Angel Explains

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Angel Explains is one of the streaming topics you can do to gain more followers.

Stream ideas guide

For every 3rd stream of a specific topic you need 10k followers to unlock, for the 4th one you need 100k, then for the 5th stream you need 250k.

  1. What makes a nerd - Internet > Video streaming
  2. Schrodinger’s cutie - Hang Out > Spend time together
  3. The five minute hypothesis - Hang Out > Play game
  4. Why do people die? - Internet > Social media
  5. Proof that god exists - Medication > Magic Paper

Idea get dialogue

What makes a nerd

“i love videos where the person just has fun talking about what they like. even better if you learn something new from it”

“one of the best things about the internet is that theres so much weird info youd never learn at school floating around. not that i would really know what you learn at school bc i never really went!”

“i may be a stupid idiot with mental issues and a horrific academic record, but i still want to share all the things ive turned up researching the things im interested in!”

“im going to do a stream talking about things that i think my darling little nerds will like~”

“and to do that, i guess ill have to start at the very beginning with nerds themselves! and ive already done plenty of research on them. lets do this!!!”

Schrodinger’s cutie

“ahhh i love cuddling with you… i feel like a cozy little kittyEmoji heart red.png

“but anyway, speaking of cats… we gotta talk about schrodingers cat!”

“every nerd out theres heard of schrodingers cat. including me, of course. and i also did a bunch of research on it!”

“so i guess ill make that the topic of my next stream? meow meow meow”

The five minute hypothesis

“what if we actually lived in a simulation or a game…? i think if youve been online enough youve thought about this at least once”

“id hate to live in a dating sim”

“all ive got going for me is my face. no one would play my route”

“or id be an evil girlboss who gets arrested for something or other… thats pretty cool in its own way though”

“everyones had these kinds of fantasies before, right? maybe i could talk about it in my next stream”

Why do people die?

“what is the one thing that will happen to everyone no matter what?”

“thats right… its dying”

“no one can escape death. not you, not me”

“please live at least one day longer than me, though…”

Proof that god exists

“faith makes people strong. especially for the weak nerds out there”

“worshipping and praying to something holy is very important”

“its part of living a “virtuous” life, after all”

“i still remember when i would cower in the darkness of my room, and stare into space as the days drifted by”

“i would put my hands together and squeeze my eyes shut, thinking… what would it take for me to be saved?”

“and then my wish was granted the very next day. that was the day i met you. it was like god had brought the two of us together. thats why now, i am an angel that serves god”

“what do you believe in, p-chan? what keeps you going?”

Stream dialogue

What makes a nerd

“Hello, all the nerds out there watching my stream. I've been thinking, how do you define "nerd"?”

“I did a bit of research, and found a definition in a book that I like.”

“It says they're enthusiasts of subcultures like anime, or people who are passionate about hobbies ands stuff.”

“Some of them may immerse themselves in a fabricated world unreachable by others, and lack sociality…”

“I like that, I don't think sacrificing sociality for your passions is bad, despite waht other people think.”

“We all have zero sociality anyway, so don't sweat the small stuff and just live for whatever you like.”

“And you're all welcome to immerse yourselves in the fabricated world of my streams as much as you likeEmoji heart red.png

“They might be gross, but they still try their best to live despite that! And don't you forget it!”~ Reaction to “nerds are disgusting”

“Exactly. Because you can't escape my cuteness, can you?

We're all nerds, so we should get along with each other!”~ Reaction to “Does that mean I'm a nerd too?”

“Hehehe… I sure am, but as for what kind, you'll just have to find out for yourself by watching my streams.”~ Reaction to “are you a nerd too, kangel?”

Schrodinger’s cutie

“I bet I could guess waht thought experiment every nerd out there would like? It's Schrodinger's cat!”

“It basically talks about how when a cat is put in a box with some toxic gas.”

“There's a 50-50 chance that it could be either dead or alive before the box is opened.”

“As long as it's unopened and the cat is not observed, it's in a state where it is both alive and dead.”

“One act of observation can determine reality. That's how powerful seeing and knowing is. Scary, huh?”

“if there's someone you like or stan, don't get too attached.”

“Who knows what might happen if you observe a reality you wish you'd never seen?”

“Some things are just better left up in the air. Ignorance is bliss and all, right?”

“But it's fine! It's just a thought experiment, not a real one.

And poisoning cats and trapping them in boxes is bad! if I see anyone doing that, I'll punch them!”~ Reaction to “Poor kitty…”

“Sorry! Next time I'll just talk about some yummy macarons and nothing else, teehee.”~ Reaction to “I can't take these serious topics stop”

“Ahaha, you weren't listening at all, were you? You get an F!”~ Reaction to “I love cats!”

The five minute hypothesis

“What if the world were created only a mere five minutes ago?”

“All your memories would have been made up, and your past would be entirely fake…”

“It seems absurd, but…”

“No one can prove that it's not true.”

“Sometimes I think that the whole world could be just one big game.”

“Take the spaces you're not observing right now, for example. Like what's outside your room.”

“It's entirely possible that whatever's out there only loads when you step outside.”

“I think about that sometimes.”

“I'd like it if all of us seeing each other is, in fact, reality.”

“Aha. Who's the person on your screen right now, really?”

“That's right. Congrats! It's a dog eat dog world… And a living hell, so let's just all do our best.”~ Reaction to “I was born five minutes ago”

“Hahaha. If life were a game, then all you nerds must be playing on hard mode!”~ Reaction to “This whole world's a video game huh”

“Hmm… But I don't want to be conquered by nerds!”~ Reaction to “I want a game where instead of conquering a city or something we get to conquer kangel”

“Hehe. The internet sure is huge.”~ Reaction to “Your smile is so angelic…”

Why do people die?

“Hey cuties! What do you all think about death? Are you afraid of dying?”

“I am! Despite the fact that I want to die sometimes! But have you ever thought about why the living die?”

“It's because they need to evolve, so they live from generation to generation.”

“But that being the only reason is kind of sad. I want to find my own reasons to live and die myself.”

“If I happen to die one day… Please pass my stories down so the world can see that I lived.”

“I think having those stories to pass down is what it means to live. Emoji hand fold.pngBLESSEmoji hand fold.png

“I feel like maybe, the purpose of life is to become less afraid of death.”~ Reaction to “I don't wanna die!”

“You want to die? Can you at least give me all your life savings before you do?”~ Reaction to “well i want to die so yeah”

“Who knows? Even an angel could die if they lose hope in humanity.”~ Reaction to “Please don't die KAngel…”

“Good! Keep up the positivity that lets you want to live without others telling you to!”~ Reaction to “I WILL LIVE!!!”

“Not that I'm gonna die anytime soon! I still want to live!!!”

Proof that god exists

“I've got something really important to share with you guys! So listen close.”

“Do you believe in God? Well, since there's an angel right here, it must mean that God exists too, right?”

“And I mean, just look at how cute I am. If my face isn't a work of God, I don't know what is.”

“This means that I, KAngel, am proof that God exists.”

“Just like how humans built the internet, perhaps our world was built by God too.”

“I guess that's a logical explanation for why God must exist, but I prefer the argument from morality.”

“It's about how doing good earns you salvation, so there must be a God out there to grant it to you.”

“But what does it truly mean to do good? I think the closest thing would be to pursue your own happiness.”

“I made a lot of mistakes in the past because I didn't believe I could ever find happiness, but…”

“Now I'm trying to live my best life! Streaming is my reason to live.”

“Even you could be saved by living and doing good, by God or us angels.”

“Yes, I'm an angel… The internet angel.”

Post stream tweeter dialogue

What makes a nerd

“Today’s content was a bit different from usual, but what did you guys think???

All of you guys are my cuties (yes, even you antisocial people), so come and fall deeper and deeper with me…” -KAngel

“good for the people who thrive in society or whatever but at the end of the day we’re all hamsters running on our endless wheels. im perfectly happy being delusional thank you very much” -Ame

Schrodinger’s cutie

“Wether I become a top streamer or stay average is not certain… It’s all up to the support you guys give me, so love me until your heart bursts!” -Kangel

“the fans who like pure cinnamon roll kangel would probably flip out if they saw my priv lmao ignorance truly is bliss” -Ame

The five minute hypothesis

“Hehe, was today’s stream a little too unsettling? Don’t worry, because we live in the real world that’s existed for millions and millions of years!” -Kangel

“thats what my angel is telling me…” -Ame

Why do people die?

“Some people say that as long as people still remember you even after you pass on, you don’t truly die. I think that makes sense. So please leave as many traces of me online as possible.” -Kangel

“even if kangels fans continue to talk about her, the only one that would remember the lonely girl ame is p-chan. so please remember me forever, p-chan…” -Ame

Proof that god exists

“The really important thing is not to live, but to live well. Don’t let yourself be poisoned by the internet until there’s nothing left of your heart!” -Kangel

“i wonder if i can be saved by the internet angel someday too… despite how tarnished i already am…” -Ame