame


"Today was a really fun day for me! What happened is a secret thoughIcon emoji s 19.png Gonna start our next stream off with super hype vibes!!! Icon emoji s 38.png" -Kangel

"i was gonna go bash this stupid streamer but everyones already bashing the hell out of them HAHA karma always wins" -Ame


"shit i complained too much about the people i hate and now people are starting to suspect that "anon" is actually kangel... aaahhh posting anonymously online is scary in its own way" -Ame


"roasting stupid fans on /st/ is so funIcon emoji s 42.pngIcon emoji s 18.pngbest part of being a streamer lol. actually no getting super chat money is" -Ame


"I won't go into the details, but I had a pretty rough dayIcon emoji s 45.png Send me some nice things to cheer me up, please?" -Kangel

"oh my god i nearly got dragged to a hotelIcon emoji s 20.pngIcon emoji s 20.pngeven if p-chans been giving me the cold shoulder a lot recently id rather take that than these desperate old guys" -Ame


"Treasure every moment!" -Kangel

"p-chan hasnt been giving me any attention lately so ive been on dinder a lot... had a date with some old guy who was clearly only on dinder for hookups but i managed to get a good meal out of him before ditching himIcon emoji s 43.png" -Ame


"people on dinder are another breed they see that im cute and they immediately crawl out of the woodwork a hundred times faster than anyones ever done for my streams... they must not have gotten laid in a LONG time... kinda scary tbh lmao" -Ame


"apparently hooking up with random guys on the internet is a form of self-harm too? but i already have p-chan so having dinner is the most ill do with dinder guys! i wouldnt be opposed to holding hands for 100k yen though" -Ame


"met a guy that looks way hotter irl than his pictures? well hes not on my level so im gonna friendzone him but wow theres a lot about dinder i still dont know about huh..." -Ame


"Don't trust people you meet online so easily, especially if they want to meet you IRLIcon emoji s 48.pngIcon emoji s 48.png!! Promise me, ok?" -Kangel

"went on a dinder date on p-chan's suggestion and the other guy was a solid 7/10 and paid for my meal so now im likeIcon emoji s 50.png(its ok p-chan can see this hi p-chan)" -Ame

Tweeter replies

Note: these are dialogues that appear at the bottom of every tweet Kangel makes (the more followers you have the more that appear each time)

Example shown below


Any follower count

"Who goes online and calls themselves an angel of the internet? So cringe. Quit before you make a bigger fool of yourself."

"cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow"

"Angel my ass. You never EVER reply to me. You're a demon that steps all over her followers!!!"

"imagine being a grown ass woman and doing this shit online. i bet shes on drugs" (Steam exclusive)

"Aren't you a grown woman? How are you not embarrassed doing any of this shit? Are you high?" (Switch exclusive)

"My boyfriend would rather watch you than spend time with me I hope you die"

"You look cute today too, KAngel! Would you be up for a game sometime? I can teach you how to play mahjong and how to get better at FPS games."

"I know how you feel, KAngel. Everything sucks but I'm doing my best so I hope you can too. Hang in there."

"Goodnight my sweet angel... Tonight I will also pray that I can meet you someday. I love you."

"What a cow. Unfollowed."

"show us your tits slut" (Steam exclusive)

"Show tits slut" (Switch exclusive)

"I think you're working yourself too hard KAngel, I'm a bit worried about you. Make sure you eat plenty of greens and get enough sleep, all right? And don't forget to do a bit of exercise. My DMs are always open if things get too much to bear. Keep up the good work!"

"i be like kangels the best and go watch other streamers anyway lmao"

"You think you're all that just coz you're a 8/10. Get off your high horse."

"Bet you're ugly as hell without all that shoop and makeup. I can tell from your bone structure."

"Hey KAngel! Do you know what day it is today? ...It's the one month anniversary of my first KAngel stream!"

"I dropped by one of your streams the other day and saw that there was a lot you could improve on. Lots of stuff I would've done differently. I'll tell you what it was if you want, so DM me."

"I reply to you all the time, but do you even look at any of them? You should reply to your fans once in a while, you know. Don't forget that you're nothing without your fans."

"help me angel im so fucking high rn i think i i mightve taken too much" (Steam exclusive)

"img ogin crayz hlep me kangel polease hlep me" (Switch exclusive)

"stupid bitch"

"heard that kangel dropped out of middle school? shouldnt you be studying instead of being a metuber"

"Stop simping for this slut lmao bet she already has a boyfriend anyway. Go outside you dumb virgins."

"she's cute but everything else about her is trash"

"Hi KAngel, I'd love to have a chat with you. Do you mind if we exchange JINEs?"

"lemme smash"

"I'll admit you're cute, but you're way too arrogant. So you have a few followers, big deal. Cow."

"I pray to KAngel every night. She is my goddess."

"I saw her on my TL the other day but wtf does she even do?"

"I love you, KAngel. It's my birthday today, so I would really love it if you could send me a birthday message! I'll try harder in life if you do, so please?"

"She sucks so much at games. I'd rather kill myself than be on the same team as her."

"bet shes on drugs" (Steam exclusive)

"i know an addict when i see one" (Switch exclusive)

"I love you so much!!! I always think about you when I'm taking drugs" (Steam exclusive)

"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH KANGEL!!! i always think about you when im getting high!" (Switch exclusive)

"my angel..."

"im being committed today... i wish you could hold my hand through this..."

"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! ❤️❤️❤️"

"i never cut on days when kangel streams!!! im so good😇😇😇"

"I always get so uwu whenever you post🥺"

"Thanks for the stream!!! I hope you can get lots of rest until your next one!"

"i bought some kangel merch the other day! im gonna take it to school with me!!!"

"it's always so much fun watching you, my sweet angel. keep doing what you do"

"You are the only ray of hope for our shitty internet..."


"gonna start calling all of kangels tweeter posts angel feathers"

"found out that my irls at school also watch your stuff! im so glad we have more stuff to talk about now"

"I love you. Please take care of yourself!"


"You are truly the only person I love and will ever love. Please DM me so I can tell you more."

"everything you say is so(´_ゝ`)hrm"


"You're always so cute... I LOVE YOU..."

"can you plz come to my school and we can hang out I love you"

"I know you're out here trying your best but don't make us too worried, okay?"

"I wish you could be my mom, I hate my mom I don't want to see her ever again"

"Uh, why didn't I get a shoutout? I even gave you a Super Chat..."

"lets see how long you can stay relevant for"

"Hey KAngel, I'm going to start saving money so I can get a nose job to look just like yours!"

"Gave you 200k yen in super chats, you gave me 1085278634 courage"

"You seem like a girl who likes to get freaky. Am I right or am I right?" (Steam exclusive)

"You like ♥ right? I know you do." (Switch exclusive)

"You're such a beautiful young woman, KAngel. You remind me of my daughter. She hasn't called me in years."

"hey can you pick what high school i should go to for me? it's giving me so much anxiety"

"You're a self-proclaimed angel? Cringe. Demons are where it's at anyway."


"can you lend me 40k yen plzzzz i'll pay you back next month i swear"

"Found a girl I like more than you... Sorry"


"KAngel, I'm going to be a father next month so I'm going to start saving all my Super Chats for my daughter. Thanks for all the joy you've brought me."

"you don't look like you've worked a day in your life. you don't know how good you've got it."

"Yep just another day of being ignored by KAngel... you should really start respecting your fans more you know. Who knows what might happen if you don't?"

"I'm 7, is there anyone else here like me who likes KAngel?"

"Get off your high horse. You're nothing compared to the actual stars in the industry."

"Thank you KAngel, you are the only thing I get up and go to my shitty shithole office and do my soul-sucking garbage work for."

"i luv u"

"I know you ripped off my idea in a stream you did before... Like do you WANT to be sued?"

"um kangel can i tell you something um kangel um um i love you"

"I'd love to talk to more females who like KAngel and make some friends. DM me please!"

"Can you fuck off please I can't stop thinking about you and now I can't concentrate on my work!!!"

"you aint the only one who can 🙏BLESS🙏 lol 🙏BLESS🙏"

"Meh, bet no one's gonna remember her next year anyway."

"Why do you bother trying so hard we're all gonna die one day anyway"

"my mom got really angry at me after i used her card to give you superchats pay me back >:("

"You're not too bad, but my gf is probably cuter than you"


"youre single right, kangel? i mean im not in love with you or anything but im just curious. i think youre single. you are, right? i mean its fine if you arent. just curious i swear"

"Do you think it's ok to break up over text? It's a no from me."

"Engagement rings sure are expensive! But I bought one today! For me and you"



"You would be the perfect girlfriend... I'd love to have a girlfriend like you"

"you can just tell that she has nothing going on inside that head of hers. doubt she can even read"

"She's based for milking money from incels with her streams instead of becoming a wagecuck like the rest of us. I salute you, KAngel."

"a real life angel..."

"my dad also said he thinks KAngel is pretty!"

"can we meet at akiba tomorrow?"

"I made my boyfriend buy me a tablet so I can draw fanart of you, KAngel!"

"Client bought me a designer bag and I sold it so I could throw you superchats LOL"

"If you ever need a job, come talk to me. I've always got space for you... right here beside me."


"KAngel~ hehe just wanted to say your name :3"

"You like shooters? Play Epitome Legends with me sometime"

"I've postponed offing myself so many times just because of your streams, so thanks I guess"


"You know, your stream today made me realize... I think I'm in love with you for real, KAngel."

"Are you into girls? DM me~"

"wanna come to a maid cafe with me? i could cover your bill. up to 2000 yen."

"My shrink said I could stop my meds! It's all thanks to you, KAngel!"

"Aren't you tired of being nice to all these incel nerds? Don't you just want to go ape shitt?"

"Take a nap with me, pwease? 🥺"

"do an ASMR and make it fappable"

"Got my KAngel fix... bless..."

"Can I call you KAngie? *huff* *huff*"

"streaming is good and all, but don't you dare forget to rest too!!! (゚Д゚)"

"kangel so qt even my barcodes disappeared from how qt she is"

"Got "KANGEL BASED LMAO" tattooed on my arm"

"Dear KAngel, why are all humans so fucking stupid?"

"i just woke up!!!!!!! good morning!!!!!!!!!!"

"what do you spend our superchats on? stuff for your boyfriend?"

"you're gonna get even more popular"

"I lied and said that you were in my sister's grade at school I'm sorry;;;"

"Heeyyyy I really want to meet you... Can we?"

"hey smalltits lol"

"streaming 7.5/10

personality 4/10

voice 5/10

lewd 8.5/10

looks 10/10

thoughts? 🤔"

"My hand just moved by itself, and before I knew it I had given my SuperChat virginity to you..."

"You look just like me when I was a young lady...... I'm all old and wrinkly now though...... LOL!"

"I'm in my fifties now, but can an oldie like me still love you, my sweet angel? I don't know if I can hold myself back anymore"

"Look at you, all dolled up. You've never seen a day of hardship, have you?"

"You sure are stuck-up for someone who just happened to get popular by luck!"

Under 10k followers

"I haven't laughed at a stream in such a long time, lol. We just don't get streamers like you anymore. So many newbies don't know about the old streamers and its such a shame."

"I like your streams buuuut you should really work on your audio"

"WANT TO INCREASE YOUR FOLLOWERS FAST? Click here ---> http:///getfoll0w3rs~"

"lol another shallow bitch"

"what's this stuff about angels... what if she's recruiting for a cult"

"I've got tons of pointers on how to become a big streamer! I can tell you over JINE :P"

"You're so fucking ugly"

"whether you get famous or not is up to us, your fans, right? so show us your tits"

"All the cute girls end up ruining their careers when they start slutting it up with other men... You're not one of them, are you?"

"its not that easy to make it big as a streamer you know. i hope you know what youre getting into"

10k-100k followers

"watching your streams always makes me feel super motivated! im going to study lots and ace my exams!!!"

"My friends at school said they've never heard of you so I'm going to show them the light. I'm showing one of your videos at school next week!"


"I hope you're not one of those streamers that get a huge ego after blowing up a bit. You're still not that big in the grand scheme of things so stay humble ok?"

"reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me reply to me"

"my boyfriend said he thinks you're cuter than me wtf😭"

"Can you reply with something funny"

"Could we get a word from you about the falling rate of digital literacy among streamers nowadays?"

"Don't get too cocky just because you've hit a small milestone, this is where the real grind begins"

"Hey can I make one of your selfies my wallpaper?"

"Show us how you do your makeup"

"good job on your stream today kangel! you're so good at being a bimbo"

Over 100k followers

"you know... i just get this feeling that your career could probably continue even ten years after this. i think you have that talent"

"Lol you're getting a bit conceited just because your channel's grown a bit. You're gonna be either cancelled or forgotten soon enough."

"Can I get an autograph, KAngel? I reckon I could fetch a high price for it"


"aren't you getting a bit preachy now that you've gotten more followers? hypocrisy is such a turnoff."

"You do drugs?" (Steam exclusive)

"You take magicals?" (Switch exclusive)

"youre really good at communicating and im really glad that someone like you is streaming for us. this country is headed for a bright future"

"I need more funds for my cat's surgery😢😢😢 KAngel, could you please donate or help me spread the word?🥺"

"did you know that............ um................. i love you"

"I got rejected by my crush... but its fine. Now that I think about it she was nowhere as cute as you anyway so whatever"

"what mental health clinic do you go to"

"I want to off myself tomorrow do you know any painless methods?"

"I submitted 🙏BLESS🙏 to that viral catchphrases awards thing!"

"I started watching some of your videos coz I heard you were popular but um... To each their own, I guess? ^^;"

"My apologies, but I have been giving you Super Chats every day and I was hoping you would have read at least one by now, but nay. I cannot help but feel that you are perhaps avoiding me?"


"you really have a way with words... i can tell that you're actually really smart. just goes to show that school isn't everything!"

"Interested in real estate?"

"Ever since following you on tweeter my timeline has turned into heaven... Thank you my precious angel..."

Fanart replies

"KANGEL!!! I drew some fanart of you, could you please take a look?"

"my kangel fanart..."

"I drew an angel"


"drew a pic of the cutest girl~"

"I'm a huge fan! I drew some fanart of you, and I'd be super happy if you could take a look!"

"I love you! I draw pics of you every day!"

"you're so cute!"

"Take a look at the fanart I drew"

"um i drew some fanart for you... so um... yeah..."

Vanity search dialogue

General dialogue

Any follower count

"The only thing that's keeping me going right now are clips of KAngel's streams😩"


"tbh kangel is more like a devil than angel... but thats what i love about her😈😈😈"

"started watching kangel videos when i was with my gf and she started getting pissy and told me to "stop watching that whore"😂"

"Thank u KAngel for keeping us so well fed🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏"


"Just posted a new video✨ KAngel is seriously too cute!!! #kangelclips Link in replies!" "Fuck KAngel she never reads my DMs"

"KAngel is so cuuuute😍😍😍😍😍"

"sometimes you can see those silver pill package thingies on kangel's floor when she's streaming hahahaha" (Steam exclusive)

"sometimes you can see a bunch of sweets on kangel's floor when she's streaming hahahaha" (Switch exclusive)

"KAngel boyfriend reveal when👀"


"kangel is my waifu /smack"

"Who is OMGkawaiiAngel, also known as "KAngel"? Read all about her age, income, and if she has a secret boyfriend! See more on our website."

"KAngel is overrated lmao she panders way too much"

"i wish i were as cute as kangel my life would be so much easier -_-"

"Showed my plastic surgeon a picture of kangel and said make me look like her✌️🤪"

"KAngel I know you vanity search👀"

"I doubt kangel will be this popular for much longer tbh"

"KANGEL SHOULD QUIT METUBE ...and become my wife😏" "Whenever KAngel starts doing her little depression thing on stream I'm like... wow you're pretty AND you have tons of fans? Pick a struggle"

"Is KAngel actually that unfunny or am I just missing something"

"not to be that guy but kangel feels like a fake fan like she's just bandwagoning"

"A girl named KAngel has piqued my interest recently. Her channel has been growing consistently, but she has yet to experience a real business deal. I'd like to help her get a taste of what true success is like and teach her how it feels to look over society from the zenith." (Only when unlocking sponsorship 5)

Under 10k followers

"Catch me as one of the OG fans when KAngel really blows up... I'm always right about this kind of stuff..."

"Who's KAngel?"

"who tf is kangel some egirl?"

10k-100k followers

"OMG I just remembered when I went to get my nails done I showed a picture of KAngel as inspo and the lady doing my nails knew KAngel too!!!"

"cosplaying kangel to the con next week😊✨"

"Sooo I've been seeing artists who post KAngel fanart gain tons of followers🤔🤔🤔"

"Yo how does that kangel girl keep picking topics that I'm really interested in"

"another day at work another day of posting kangel propaganda in the work chat"

"So KAngel's the type to get excited in the middle of a stream and start rambling and talking really fast huh...


"KAngel's at the perfect amount of followers RN I don't want her to get any more popular pls😢"

"Hmm.... that KAngel streamer's not bad. She gets a pass."

100k+ followers

"Everyone and their mom seems to be a fan of KAngel these days. How long until they hop off the bandwagon tho🤔"

"not enough people get just how amazing kangel's sense for content is"

"I love KAngel... I've been a fan since the beginning... It's true..."

"I liked KAngel when she used to be more edgy"

Stream based dialogue

Note: some dialogues would be based off the last stream you did

"just found out about some streamer called kangel... guess i could give her an extra subscriber" (Chat & chill 1)

"I can totally picture KAngel as a Vocalbot elitist for knowing a bunch of obscure songs" (Chat & chill 2)

"KANGEL IM A DROPOUT TOO!!! DROPOUTS UNITEIcon emoji s 10.pngIcon emoji s 4.png" (Chat & chill 3)

"KANGEL NOTICE ME......... please reply to me....!!!!" (Chat & chill 4)

"Wouldn't be surprised if KAngel still has imaginary friends she seems not right in the head" (Chat & chill 5)

"KAngel's so cute when she's shy aaagh I wish I could kiss her" (Sexy stream 1)

"I made a compilation of KAngel's tit slips and got a good amount of ad money. thanks KAngel" (Sexy stream 2)

"just watched kangel's stream and uh... i gotta go to the bathroom real quick" (Sexy stream 3)

"kangel's been getting a lot bolder recently... what if she makes a justforfans in the future...?" (Sexy stream 4)

"hey kangel! stop pandering to the boomers you dont belong in the nursing home get out" (Letsplay 1)

"Gonna do a stakeout at Akiba every day now anyone wanna take bets on whether I meet KAngel or get arrested first?" (Letsplay 2)

"I matched with KAngel the other day if I see her again I'll kill her" (Letsplay 3)

"KAngel's rambling is so annoying I don't want her to be that kind of nerd ew" (Letsplay 4)

"Goodbye KAngel" (Letsplay 5)

"I could fall asleep to KAngel's not-podcast... Icon emoji s 68.png" (Angel explains 1)

"kangel sure knows what us nerds are interested in ^-^" (Angel explains 2)

"kangel's video essay streams are so interesting haha we should put her videos in school instead of textbooks" (Angel explains 3)

"i wish i could die with you, kangel" (Angel explains 4)

"KAngel... I saw God on the internet... He exists..." (Angel explains 5)

"Me and my kids love watching KAngel's videos!" (Nerd talk 1)

"does kangel have a PO box or something i wanna send her some cool kaiju figures that i think she'd like" (Nerd talk 2)

"You can tell that KAngel's one of THOSE girls from her taste in movies my dick soft" (Nerd talk 3)

"every time i see kangel i can't help but think that she's going to get arrested for drugs one day" (Nerd talk 4/Steam exclusive)

"every time i see kangel i can't help but think that she's going to get arrested for magicals one day" (Nerd talk 4/Switch exclusive)

"That KAngel girl has some pretty interesting opinions actually" (Nerd talk 5)


"Saw some KAngel haters for the first time today... Well I'm not that surprised considering she can be annoying as hell sometimes." (KAngel tries stuff 2)

"kangel's so good at singing wow" (KAngel tries stuff 3)


"I'll scream and cry like a little kid if it means KAngel will visit me I don't care" (KAngel tries stuff 5)

"sure conspiracy theories get good engagement but i feel like this is a slippery slope kangel probably shouldnt go down" (Conspiracy theories 1)

"KAngel's conspiracy theory talks are all baby stuff give us something more Sincerely, a conspiracy theory buff." (Conspiracy theories 2)

"kangel no thats taboo!!! run! run away!!!!" (Conspiracy theories 3)

"My darling KAngel doesn't seem like she's doing too well... I'm worried." (Conspiracy theories 4)


"KAngel was clearly high in her last stream... Please stay safe KAngel..." (Breakdown stream 1)

"kangel bringing her mental problems onto stream lol who wants to bully her into quitting with me?" (Breakdown stream 2)

"How dare KAngel take a break from streaming! She has to stream 24/7!!!" (Breakdown stream 3)

"if kangel actually threw up on stream she'd get memed on to death lol" (Breakdown stream 4)

"The thing KAngel was drinking looked so gross seriouslyIcon emoji s 39.png" (Sponsorship 1)

"kangel nooo you're never gonna get another sponsorship again lol" (Sponsorship 2)

"OMG kangel likes darkfights too... cheems" (Sponsorship 3)

"whew kangel figure preorders just closed... gets out my jar" (Sponsorship 4)

"KAngel's got a few screws loose but I bet her pussy ain'tIcon emoji s 72.png" (Sponsorship 5)

"Being able to sleep with KAngel has given me new meaning in life I will not kill myself at work today" (ASMR 1)

"Oh god my brain is leaking out of my ears (good) thank you KAngel... No more thoughts only KAngel" (ASMR 2)

"KAngel saying all these lewd words... Why does she know those words huh... Icon emoji s 65.pngSlut" (ASMR 3)

"thanks for the uuuuhhh massage i listen to this every time my back gets sore. yeah." (ASMR 4)

"Is it just me or did kangel sound a bit out of breath in today's stream... Maybe I'm just imagining things... I'm sure she's fine..." (ASMR 5)

"Congrats to KAngel on reaching 10,000! But this is where the real battle begins, so full steam ahead!" (Internet angel 1)

"oh kangel had no friends... me too... we could be friends..." (Internet angel 2)

"I want to know what drugs KAngel's taking!!!" (Internet angel 3/Steam exclusive)

"I want to know what sweets KAngel's taking!!!" (Internet angel 3/Switch exclusive)

"KAngel can you start talking about things that even us dropouts can understand thanks" (Internet angel 4)

"I LOVE KANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats on 1 million subscribers" (Internet angel 5)

"i hope kangel feels better soon :(" (Stress stream 1)

"KAngel joker moment lol" (Stress stream 2)

/st/ boards dialogue

Under 10k followers

"Anyone here know KAngel?"

"1: She's been my fav streamer recently"

"2: Second poster lol nice"

"3: who"

"4: kangle"

"5: What new streamer?"

"6: Miku ripoff lol"

"7: you mean OMGkawaiiAngel? I love her!"

"8: lol @ no one replying"

"9: Never heard of her lmao"

"10: Literally can't even tell who her content's for."


"Anyone here know KAngel?"

"1: Can we talk about KAngel? Her channel's really blown up recently."

"2: Why"

"3: Who"

"4: shes a super cute streamer"

"5: is she lewd tho"

"6: If I can fap to her I'll watch"

"7: She's so cute"

"8: when does she stream?"

"9: At least link us fucker"

"10: be grateful someones at least posting lol"


"Anyone here know KAngel?"

"1: Anyone know her?"

"2: I've heard of her"

"3: elaborate"

"4: is this what people are into these days"

"5: Oh I think my gf mentioned her last night"

"6: >>5 hi kangel"

"7: I see girls rting her occasionally"

"8: I'm a grown man so I don't care lol"

"9: I hope she gets more popular! She deserves it"

"10: Sounds like an attention whore"

10k-100k followers


"1: Congrats on getting monetized KAngel!!!"

"2: >>1 lol why are you so happy about that? so you can be her paypig?"

"3: Already? DAMN."

"4: I feel like she's been getting really good at streaming recently. Probably because she does it so often"

"5: anyone else put her streams on for background noise instead of music?"

"6: Her smile is so fucking cute when she gets superchats... I hope she gets tons more subscribers"

"7: She's just an attention whore who only cares about superchats. Wake up simps."

"8: She gets a little mentally crazy sometimes but that's what's cute about her"

"9: How does that even work?!"

"10: I love girls who are a little needy"



"1: Is she already monetized?! Dang, that was super fast."

"2: Didn't she just literally debut?"


"4: Having a cute face will get you anywhere"

"5: no one asked hater"

"6: i want to shower her with superchats..."

"7: >>6 Oh bitch me too... I'll help"

"8: I always give her advice in the comments. And I'm glad I did, because she seems to be getting bigger because she actually reads comments and takes my advice. So that means she's where she is because of me. Lol jk"

"9: Her letsplays are so much fun!"

"10: Email me for KAngel lewds"



"1: waaaaaait she's monetized already????"

"2: Looking forward to what she has planned in the future... Hope it's good"

"3: Every stream she does is so on point"

"4: >>3 Right? I wasn't too big on her at first but then I ended up enjoying her stuff a lot more than I thought I would."

"5: I'd throw more money at her if she gave us a little more fanservice"

"6: Ohh fuck I think I'm gonna fall for her fr... She's just too cute sorry not sorry"

"7: She doesn't look like the other stupid thots out there though... She looks smart."

"8: shes really good at the different kinds of fanservice she gives ngl"

"9: Want to punch my past self for not watching kangel earlier"


100k-500k followers

"Let's talk about KAngel the real angel on Earth"


"2: That means we'll be seeing more of KAngel! Yay!"

"3: Already? Must be a world record. KAngel nation stay winning"

"4: anyone wanna take bets on how many followers she can get to"

"5: Anyone else here get sad when their favs get too many followers?"

"6: I threw all my money at her and now I'm broke as fuck.."

"7: We can take her to even greater heights cmon lads"

"8: >>7 lmao"

"9: >>8 :/"

"10: i'm excited to see what she does in the future!"


"Let's talk about KAngel the real angel on Earth"

"1: Big things are happeniiiiing"

"2: I'm so glad she's still streaming"

"3: KAngel's streams are the only joy left in my life"

"4: Why do people keep saying BLESS or whatever on her stream?"

"5: >>4 because she's an angel duh"

"6: >>5 Oh ok"

"7: b e s t g i r l"

"8: While I was out today I heard a bunch of people talking about KAngel. Makes me happy that my goddess is getting the recognition she deserves."

"9: She's happy for it too I just know it"

"10: I hope so! I wonder if she looks at these threads?"


"Let's talk about KAngel the real angel on Earth"

"1: She said she was gonna do it and she did! Our KAngel is a lady of her word."

"2: and that's why she's the best"

"3: Now I can declare my love for KAngel! I LOVE YOU KANGEL"

"4: My friend recommended her to me the other day and it only took one stream for me to fall lol"

"5: What kind of stream would you guys like to see her do next?"

"6: >>5 A letsplay!"

"7: >>5 More call-ins plz"

"8: >>5 I want more depression streams lol... am I the only one who thinks she's cute when she does that?"

"9: >>5 Show us moar skin KAngel we deserve a little more for all the support we give"

"10: She doesn't have to whore herself out to get followers!!!"

500k+ followers

"Bow down to our internet angel"

"1: KAngel thread. STAY ON TOPIC PLEASE."

"2: shes practically a celebrity now"


"4: I always pray that every new day for KAngel will be better than the last"

"5: New religion where we worship KAngel when"

"6: I'd join. I'd give my life for her."

"7: Usually influencers as big as KAngel have a bunch of haters but I haven't seen any for her? Wow."

"8: There is no god, but there is KAngel..."

"9: I wonder if she looks at these threads?"

"10: Why the hell would she lol"


"Bow down to our internet angel"

"1: She has so many followers now... I've been watching her from the very beginning so I feel kind of proud"

"2: I love lounging around and watching KAngel's streams... theyre so comfy"

"3: What's so good about KAngel?"

"4: >>3 I would say her face but... everything about her is good!"

"5: >>3 Everything"

"6: >>3 She's sweet and she's cute. What's not to love?"

"7: What a stupid question. Everything about her is good. duh."

"8: Her follower count is going up as we're posting this thread wow"

"9: when's her next stream again?"

"10: She streams once a day but... but... that's not nearly enough!!!"


"Bow down to our internet angel"

"1: So angels do exist... wow..."

"2: The only use my eyeballs have now is to look at KAngel"

"3: She only cares about red superchats huh..."

"4: KAngel loves all of us loser virgin nerds... shes so kind... sobs"

"5: >>>4 I hope so..."

"6: Maybe I should get another job so I can throw more money at KAngel"

"7: Get on my level I work three jobs so I can throw red superchats at her"

"8: KAngel is the only thing in my life worth living for so please don't go KAngel"

"9: gonna kms is kangel ever quits"

"10: Same... I have no interesting living in a world without KAngel."

Late night tweets

Note: there is a low chance Kangel would make a tweet before going to the next day

"People can change."


"You guys are having a really rough time in life, huh? When you're online, things can seem especially overwhelmingly endless. But chin up, everyone! As long as you keep moving forward, you'll find me waiting for you as the internet angel!"


"Why do bad people exist? It makes me sad to remember that not everyone in this world is kind. I'll do my best to become a kinder person today, tomorrow, and every day after that to make up for all the wickedness in the world."


"The internet is a rose with razor sharp thorns that will prick you occasionally."


"I'm gonna get a huuuuuuge rest tonight, so if you see this post promise me you'll go to bed early and get lots of sleep! We'll see each other again tommorow filled with energy! Internet angel out"


  • The only time tweeter replies with fanart are shown is on the tweet KAngel makes after a internet angel stream
