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Darkness is a type of special stream you will get when Ame's stress gets too high.


If Ame's stress level reaches 80+, then 100 for the first time, special events will occur. The player is unable to control Ame's actions when these events trigger. Triggering these events reduces her stress and affection and increases her mental darkness by a significant amount.

Cut wrists event (stress 80+ for 2 days)

If Ame reaches a stress level of 80+ for 2 days, the background will turn red and the music will become distorted. She will then ask P-Chan to cut her wrists. Clicking on the button on "Self destruct" 3 times will continue the event, where Ame vents on Tweeter and streams with the title "An Important Message" on her own. This will give -15 stress, +10 mental darkness, and -20 affection.

Pre stream tweeter dialogues There are multiple dialogues you can get by random chance.

”Why do so many people say such mean things to me… I’m doing my best out here… 😢 What are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to make me cut? Maybe I will if you keep sending me hate🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺” -KAngel
”i already do cut though lol” -Ame

“i feel alive.. my arms are gonna end up like baguettes if i keep doing it though” -Ame

“my arm hurts… but this pain is the only thing thats making me feel alive rn” -Ame

“Nothing much happened today, but no news is good news, right?💖” -KAngel

”i crave death” -Ame

“cutting is like instant endorphins i cant stop… this is even better than when i get heaps of viewers for a stream whooooo pain for gain free adrenaline” -Ame

Stream dialogue

"You know, some girls just can't help but cut themselves into the night."

"For all sorts of reasons. For attention, as a cry for help, because it soothes their brain..."

"It's complicated."

"There's no way other people will be able to truly understand your pain and sadness."

"Nothing matters. And you don't care that you feel so apathetic. All you want to do is disappear."

"And you're unable to forgive yourself for living such a horrid and ugly existence."

"Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you see someone who's hurt, please be nice to them."

"To be kind is to understand. So please take the time to understand others."

"Be someone who can save a life. 🙏BLESS🙏"

Post stream tweeter dialogues

“Please ask for help from other especially when things get too unbearable. That’s not you being weak; it takes huge amount of courage to reach out.” -KAngel

“but dont dm kangel with your problems coz dealing with them is a pain!” -Ame

Go berserk event (100 stress after cut wrist event)

When Ame's stress level reaches 100, the background will be distorted for a short while, and she will post on tweeter and message you on JINE. She will then stream a breakdown with the title "a". This event increases the stress cap to 120 and is required to be triggered in order to enter the Internet Overdose or Bomber Girl routes, but replaces the 1 million subscribers stream with a modified stream that triggers "DARK ANGEL" (and thus barring access to Do You Love Me?). In older versions, it simply prevents the 1 million subscribers stream from unlocking. This will give -20 stress, +10 mental darkness, and -35 affection.

Pre stream tweeter dialogues There are multiple dialogues you can get by random chance, all from Ame.

  • ”why is everything my fault??? should i have not been born at all????? am i really that bad??? i didnt fucking ask to be born who the fuck did this to me!!!!!!!!”
  • “had a fit and destroyed everything in my room except for my streaming equipment haha looks like i still have some sense left (please help me)”
  • “help me please please please pleasepl ease……… why wont p-chan stop me??? why doesnt anyone understand me??????? AAAAAAAAAAA”

Stream dialogue


"I just want to end it all."

"Why am i even alive. Isn't it so weird that someone as useless as me is alive?"

"Sorry about the weird stream. You must all think I'm weird."

"Sorry. I'm sorry."



"I'm really sorry..."

"I know you all love and support me but I just... I need to die so bad."

"I can't stop thinking about how much I want to die and how much I wish I could disappear."

"Hahahahahahaha someone kill me please"

Post stream tweeter dialogue

“No one will save me. I always have and will always be alone.” -KAngel

”im scared… i dont know what of but im scared… maybe its everything… i wish i could get erased from this world right now” -Ame