Do You Love Me? (ending)

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Do You Love Me? is one of the 26 endings in NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD, represented by the 1st ending slot in the Main Menu and GAME OVER screens. An achievement of the same name is unlocked upon experiencing the ending.


To achieve this ending, the player must first stream Internet Angel 5: "The Internet Angel". This stream will require the player to have 1,000,000+ followers. Then, the player must reach Day 30 with 80+ affection and 80+ mental darkness.


A popular misconception is that (Un)happy End World and Happy End World both require <80 mental darkness to be achieved, regardless of the circumstances. However, this is only true if Internet Angel 5 has been streamed before. If the player reaches Day 30 with 80+ mental darkness but has not streamed Internet Angel 5, they will not obtain Do You Love Me?, and can proceed to earn one of the two previously mentioned endings without any issue. However, most players will naturally stream Internet Angel 5 upon reaching 1,000,000 followers, leading to the misconception that <80 mental darkness is always required in order to avoid obtaining Do You Love Me? by accident. This information might be useful for players seeking to quickly obtain the two other endings, as skipping Internet Angel 5 is not only an inherent time save, but also avoids the need to regulate Ame's mental darkness.


On Day 30, Ame texts P-chan, happy about the two of them reaching her desired follower count. However, she abruptly tells them that KAngel is capable of more. Then, she posts on her public Tweeter account, making posts as KAngel about her current state of happiness, bewildering her followers by making posts that speak of the "the world going round and round as it always does," how she believes the sun and sky are beautiful as though it was shining just for her, and how nature is celebrating "the internet angel's descent to the mortal realm." She then asks her followers to guess where she will go.

Then, she abruptly announces her current physical location, announcing her stream by attaching a selfie of herself, dressed in her KAngel outfit, near an amusement park. Her followers are still confused, but now more excited, as she continues to post selfies of herself; her next post openly states that she is riding a carousel with P-chan, making this the first time she has ever announced her romantic partner's identity to the public. Still confused, fans simply guess that this may be a collab stream. As she continues to make posts, she states that she wanted to take a selfie on a roller coaster, but refrained from doing so, since she is KAngel and she believes herself to be someone who would never do dangerous things. She then posts another selfie, showing herself smoking while relaxing on a bench, claiming that she is taking a break with P-chan. This leaves her followers with mixed reactions, some mocking her and some complimenting her. This is the first time that her followers guess she may have a romantic partner. She posts yet another selfie of herself on a ferris wheel, stating that it was shakier than the roller coaster. Her fans once again guess that she may have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and grow more skeptical of the reason behind this stream. She posts one final selfie of her kissing someone, seemingly P-chan, and has covered up her romantic partner's physical appearance with emojis, so as to hide their identity from the public. This final selfie leaves her followers in a flurry of mixed reactions; some followers praise her and celebrate the exciting, daring nature of her stream, while others react with shock and anger at the idea of their favorite streamer being taken. Additionally, many other followers are simply observing without much reaction, or are reporting on the situation from a purely neutral standpoint of someone who reports on viral trends.

The view then cuts to KAngel streaming while riding a ferris wheel, a view of the city and its night sky visible below her. As she receives super chats, she gleefully tells her fans how much fun she's had on Metube, and how lucky she feels. She then goes on to state that, while she feels good, she doesn't feel as though she's properly satisfied, and that she wants something more. She makes a plea to her followers, asking them to promise her that they won't forget tonight's stream, before also asking them not to forget about her. She then smiles in bliss, stating that she feels happy, before ending her stream with her usual catchphrase.

Her ferris wheel stream notably shares the same UI elements seen in other hallucinatory streams, suggesting it may have not actually taken place.


Day 30

Icon jine ame.png todays the 30th day...!
Icon jine ame.png we reached our goal of 1mil...
Icon jine ame.png and we also got to do a lot of fun things together
Icon jine ame.png but kangel is capable of more...
Icon cho.png I'm having so much fun right now! The world is going round and round as it always does, and I am simply spinning to the rhythm of it. I'm having such a good time!
Icon kusoripu20.png u ok?
Icon kusoripu20.png did something good happen today?
Icon kusoripu23.png did you break again? lol
Icon kusoripu32.png What happened? I'll hear you out
Icon cho.png The sun and sky are so bright and beautiful, like it was created just to shine down upon me. Nature is celebrating the internet angel's decent down to the mortal realm.
Icon kusoripu11.png It's still noon lol you don't know how to read a clock? lmao
Icon kusoripu9.png The planetarium maybe?
Icon kusoripu blue.png You seem like you're having a good time so I'm having a good time too
Icon kusoripu18.png I think you're even more bright and beautiful
Icon kusoripu26.png I heard that there's going to be a meteor shower on the weekend. I'd love to watch it with you... But I think I'd make the stars jealous because I'd be looking at you the whole time.
Icon cho.png Pop quiz! Where will KAngel go from here? I'll give you a hint: somewhere that's a lot of fun!
Icon kusoripu9.png love hotel
Icon kusoripu yellow.png go get therapy
Icon kusoripu11.png we doing standup now? ok im gonna guess uni
Icon kusoripu25.png I want to go to an aquarium with you! 😘 I know one that I can get us into for free 🤘
Icon cho.png Streaming outside RN
Tweet selfie cho grand end 001.png
Icon kusoripu20.png you seem like youre having fun
Icon kusoripu black.png be careful, ok?
Icon kusoripu black.png Just remembering that we both live under the same sky makes me really happy. Thanks for always being here for me, my angel.
Icon kusoripu26.png Are you at a theme park?
Icon kusoripu16.png Where's this?
Icon kusoripu black.png tweeter do your thing find her location
Icon kusoripu32.png looks kinda like that theme park in nerima ward...?
Icon kusoripu10.png no it doesnt fuck off
Icon cho.png I'm riding on the cutest little horsey RN with my P-chan!
Tweet selfie cho grand end 003.png
Icon kusoripu8.png Huh?
Icon kusoripu30.png Collab stream?
Icon kusoripu19.png I'm so jealous of whoever is there rn
Icon kusoripu25.png Kangel taking care not to put unconsenting randomers on stream... sasuga KAngel
Icon kusoripu10.png This.
Icon kusoripu24.png You, sir, have just earned a new follower.
Icon kusoripu8.png KAngel, the rising star streamer doing an amusement park stream? Who's she collabing with?? This is gonna go viral, I know it!
Icon cho.png Considered taking a selfie on a roller coaster but didn't in the end because that's dangerous! And KAngel is a good angel who never does dangerous things!
Icon kusoripu cyan.png where are you going kangel?? sob
Icon kusoripu28.png Everyone's pointing at her
Icon kusoripu pink.png I'm going to the amusement park RIGHT NOW
Icon kusoripu yellow.png Looking forward to you [sic] talk about it later! Followed.
Icon kusoripu21.png Sorry for popping out of nowhere but there's a thread about this on /st/ already
Icon kusoripu11.png wtf is this stream?
Icon cho.png Taking a short break with P-chan! I also want to say how happy I am that all of you came to see me. You guys really love me a lot, huh? I'm so happy...
Tweet selfie cho grand end 002.png
Icon kusoripu9.png an idol who smokes? lmao
Icon kusoripu19.png is that a joint
Icon kusoripu blue.png uhh no i think thats just a rolled cig
Icon kusoripu24.png no wonder shes so hyper all the time its coz of the weed lmao
Icon kusoripu blue.png you're so cute!
Icon kusoripu18.png Is she with someone?
Icon kusoripu yellow.png If she has a boyfriend, that'd just prove she'd been a demon all along
Icon kusoripu31.png haha blaze it
Icon kusoripu26.png #kangel #streamingnow
Icon kusoripu blue.png Let's get this to number one on trends #kangel
Icon kusoripu8.png is that you kangel? i can see you in front of me lol
Icon kusoripu8.png Trending on Tweeter: #kangel
Icon kusoripu25.png zawa zawa...
Icon kusoripu22.png KANGEL WAIT
Icon kusoripu32.png im ascending
Icon kusoripu11.png Are you signing on a talent agency and becoming an actual celebrity!? So cool!!
Icon cho.png Went on a Ferris wheel and it was super shaky! I think it might even be more scary than a roller coaster!!!
Tweet selfie cho grand end 004.png
Icon kusoripu23.png kangel where are you going??
Icon kusoripu30.png huh
Icon kusoripu15.png THE KAngel is holding a date stream? Whaaat?!
Icon kusoripu14.png I feel like this is the first time KAngel's actually genuinely smiled... I feel like my life has been a lie.
Icon kusoripu blue.png is she riding that with someone?
Icon kusoripu12.png fml
Icon kusoripu27.png The internet angel is trying to go out with a bang huh
Icon kusoripu black.png BF/GF REVEAL?
Icon kusoripu9.png my internet angel...
Icon cho.png
Tweet selfie cho grand end 006.png
Icon kusoripu orange.png super popular streamer kangel doing a partner reveal at an amusement park? and also weed?!
Icon kusoripu9.png kangel on a date? wtf??? #kangel #scandal
Icon kusoripu12.png I've always been a huge fan of KAngel but now I love her even more
Icon kusoripu28.png Of course a cute girl like KAngel would have someone in her life. I was stupid for believing otherwise.
Icon kusoripu yellow.png Hard being a fan of streamers when you can't tell what's a lie and what's not
Icon kusoripu9.png Hi, my name is Trent, I run a blog featuring viral content and I've added your twit to one of my posts. Thanks.
Icon kusoripu12.png this is gonna go viral
Icon kusoripu26.png Women are always looking for attention. I wrote an article for all women who want to be like KAngel (but are struggling) (ADULTS ONLY)
Icon kusoripu29.png I need some time to process this holy shit
Icon kusoripu10.png Oh this is LIT congrats KAngel!
Icon kusoripu22.png please untag me
Icon kusoripu cyan.png came to see why kangel was trending and uh holy shit
Icon kusoripu29.png KAngel streaming while she's on a date AND while she's high? Based
Icon kusoripu31.png kangel day today woohoo
Icon kusoripu29.png yo i gotta hop on this bandwagon
Icon kusoripu30.png She looks like this slut I was in middle school with lol. She had a crush on me but I pretended not to notice.
Icon kusoripu29.png nice blog post idiot
Icon kusoripu13.png Local popular streamer destroys her career for attention LMAOOOO
Icon kusoripu32.png Fake as hell lol. You all got baited.
Icon kusoripu28.png !?!?!?!
Icon kusoripu24.png knew kangel would do this someday
Icon kusoripu21.png you betrayed us all kangel
Icon kusoripu27.png no!!!!!!!!!!! tell me this aint true!!!!!
Icon kusoripu8.png que
Icon kusoripu23.png KANGEL YEAHHH
Icon kusoripu21.png Whatever happens I will always be a fan of KAngel and her face!
Icon kusoripu9.png #InternetAngel is now trending on Tweeter.
Icon kusoripu28.png /st/ is breaking over kangel looooool everyone go look at her thread
Icon kusoripu20.png Wow, this is my first time seeing KAngel. She's qt
I've had so much fun on Metube.
I feel extremely lucky to be surrounded by 1 million of you lovely fans.
It feels good, but... it's not enough.
And I want to feel something more...
Guys, can you all promise me that you won't forget tonight's stream?
And don't forget about me, either...
Aaaah, I feel so happy! 🙏BLESS!🙏

Ending Pop-up

Be careful of overdosing on emotion.


  • The ending title and description may be referencing I love love you from Jet Set Radio Future. The song features a call-and-response, wherein one person asks, "Do you love love me?" and the other responds, "I love love you."
  • This ending and DARK ANGEL have several parallels.
  • Both endings require streaming Internet Angel 5 in order to be unlocked. Additionally, both endings heavily center around a negative stat increase; this ending requires high mental darkness, whereas DARK ANGEL requires a high stress capacity.
  • Both endings are exclusive to each other. If Do You Love Me? is currently obtainable, DARK ANGEL cannot be obtained, and vice versa.
  • The song Do You Love Me?, named after this ending, is featured in both endings during the first half of their cutscene sequences.
