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Sponsorship is one of the streaming topics you can do to gain more followers.

Stream ideas guide

Note: For every 3rd stream of a specific topic you need 10k followers to unlock, for the 4th one you need 100k, then for the last stream you need 250k so keep that in mind.

  1. Trying out a new drink! #ad - 30k followers
  2. Get ready with me! #ad - Internet > video streaming
  3. KAngel enters the fray! #ad - Hang Out > Play game
  4. I got made into a figurine! #ad - Hang Out > Spend time together
  5. The best business opportunity?! #ad - Internet > Vanity search

Idea get dialogue

Trying out a new drink! #ad


“lets see what it says uuhhh we’d like you to do a review for our new natto-flavored cola blah blah
and they said they’ll pay me with a years supply of natto-flavored cola”

“yeah why not. A jobs a job! ill do my best!
but wow this means im a real professional streamer now… Emoji face flushed.png

Get ready with me! #ad

“omg after i posted that i used to watch makeup tutorials on metube i got a sponsorship offer from a makeup company!”

”ive never heard of them before but a jobs a job, right? ive always wanted to make a makeup tutorial for my fans anyway. its a great chance to show them my skills! so im gonna try my best!”

KAngel enters the fray! #ad

“OMG P-CHAN i posted about a mobage i like on tweeter and the company actually contacted me!!!”

“they said they want to do a collab and add me into the game! i finally get to become a game character!!!! im so happy…”

“they want me to do a letsplay of it when the collab stream starts AND theyre also gonna pay me!!!”

“letsplays are easy as hell so im gonna say yes! i gotta!!!

its tough being so popular Emoji face relieved.png

I got made into a figurine! #ad

“hehehe i love you p-chan!”

“hey have you ever wished that you could cuddle with both KAngel and me? you have right? i mean coz we’re both so sexy”

“well i have great news for you! and that is… IM GETTING A FIGURE!!!”

“isnt that awesome?!?!?! it is right?!?!?! that means you can look at KAngel while we [REDACTED]”

“im gonna go tell my fans about it RIGHT NOW!!!”

The best business opportunity?!

“YOOO P-CHAN!!! i was doing some vanity searching and some guy was praising me which like yeah cool BUT he looks super rich??!?! AND THEN HE DMED ME ABOUT A POTENTIAL BUSINESS DEAL…”

“look at this
"I will pay you 1,000,000 yen if you advertise my business" LIKE??”

“i guess im just that cute and charming aha”

“ngl it is kinda sus but if i can get one million yen then eh”

Stream dialogue

Trying out a new drink! #ad

“Hey cuties! I've got some business to discuss today! Literal business! Like money business!”

“Today I'll be reviewing this new natto-flavored cola!”

“Here it is. I'm gonna give it a taste, so… Here goes!”

“*gulp* *gulp*”

“…Ueeeeeeeuuuuuuugggghhh! That tastes like shit!”

“This shouldn't be fit for human consumption! Is this a new bio-weapon?! What is this?!”


“I mean, uh, it's an acquired taste! I think if you have the taste buds for it, you'd really love it!”

“No! I just got caught off guard and flubbed it! It's good! It's really good!”~ Reaction to “I CAN SENSE THE TROLLS”

“Hahaha… I think I was a bit over the top but I hope you enjoyed it anyway… Hahaha…”~ Reaction to “BEST SPONSORSHIP IVE EVER SEEN”

“Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! Buy it because I did a good job of making it look tasty!”~ Reaction to “If this is meant to be reverse psychology it's working LOL I kinda want to buy it now”

“No I didn't mean it!!! If any PR people are watching please ignore this and keep sending me offers!!!”~ Reaction to “r.i.p. kangel's first and last sponsorship…”

“Ahaha… Anyway, that's all! Emoji hand fold.pngBLESSEmoji hand fold.png

Get ready with me! #ad

“Hey cuties! It's KAngel, your local MUA!”

“Today's stream is very special. A very nice company kindly sent me some eye makeup to try!”

“Hmm… The color looks a bit weird… and it doesn't go on that well…”

“I always use one of the other big brands anyway and they work fine for me…”

“But maybe this one has a better price? …Wait, it's how much now?! I'm sticking to my usual brand.”


“I mean, huh, your mileage may vary, right? So give this a try! It might work really well for your skin type!”

“I'm sure there's someone out there who would love it!”

“So you want to be cute as me? Dream on, but you can still make yourself a little bit cuter with makeup!”~ Reaction to “I want to start wearing makeup!”

“Shut up or I'm gonna use your blood as eyeliner!”~ Reaction to “You're so ugly ew unsubscribed”

“Get your head out of your ass, buddy.
Maybe you should go see a therapist instead of Metube.”~ Reaction to “Why do you need to put on makeup like a whore”

“Just think of this as, um, reverse psychology! Ahaha. Emoji hand fold.pngBLESSEmoji hand fold.png

KAngel enters the fray! #ad

“Today, I'm going to be playing one of my favorite mobile games! It's called "Final Senki"!”

“I've liked this game for a long time, but guess what? Guess what?!”

“I'll be joining the lineup as a character! Woohoo! Isn't that so awesome?!”

“So anyway, let's get into it and see what I'm like as a game character! Open the app on my phone, and…”

“Huh…? There's still maintenance happening? Weren't they doing maintenance all day yesterday?”

“Well, sometimes they have to extend it.
So if we just wait a bit, then… Wait, what?!”

“Forget maintenance, now they just announced that the whole game's shutting down…?”

“Look! A boomer who calls mobage "video games"! Get 'em!!!!!”~ Reaction to “So you play video games on your phone?”

“Ahahaha… I whaled so much for this game… And not even that could save it…”~ Reaction to “Aw I really liked this game”

“Shut up!!!!!! But you're not wrong!!!!! *dies*”~ Reaction to “girl whose sponsorships always go south”

I got made into a figurine! #ad

“Hey cuties! Look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look look!!!”

“Tadaaa! It's a figure of me! Don't I look so adorable?!”

“The manufacturer sent me this sample! Look at how detailed it is! My hair and my outfit are perfect!”

“Hold on. I wear a skirt, so… the figure…”


“Aaagh! No no no! What the hell?!
I don't wear that kind of underwear! That's so lewd!”

“Uhhhh is this going to be sold all over the country?! Everyone's going to think that's what I wear!”

“Everyone in Japan's gonna think I'm a sex fiend or something! Nooooooooo;;”

“I'm sorry;; I'll ask the company if they can make an affordable dressup doll that even kids can buy next;;”~ Reaction to “i can't buy it because it's too expensive;;”

“Your parents would be so dissapointed in you.”~ Reaction to “gonna mod it (Emoji face smirking.png) and put it on auction (Emoji face smirking.png)”

“I usually wear…

- Hey!
You think you're smart?!”~ Reaction to “so what kind do you actually wear then?”

“Scalper! Scalper!
Get his ass!”~ Reaction to “I ordered 100”

The best business opportunity?!

“Hey cuties! It's KAngel, the angel whose shares in love are aways skyrocketing!”

“I'm here to share an awesome business opportunity with you guys! We're in the big leagues now.”

“Okay, I have to read out this thing here… Ahem. "I will tell you how anyone can become super rich."”

“"Got any troubles bothering you right now? Whatever it is, you can solve it with money!”

“"You can become a millionaire by following these easy steps! Anyone can do it!"”

“"First we'll have to do some housekeeping. If you want to get rich, then register at the site below"…”


“Yooouuu idioooottt!”

“If there's a way to get rich quick then go do it yourself!!!”

“How dare you!!! Trick me!!!”

“Ahhh I bet all that talk about getting 1 million yen was all fake anyway. Stupid! Loser!”

“Um. So, anyway, my point is… There are a lot of doggy scams out there on the internet.”

“Be careful now, guys! Just like me! I knew it was a scam all along!”

“Not all that glitters is gold! The long way is the best way! So promise me you'll work hard!Emoji hand fold.pngBLESSEmoji hand fold.png

Post stream tweeter dialogue

Trying out a new drink! #ad

“That was so good that I did a spittake! Because I was so surprised at how good it was! You can get your own tasty fizzy natto goodness at any convenience store in the country, so give it a try! Emoji hand fold.pngBLESSEmoji hand fold.png #ad” -KAngel

“fuck what did i get myself into i should be glad i didnt get arrested for advertising such a disgusting drink… and theyre still gonna send me years worth……. drink it for me p-chan pwease” -Ame

Get ready with me! #ad

“Sorry about the, uh, mess-up, but I really do think that it’s a good product! Like um… I really feel that it’s worth the price! It’s great! Yeah! #ad” -KAngel

“ugh someone trimmed my stream and its making rounds under some metube video called “the reviewer thats TOO honest!” or whatever… but any publicity is good publicity right?! i hope so…” -Ame

KAngel enters the fray! #ad

“So I guess this collab’s off… And all my data’s gone… Oh well. See you guys.” -KAngel

“i cant even contact management and i bet theyre not going to pay me either!!! agh!!! screw you guys i hope you get shut down!!!!

wait that already happened” -Ame

I got made into a figurine! #ad

“Forget about what’s under the skirt, preorder it because it’s a beautiful figure! Show it off in a display case or let it stomp around a diorama like a giant monster! Link in the replies↓ #ad” -KAngel

“what if people hotglue it or cut its clothes off or mod it??!?!?!?

…kinda want to see that doe” -Ame

The best business opportunity?!

“I knew it was a scam! I just pretended it was an ad so I could teach you guys not to trust suspicious businesses like this!!!

All streamers need to know how to see through lies, so trust me on this!!!” -KAngel

“HUAAGHG that was a close one… im glad i caught it when i did otherwise people would troll me to no end and call me scamgel or some shit… im going to kill that scammer fr” -Ame