Internet Angel

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Internet Angel is one of the streaming topics you can do to gain more followers.

Stream ideas guide

After finishing "The Internet Angel", streams will no longer increase stress for the rest of the playthrough (The player might still receive stress when performing other actions that induce stress). Streaming this is one of the requirements for triggering the "Do You Love Me?" ending. In newer versions, it is replaced by a modified stream that triggers the "DARK ANGEL" ending if the stress capacity reaches 120. In older versions, the stream will simply not appear.

  1. The internet and me: thanks for the 10k! - reach 10k followers
  2. Angel on earth: Thanks for 100k! - reach 100k followers
  3. Drugs & happiness - celebrating 250k! - reach 250k followers
  4. 500k FOLLOWERS!!! MAKIN IT RAIN - reach 500k followers
  5. The internet angel - Reach 1M followers

Idea get dialogue

The internet and me: thanks for the 10k!

“I REACHED 10K SUBSCRIBERS!!! i wanna do a celebration stream!!!”

”but yknow… 10k is a nice number, but thats about it”

”i had more on an old tweeter acc and all i did was post selfies. now that im making content with my brain as well i need to surpass that. 10k is just a stepping stone”

”the first step im taking as a legendary angel! but im gonna get everyone to celebrate it anyway lol”

Angel on earth: Thanks for 100k!

“i reached 100k subscribers…”

”this is my first time reaching so many… i dont know whats going to happen from here so im a bit nervous. but it feels good to see my stats climb”

”i know im always complaining about the nerds and stuff but i wouldnt be here without their support and their faith”

”i need to thank them for their devotion. they are the ones that turned me from an internet-addicted girl to an angel…”

”for my next stream, im gonna talk a bit about the internet and try to tell everyone how grateful i am for all of them”

Drugs & happiness - celebrating 250k!


”drum roll please *drdrsrdrdrdrdrd or however you write the sound*

TADA!!!!!! ITS 250K!!!!!!!!!

WHOO YEAHEmoji hand clapping.pngEmoji hand clapping.pngEmoji hand clapping.pngEmoji hand clapping.pngEmoji hand clapping.pngEmoji hand clapping.pngEmoji hand clapping.pngEmoji hand clapping.png

”geez, those nerds out there must really love me… heh Emoji face smirking.png

”but man having so many fans is so much fun i can post anything and theyll respond and say how cute i am and stuff”

”its doing wonders for my self esteem lol. Its really sinking in that im achieving something with my life… it feels better than any drug ive taken”

”might talk about drugs and happiness on my next stream or something… feeling vulnerable rn”


“ive got over 500k subscribers now… i think i could get to 1mil no sweat”

”but now im so famous i dont think i could ever stop like thousands of people fawn over me every day i dont have it in me to just go back to an ordinary life”

”people from all over the world have their eyes on me like that makes me happy but its also kind of terrifying”

”the higher you climb, the harder you fall… and the bigger your fanbase grows the more haters and unhinged fans you get”

”ahaha but even so I cant quit… wether I lose or gain followers or wether the masses praise or criticize me, its all free simulation and my brain loves that shit”

”mentally ill behavior tbh thats why i started reading a bunch”

”i picked up a few books by someone with the same name as me and they were really good… their collection of poetry was so beautiful”

”that reminds me… i never told you the story behind my name, did i?”

”yeah i say my name is ame and all and i usually just make the excuse that its bc ame means candy and im so sweet aha but thats not what it actually is. im a little embarrassed by it tbh…”

”aside from “candy,” ame can also mean “rain” and… yeah thats what my name is actually meant to be”

”guess being called “rain” suits the gloomy person i am…”

The internet angel

“IVE REACHED A NEW MILESTONE… ive finally become the kind of girl that 1 million people love………”

”this is what ive always wanted. My one goal was to become the best internet angel in the world, loved and approved by all”

”i used to just be some girl who desperately craves attention and now look at me… an angel flying high, looking down upon the world”

”thank you so much, p-chan”

”i just… wow, ive really hit 1 mil…

people all over the world are watching me. And they need me. i feel very loved right now”

”but as big as this is… i still want more. i dont feel the happiness I did at 100k, or the fear at 500k anymore”

”recently, ive been feeling that the internet and i have been becoming one, in a sense? i can really feel reality slipping further and further away”

”im not bothered by anything people say to me anymore, no matter how hateful or malicious it is. Its all part of what makes the internet what it is, after all. Which means that its part of me too”

”but enough about that. i just want us to focus on the milestone stream for now. i need to do this justice and make it a big one!”

”lets gooo! Youll take care of the stream prep like always, right?”

”my fans from all over the world are waiting for kangel!”

Stream dialogue

The internet and me: thanks for the 10k!

“Hey cuties! It's me, KAngel, savior of cyberspace! Your cross is mine to bear”

“This stream is one to celebrate! Celebrate what, you ask? Well, did you not read the title?”

“That's right! I, KAngel, have reached 10,000 subscribers!!!”

“And I'm only going to get bigger and bigger! I'm going to shine brighter than ever, so just watch!”

“Well, let's talk about the internet today. I bet you guys are curious about how I came to be.”

“You know, I really hated adults. They're always so fake.”

“I hated being at home. I hated school. I holed up in my room with my PC to avoid all the adults in my life.”

“There were also a lot of adults on the internet, but they were all true to themselves.”

“They weren't ashamed of being into anime or manga or porn or whatever, unlike the adults outside.”

“They were so free. So… natural.”

“I thought to myself, "I want to live like that."”

“I want to live on the internet and be true to myself.”

“Aha, I guess that wans't too interesting. But I'm glad I could share it with you guys! Emoji hand fold.pngBLESS!Emoji hand fold.png

Angel on earth: Thanks for 100k!

“Hey cuties! It's me, KAngel, the internet angel!”

“We did it, y'all! 100k! Whoo! To celebrate, I'll tell you guys a bit more about myself.”

“I'm an angel that came down to Earth from Heaven to save everyone on the internet”.

“The internet is oversaturated with users and content that it's hard to tell what to believe in.”

“Whenever you feel lost, I want you to know that you can believe in me.”

“And all believers will be saved! You just need to have faith in me.”

“As the internet angel, I will always be by your side.”

“Whenever you feel the loneliness crushing you, or when you're anxious, or if you just need a cry…”

“…just come on down to my channel and I'll be waiting here for you with a smile.”

“I know what it feels like to have nothing and no one.”

“I skipped school a lot so I didn't have any friends. Only the people online cared about what I had to say.”

“Ahaha… I was bullied a lot at school for being so cute and pretty too. Jealousy is a disease.”

“I also got made fun of for being socially awkward and stupid and messed up in the head…”

“So I know how it feels. And now, I want to be here for anyone that needs it.”

“As long as you have faith in me, I will find you within the darkness.”

“Remember, you're never alone! Emoji hand fold.pngBLESS!Emoji hand fold.png

Drugs & happiness - celebrating 250k!

“I HIT 250K!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm amazing! Outstanding! And super cute! It's time to party!!!”

“Hehehe. So anyway, this is my milestone stream! I brainstormed ages for a good topic…”

“…and I settled on "drugs."”

“Some of you may have already noticed, but I get a little… out of it, occasionally.”

“I sometimes take drugs to help me out up there, and sometimes I stream while I'm under the influence.”

“And sometimes things get a bit out of hand, but that's how things have always been for me.”

“Around the time I stopped going to school, I became so stressed about my future that I could never sleep.”

“My doctor gave me all sort of pills, and I realized that I would feel really good whenever I took some.”

“And I just started taking more and more as time went by. They were like my shortcut to happiness.”

“I mean, why not right? All I had to do was take these tiny little things and I'd be at the top of the world.”

“But then I realized that this fake happiness was literally poisoning me.”

“Real happiness comes from the real hormones your brain releases after you work to accomplish something real.”

“And now that I'm celebrating something that I've earned for myself after so much hard work…”

“…I can say that I feel happy. More than I've ever felt on drugs.”

“I think pursuing real happiness is the way to live.”

“i was so anxious and drugged up, but now, I'm out here living my life.”

“I'm sure you all have what it takes to find your happiness. So go and live a happy life! Promise me!”


“We've just hit 500k! A lot sure has happened, huh…”

“Every time I see my numbers go up and whenever you guys send me nice comments, I feel such a rush.”

“Even though for every joy I've experienced, there's also been something equally painful…”

“…and even though I've considered quitting many times, I just can't leave the internet.”

“I just get so anxious if I can't stay connected with people all over the world. It's how I cope”

“Streaming my thoughts into cyberspace where people can access them whenever and wherever just…”

“It feels good. It feels better than any drug that's out there.”

“I think I may already be broken.”

“But there's something beautiful in being broken. I can mend back stronger. I can transform myself.”

“So yeah… haha.”

“Don't worry, guys. No matter how messed up I get, I promise I'll always be here”

“We're all connected through our computers, our phones, our streams.”

“As long as you all promise to love the internet angel, she will be right here with you.”

“So please love me forever.”

“You… love me? You really, REALLY love me? with your whole entireheart? Promise?”

The internet angel

“A ray of light, illuminating the chaotic internet…”

“Bringing happiness to the nerds floating in this eletronic sea…”

“A promise of future peace.

I'm a little manic and moody, but it's all right.”

“The internet angel has descended!”

“Hehe, here we are at 1 mil! I feel so blessed. Thank you all!”

“I've been racking my brain on how to give back to all you loving fans, and…”

“…I think the best thing I could do is love you all back.”

“Doesn't matter whether you're a fan or a hater, or just plain don't care about me.”

“I will love you all equally forever. That's what I came down here to do, after all.”

“To everyone watching my stream now! Can you feel my love?”

“You are all forgiven And I'm going to save you all!”

“Doesn't matter how cruel reality is! Doesn't matter how bad your grades are!”

“Or how bad you're doing at work, or how sad your love life is! Or if you have nothing in your savings!”

“as long as you're connected to the internet, you are all loved by me!”

“This is the greastest blessing I can give you!”

“You are all super blessed right now!!!”

“Keep your eyes on me and me only, okay?”

Post stream tweeter dialogue

The internet and me: thanks for the 10k!

“HELLO ALL YOU PURE CINNAMON ROLL UWU BEAN NERDS!!! Thanks for celebrating 10k with me!!!! I’m going to keep working hard so that everyone in the world knows my name!!!!!! Please keep sending me your support!!!!” -KAngel

”and to celebrate even more, im gonna spend AAAAAALLLL the super chats… on a even better setup! gotta invest it all into delivering more high quality streams for everyone” -Ame

Angel on earth: Thanks for 100k!

“I can’t promise to save everyone because that would be a lie, but if just one person can be saved from my presence, then I would say it was worth descending to the internet.” -KAngel

“if my smile can grant souls salvation, then i will keep smiling for all the viewers on the other side of the screen” -Ame

Drugs & happiness - celebrating 250k!

“I’m still doing a lot of learning about myself, so I might act up here and there, but I think I’ll be okay as long as I remember the happiness that I felt today

No matter how rough the road ahead gets, I won’t give up on my dream of reaching 1 million!!!” -KAngel

“i got so many super chats!!!! im just gonna use a liiiiittle bit of it on myself…… we can go shopping tonight and buy whatever we like and be happy together…” -Ame


“We’re so close to 1 million! Throw all your love at me and I’ll turn into the greatest streamer anyone has ever seen♡” -KAngel

“you will love kangel you will love kangel you will love kangel you will love kangel you will love kangel you will love kangel you will love kangel you will love kangel you will love kangel you will love kangel you will love kangel you will love kangel you will love kangel” -Ame

The internet angel

“You’ve all been with me through thick and thin so I won’t bore you with a wordy post, but thank you all so much for loving me! I love every one of you too! I think I can proudly say that I’m the luckiest angel in the universe right now!” -KAngel

“this happiness is real… pure happiness, no anxiety, no nothing. my life is good and it has purpose… i feel truly alive” -Ame
