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DARK ANGEL is one of the 26 endings in NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD, represented by the 23rd ending slot in the Main Menu and GAME OVER screens. An achievement of the same name is unlocked upon experiencing the ending. It is one of three new endings added in the Windose Major Title Update, celebrating the Switch release of this game.[1]


To achieve this ending, the player must first obtain a stress capacity of 120. Then, the player must stream Internet Angel 5: "The Internet Angel". This stream will require the player to have 1,000,000+ followers.

To unlock a stress capacity of 120, the player must start two consecutive Days with 80+ stress and experience the first stress event. Then, the player must start another Day with 100 stress and experience the second stress event, which will raise the stress cap.


Once the requirements for DARK ANGEL have been met, Ame-chan will text the player on JINE. She tells them that, despite her milestone of 1M+ followers, she feels tired and scared, fearing that everyone on the internet is out to get her. She claims that she should "just destroy everything," and that she wishes to cause damage before anyone else can further damage her, stating that she is no angel.

Upon starting Internet Angel 5, the ending itself will begin. Instead of Ame's usual KAngel transformation sequence, she instead performs a sequence where she transforms into Dark Angel, displaying a frown at the end of the animation instead of her typical smile. As the stream itself begins, the expected 1M+ follower milestone celebration stream does not happen. Instead, Ame, donning her Dark Angel outfit, recites her Day 1 stream introduction, replacing her previous script with a version that reflects her new darker outfit, and displays the deterioration in her state of mind. She sarcastically thanks her viewers for one million followers, before sneering at them, claiming that they are only present to hurt her. She goes on to criticize their targeted harassment and violence, calling them ignorant and crazy for having forgotten the pain that others feel on the internet. She then ends her stream by claiming that they are "all going to get what [they] deserve one day." She then makes a public twit as KAngel, saying that none of them are going to get away with their actions. She also makes a private twit, saying that none of them will understand how she feels, and that she needs to take matters into her own hands.

On the next day, Ame starts her second stream, once again dressing up as Dark Angel. She begins by saying that she's learned how senseless humans are, stating the internet was the "forbidden fruit" that allowed people to act worse than ever before. She goes on to say that their "razor words" hurt her every single day, before eventually causing her to self-harm with a real razor. She pulls up her sleeve, showing her viewers her self-harm scars, telling them that it hurts. Talking to herself, she asks how she can make them all "taste their own medicine," before grabbing a razor knife, saying that she'll make them all "taste true pain." The screen is then covered with a splatter of blood, implying Ame slit her own throat on-stream.


Requirements Met

Icon jine ame.png look at how many fans i have now ive finally become someone whos loved by a million people
Icon jine ame.png but... i kinda just... feel tired
Icon jine ame.png im scared... i feel like everyone on the internet is out to get me...
Icon jine ame.png i bet they all hate me
Icon jine ame.png i know its not true but... im just so scared... i cant help it
Icon jine ame.png aha..... ahahahahahahahaha
Icon jine ame.png i should just destroy everything
Icon jine ame.png fuck this world i should just wreck it before anyone gets the chance to wreck me
Icon jine ame.png im no angel...

Ending Scene

First Day

A wave of darkness,
enveloping the abysmal internet...
Bringing the sweet promise of death to
the vermin floating in this electronic sea.
Trapped by my past traumas,
I'm dead inside and my wings have broken.
The internet dark angel has descended...
Wow. One million. Thanks.
Couldn't have done it without you guys.
But I know you're not here to support me.
You're all here to hurt me.
A lot of you probably weren't being
serious, but it all adds up, you know.
Can any of you even imagine how bad it hurts
to be gouged by these words day in and out?
You people and your slandering, targeted harassment,
bullying, violence, echo chambers, extreme cults...
You ignorant humans don't know
how to handle your responsibility.
I didn't work myself to the bone for this shit.
You think I seem crazy? How about you take
a look in the mirror and see what real crazy is.
The whole internet has gone crazy.
You've all forgotten that others feel pain too.
You're all going to get what you
deserve one day. Goodbye.
Icon cho.png None of you are going to get away with this.
Icon ame.png none of these fuckers will ever get how i feel. i need to take matters into my own hands

Second Day

I've finally reached my dream of one million fans.
But more than that, I've learned
how senseless humans are.
The internet was the forbidden fruit that sank
humanity to its deepest depths of depravity.
Every cut from those razor words pushed me closer
to the edge, and soon, I was holding the razor too.
It hurts... so much.
How do I make you all taste your own medicine?
How do I make you all hurt like I have?
That's all I've been thinking about these days.
Well, now that I have over one million followers,
I've got more than enough silly nerds.
I'll make you all taste true pain.


All sprites with KAngel's sleeve pulled up have been manually edited to remove the appearance of her self-harm scars. The exact in-game sprites contain graphic content which may not be suitable for display on a wiki.


  • Prior to the "Windose Major Title Update," having a stress capacity of 120 would bar you from streaming Internet Angel 5 altogether.
  • No matter which update the player is on, they will be punished for having a stress capacity of 120. The normal Internet Angel 5 stream rewards the player with an immunity to stress gains from any future streams, and said reward is impossible to obtain once the conditions for DARK ANGEL are met.
  • Both endings require streaming Internet Angel 5 in order to be unlocked. Additionally, both endings heavily center around a negative stat increase; this ending requires a high stress capacity, whereas Do You Love Me? requires high mental darkness.
  • Both endings are exclusive to each other. If DARK ANGEL is currently obtainable, Do You Love Me? cannot be obtained, and vice versa.
  • The song Do You Love Me?, named after the ending of the same name, is featured in both endings during the first half of their cutscene sequences.

