Breakdown Stream

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Breakdown Stream is one of the streaming topics you can do to gain more followers.

Stream ideas guide

For every 3rd stream of a specific topic you need 10k followers to unlock, for the 4th one you need 100k, then for the last stream you need 250k.

Streaming "I AM LEGEND" automatically triggers the "Painful Future" ending.

  1. FEELING GREAT - Medication > Overdose on Depaz
  2. How I feel - Internet > Vanity search
  3. An important message - Hang Out > Spend time together
  4. Up and down - Medication > Overdose on Embian
  5. I AM LEGEND - Medication > Magic Grass

Idea get dialogue


“ugh im so tired i just want to die… but i cant…….”

“more than the sweet release of death, i crave the sweet sweet follower count increase…”

“but still, why is living so hard?”

“guess ill pop a few pills before i go live :D”

“no fear… no pain…”

How I feel

“uaugh… saw some pretty bad hate… (takes psychic damage)”

“huaaaaaaaggh i know its best to just ignore them and block them and move on but…”

“i just want to kill myself… brb gonna pour hot water into my modem”

An important message

“p-chan… it hurts…”

“i feel like im being crushed by all this stress”

“more specifically the fun little replies the disgusting nerds leave on my posts bug ugh…”

“im going to… rest for a bit… just a bit, i promise…”

Up and down




“AHAHAHahhahahahaha this is so much fuuuuuuuuunnnnnn”

“haha kidding i want to die loooool”

“ugh just fucking kill me already AAAAAAAGGGGGHGHHHHGHGHHGHG”

“(screams) ok i feel better now ITS TIME TO STREAM LETS GOOOOOOOO”


“ah… i feel so… at peace…….”

“p-chan… do you think people will remember me forever?”

“i think i know what i have to do now…”

“this is fine… i dont have much energy left anyway”

“im going to put an end to everything”

Stream dialogue


“Hey cuties! It's KAngel, the cutest girl to have descended from the skies!”

“Aha! I feel kinda weird and floaty today.”

“It's so freakin warm outside too LOL!!! Maybe I should go for a walk!”

“I'd probably get flagged as suspicious, though! Would you guys still be nice to me if I get arrested?”

“Anyway, let's do our usual thing, shall we? Everyone get ready to shout!

“Really? I'm always like this though. It's always climax from the start to finish with me baby!!!”~ Reaction to “You seem excited today”

“But why? I've still got tons of energy!!! I'm gonna stream til the sun comes up!!!!!”~ Reaction to “Please take a break”

“Ooh, you want an encore? I still have so much to share with you guys, but…”

“We're done for the day! We're closed for business”~ Reaction to “Don't go…”

Emoji hand fold.pngBLESS!Emoji hand fold.png

How I feel

“Um… So because I’m an angel, I’ll do anything just to see you guys smile, but…”

“It gets tough sometimes, you know?”

“I’d appreciate it if you could keep your mean comments to yourselves.”

“Angels have feelings too, you know? Sorry for being so depressing all of a sudden…”

“It’s got nothing to do with, like, 90% of you guys, so you’re probably all super turned off by this, huh…”

“Ahaha… It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”~ Reaction to “What’s wrong?”

“Attention whore, huh? Yeah. Thanks for giving me attention <3”~ Reaction to “Attention whore lol”

“LOL what do I even say to this… I guess I’ll just go die.”~ Reaction to “No one likes you anymore”

“You won’t understand how I really feel, anyway. Just leave me be.”~ Reaction to “Do you need someone to talk to?”

“I get it, I’m gross. I’ll just go now. Emoji hand fold.pngBYEEmoji hand fold.png

An important message

“So… Um, this wasn’t really prompted by anything, but…”

“Some days it’s hard to even get out of bed. And I think that’s all part of life, but…”

“The moment a crack starts to form in your heart, a second one could shatter it completely.”

“So I’m going to be taking a little break.”

“I’m not sure when we can see each other again, but when we can, I hope I can show you all that I’m okay.”

“I love you guys.”

“I won’t say no to free money but… feels bad taking this one man.”~ Reaction to “Here’s a Super Chat! Congrats on the hiatus!”

“Haha. I wish…”~ Reaction to “She’ll be back tomorrow lmao dw”

“Yeah. I promise I’ll be back. So be good and wait for me, okay? Don’t go running off to some other girl now.”~ Reaction to “you’ll be back, right?”

“Uuuu… I can’t believe nice nerds exist too…”~ Reaction to “Treat yourself to a good meal with this”

Up and down

“Hey cuties! …Did you catch that? Here it is once more! Hey cuties!”

“Ahahaha! It’s KAngel! And I feel super happy today!!!”

“What should we talk about today? Ooh, wanna hear a cool fact about corned beef?”

“Did you know that the shape of corned beef- Wait, who cares about corned beef?”

“What’s the point in me streaming anyway? Like I’m cute, but thats about it.”

“Ugh, I feel kinda nauseous… Sorry if you hear me making gross sounds.”

“Wait, if I throw up now I’ll get turned into a meme. I’d rather die than be the girl who puked on camera.”

“Aaagh I’m so pissed off! I’m tired of being all sad and depressed! KAngel happy era NOW!!!”

“Sure, if you give me 1 million yen for every puke.”~ Reaction to “Puke on camera for us sometime”

“The KA in KAngel now stands for Kick Ass!!!

All right, I feel better now! Here we go!”~ Reaction to “Cheer up!”

“If I see a doctor… I can get some pills, right?

Ahaha, I can get some pills… nice… Ahahahaha! I’m so happy!”~ Reaction to “Please see a doctor…”

I AM LEGEND Pre-stream tweeter posts:

“The one you all love as the internet angel, not me.”

“Not the true me. No one truly understands me.”

“I’m going to put an end to my misery.”

“I’m going to put an end to everything.”

“All angels fall, sooner or later.”

“I’ll be streaming soon. No wig, no costume, nothing. You’ll all come to see me, right?

http:\\internet.internet\end” -KAngel

Note: Ame has no dialogue during this stream and these are just unique comments.

“Hey cutie!”

“Are you smoking something???!”


“oh my god”

“The horrors of craving approval…”

“This is probably the most viewers I’ve ever seen dang”


“No one’s going to shut up about this stream for months I bet”

“hall of fame moment”

“Such is the human condition”

“Did no one try to stop her?”

“calling the police!!!”

“Ripping this before she gets banned heh”

“I’ve been waiting for this”


“still cute doe”

“Damn she really cute”

“i wish i were that cute”

“She’s still so adorable even when she’s acting up”

“drama timeeee”


“called the cops”

“oh god what the hell is happening”

“Gonna tell my grandkids about this”

“no…….. it cant be…………”

“This has got to be a prank right”

“Best stream so far”

“this is my first stream of hers but whoa”

“I knew streamers were crazy but damn”

“This is making me feel emotional for some reason…”

“our angel…”

Post stream tweeter dialogue


“Whoooooooo the high is hitting me I feel so hype!!! Everyone should come to my streams!!!!!” -KAngel

“gimme 500000000 viewers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” -Ame

How I feel


“uuauahghghghhgh everything is fucking PISSING ME OFF everyone PLEASE die hrrrggjhksdgjhjishg AGH i just want to fucking smash my phone and free myself from this shit but if i do that i wont be able to go online!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH” -Ame

An important message

“I bet you all watch me just to make fun of me because I’m just a clown and not an internet angel at all why why why why what did I do wrong???” -KAngel

“i dont know what to fucking do i dont know i dont know my head hurts” -Ame

Up and down

“I, the dark angel of the internet, have come to shut everything down. May the entire internet be seeped in darkness.” -KAngel

“omgkawaiangel more like omgcrazyfallenangel” -Ame