Nerd Talk

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Nerd Talk is one of the streaming topics you can do to gain more followers.

Stream ideas guide

Note: For every 3rd stream of a specific topic you need 10k followers to unlock, for the 4th one you need 100k, then for the last stream you need 250k so please keep that in mind

  1. A girls idols journey! (In a kids anime) - Internet > Video streaming
  2. Kangel: Final wars - Internet > Vanity search
  3. I am jack’s desire to watch movies - Sleep > dusk
  4. A “high”ly recommended movie - Medication > Magic grass
  5. My favorite anime director - Internet > Video streaming

Idea get dialogue

A girls idols journey! (In a kids anime)

“the streaming site i use updated… no other anime does it like idol anime truly. And the best ones are the kids idol anime”

“but watching the girls work so hard for their idol dreams makes me a bit sad over how in reality whats most important is how much money you can squeeze out of the fans”

“idol anime is so pure… wish that were me… why is the real world so harsh”

“i think ill talk about kids anime on stream to teach my viewers the power and magic of hopes and dreams”

Kangel: Final wars'

“when i vanity search i often see people posting like “i wish i could just quit my job and watch kangels videos all day”

“i wish i could grant their wish for them. i want to become a giant monster and destroy the city for them”

“but i also want to like fight the other bad monsters so people will think im one of the good guys even though i just flattened like half their city”

I am jack’s desire to watch movies

“aaaagh i wish i could clone myself so i could sleep and then my clone could do everything for me”

“but we’d probably have to end up fighting each other to the death or something”

“kind of like kangel and me”

“hey who do you think would win in a fight? kangel or me? which one do you like better?”

A “high”ly recommended movie

“aah it feels so good coz you dont have to think about it”

”but once your brain gets used to feeling so good so easily then the normal things that make you happy just wont do anymore”

“i think whats scarier about the health effects and the addiction that comes with drug use is that you start to lose sight of what real happiness is”

“but thats a problem for another day. i just want to bask in this high for now…”

My favorite anime director

“the advancement of the internet and proliferation of smartphones has changed society over the years”

“people like to talk about internet addiction and the way smartphone use affects our brains, but…”

“i think its all part of how we’re evolving. a revolution is happening”

“i think ill talk about a director who made anime about humanity and their revolutions”

Stream dialogue

A girls idols journey! (In a kids anime)

“We're all friends! We're all nerds! It's your favorite idol, KAngel!”

“Any of you grown adults here like kids' anime? Do you also wake up early like a 5 year old to watch them?”

“You know, when I was still an angel in training, I was saved from my loneliness by a particular girls' anime.”

“And I think what makes them so appealing is how pure they are.”

“Seeing the girls work so hard for their dreams and aspirations and love is just so inspiring, you know?”

“And when times are tough, their friends and family are there to help them share their dreams.”

“Watching them makes me feel like my petty bad thoughts have been purified. That's why I like them.”

“And when I remember that all the nerds watching also had such purity in their hearts once, it makes me cry.”

“Just think of Sunday morning as, like, an extension of Saturday night.”~ Reaction to “I struggle so hard to get up in the mornings”

Yeah, of course! I'll show you my henshin belt sometime.”~ Reaction to “you watch the kids superhero shows too?”

“Ew, I bet you're the type of guy who wants to sniff little girls! Poliiice!”~ Reaction to “i love anime with little girls hehehehe”

“Here we can see Exhibit A, a grown adult who thinks they're a little girl.”~ Reaction to “I'm a little girl!”

Kangel: Final wars

“Who here likes kaijus?!”

“Everyone's fantasized about becoming a hunge monster and destroying their school or workplace, right?”

“I used to do that all the time. That's why I really like kaiju movies.”

“I love the ones made in the 90s because they don't have much CGI.”

“Scenes shot on practical sets just hit different to full CGI, you know?”

“I'll admit that modern CGI is pretty amazing, but…”

“Real gunpowder is just more impressive.”

“My favorite one is the third one with the giant rampaging turtle, by the way!”

“How I wish I could just turn giant right now and crush every single school to dust…”

“Oh no! A giant monster! ( 「・ ω ・ ) 「RAWR”~ Reaction to “( 「・ ω ・ ) 「RAWR”

“They're very unique. There's a lot of creative ones that could not have been made in any other era.

“Like how they made monsters that embody pollution kill thousands of people!”~ Reaction to “What do you think about Showa-era monster movies?”

“The one that's a manifestation of pollution! I love how you can feel how fearsome it is with glance”~ Reaction to “Which kaiju is your favorite?”

“You're destroying just by working there, no need for giant monsters.”~ Reaction to “can you come destroy my work please”

I am jack’s desire to watch movies

“Rule one of KAngel's streams, you do not talk about the streams”

“Just kidding. In fact, I'd love it if you told all your friends about my streams!”

“I wast just trying to reference one of my favorite films. It's a really famous one.”

“Everyone's got something they're not satisfied with in life, huh?”

“Don't you wish you could go apeshit in a free-for-all and release all that pent-up resentment?”

“Imagine if that were real. That guys just gathered every night to beat each other up.”

“I think that'd be pretty cool. I'd love a place where we can puch the shit out of each other.”

“In a way, we're kind of making a little underground club of our own when we gather for these streams.”

“Haha, maybe you guys should actually start throwing fists!”

“Yeah… The final scene is so beautiful.”~ Reaction to “it's such a good movie”

“Yeah, bring it on! I'll start bawling with just one hit!”~ Reaction to “Can I hit you KAngel?”

“Hmm… The one where all the characters are bad guys!”~ Reaction to “What other movies do you like?”

A “high”ly recommended movie

“We all want to lead meaningful lives, right? But too bad you had to go and simp for cute girls online, huh?”

“Anyway, I wanted to talk about a movie I like with you guys today. It's a real classic.”

“It talks about the lives of a group of young drug addicts”

“Ho would you define happiness?
Could riding high after high be considered hapiness?”

“If it could, then wouldn't it make sense to chase those highs every day like those young people do?”

“No matter how many happy chemicals we have in our brains, there's no way that they can beat out drugs.”

“But we can't really call that happiness, can we?”

“The movie was a real eye-opener, so I really recommend you guys watch it.”

“Sitting hack and watching a movie and living a normal life is a luxury those people couldn't afford.”

“We should all pursue what makes us happy as humans, but not at the cost of our lives…”

“Yeah! Health is wealth! Promise me you'll take care of yourself♪”~ Reaction to “Don't do drugs! Ever!”

“I did! I strongly agree with its message of getting off social media.”~ Reaction to “did you watch the second one?”

“It is our duty as nerds to chase our happiness.”~ Reaction to “I wish I had happiness in my life…”

My favorite anime director

“There's this one anime director that I've always really admired.”

“He's a really kind man. I think he might be the kindest person in the whole industry.”

“And he used to be insecure about the fact that he worked in anime.”

“He had a lot on his mind to work through, so at one point, he would kill off a ton of his characters.”

“So much that he earned the nickname "Kill 'Em 'All." he even killed off the MC in the final episode once.”

“But he eventually conquered his suffering while working on all the shows that he did.”

“At some point, his works stopped being so dark. His characters also seemed to be brimming with new life.”

“Thinking about how hew began to fill his works with so much kindness makes me really happy.”

“he was constantly challenging himself even when he was battling with his own mind and depression.”

“Thats the kind of angel I aspire to be.”

“My favorite work of his has to be…
the anime about the robot with the cool beard.”

“Haha, sorry for rambling. Anyway, goodnight, my little anime nerds. I'll see you all tomorrow…”

Post stream tweeter dialogue

A girls idols journey! (In a kids anime)

“Every girl had an idol growing up… and I’m going to do my best to become someone that all girls can look up to!” -Kangel

“once i was playing one of those girl idol games at the arcade and the girl standing behind me kept staring at the rare card the machine gave me and i felt bad so i gave it to her

gonna invent time travel so i can beat my past self up THAT WAS /MY/ HARD EARNED MONEY” -Ame

Kangel: Final wars

“If I really do become a monster one day, can you all promise that you’ll kill me?” -Kangel

“consider: the kind of heroine who becomes a kaiju or a monster because of one thing or another👀” -Ame

I am jack’s desire to watch movies

“Ive got an assignment for all of you!

You’re not allowed to watch any other girls' streams before my next one. And if you do, I’ll kick you out of mine immediately!” -Kangel

“hey p-chan? i thought about this when we watched that movie, but…”

“actually nvm…” -Ame

A “high”ly recommended movie

“My happiness is being able to talk to you all through my screen. It makes me feel better than any drug out there.” -Kangel

“i think the best feeling would be streaming while high but thats illegal :/” -Ame

My favorite anime director

“He’s a truly kind person who thinks about people’s feelings more than anyone else he writes, which is why although his anime can be so cruel at times, it’s also very beautiful.” -Kangel”

“i can really relate to how emotional his female characters are… the anime girls these days just dont hit the same” -Ame