(Un)happy End World

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(Un)happy End World is one of the 26 endings in NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD, represented by the 2nd ending slot in the Main Menu and GAME OVER screens. An achievement of the same name is unlocked upon experiencing the ending.


To achieve this ending, the player must reach Day 30 with 1,000,000+ followers and 80+ affection.
If Internet Angel 5: "The Internet Angel" has been streamed, the player must also have <80 mental darkness. Otherwise, another ending will be obtained instead.


On Day 30, Ame texts P-chan, congratulating them for having helped her in reaching 1,000,000 followers within the month. She then asks what will happen to KAngel, and what will become of her, before asking P-chan to watch her closely.

She then starts a stream as KAngel, celebrating the new mansion she's bought with her followers' donations. She thanks them for their support, stating that she hopes they'll continue to support her, before ending the stream cheerfully. She then goes on her public Tweeter account to give her followers a preview of her next upcoming stream topics, before texting P-chan on JINE, thanking them for their help, saying that the two of them should keep living their best life together.

The player is then abruptly taken to a list of Ame's followers, one of them containing an account titled, Abyss@fmPf1KVp6. Clicking on this account reveals that it is yet another private Tweeter account of Ame's, where she confesses that she was only pretending to be happy. She admits that thanking P-chan made her emotional, but that the current happiness she feels is too bland for her. She states that streaming for her fans does not make her happy, and that living with P-chan is boring. After this, the player is left no choice but to send a follow request. In response, Ame blocks P-chan from viewing her account.

Obtaining this ending will unlock a question mark icon in the Main Menu screen. Clicking on this icon will yield text from Ame's notes, serving as a hint for obtaining an alternate ending.


Day 30

Icon jine ame.png ehehe, we tried really hard in this month, huh?
Icon jine ame.png weve gotten so far without even realizing!
Icon jine ame.png great work, p-chan!
Icon jine ame.png what will happen to kangel after weve put all this effort?
Icon jine ame.png what will become of me?
Icon jine ame.png watch me closely, pchan
Hey cuties!
Look at this.
Surprise! Hehehe.
I finally bought! My very own fortress!
I won't tell you where it is though.
Buuut it's somewhere suuuuuuuuper nice!
And I couldn't have done it without all your help.
So thank you all!
I hope you'll all continue to love and support me!
Anyway, I'll see you all later!
Icon cho.png Thanks for tuning in guys!! Here's this week's schedule:
Tomorrow: Puppy reveal?
Day after: Spot the fake luxury brand!
After day after: Gonna buy all the toys I've ever wanted!!
Icon jine ame.png im happy, life is good, and its all thanks to you, p-chan. lets keep living our best life together!
Tweet selfie cho happy end.png
Icon ame ura.png dmed p-chan... guess pretending to be happy isnt too bad but...
Icon ame ura.png thanking p-chan made me kinda emotional
Icon ame ura.png this kind of happiness is... so bland, though
Icon ame ura.png streaming just to make my fans happy is such a drag
Icon ame ura.png living together with p-chan is so boring now

Profile Page

You have been blocked by this user.
Unable to view twits.

Ending Pop-up

An ordinary happiness may not have been what she wished for.


  • The ending description in the Japanese version, 毎晩寝具で遊戯するだけ ("Just playing in the bed every night"), is a reference to the song, 丸の内サディスティック ("Marunouchi Sadistic"), by 椎名林檎 (Shiina Ringo).
  • The ending description is a reference to the song Superstar by ToyBox.