Chat & Chill

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Chat & Chill is one of the streaming topics you can do to gain more followers.

Stream ideas guide

Note: For every 3rd stream of a specific topic you need 10k followers to unlock, for the 4th one you need 100k, then for the last stream you need 250k so please keep that in mind

  1. All hail the internet - unlocked at the start of the game
  2. My secret dark past - Internet > /st/
  3. Highschool of the dread- Go Out > Park
  4. Needy girl - Internet > Social media
  5. Imaginary dreamers - internet > Social media

Idea get dialogue

My secret dark past

“I thought about this while surfing the net (lmao who says that anymore) but…”

“dont you ever get curious about what cringey things people have done online in the past? I reckon I could turn my past cringe into content or something”

“it’s a good idea but ugh tbh I don’t really want to do it… ugh just thinking about it again makes me want to die!!!but the suffering is what makes it interesting so I guess I gotta… being a streamer is so hard”

Highschool of the dread

“storytimes are always easy to do for a chat stream!”

”but i dont have many good stories… I didnt go to school so my life really sucked until i met you”

“and when i say it sucked, I mean that it really sucked. Like no one ever told me i did a good job or that i did well at anything”

“i guess i could talk about the emptiness of life or something. the good thing about the internet is that you could talk about nothingness and people would still listen”

Needy girl

“now that i have a lot more followers i can post whatever and people will praise me for it…”

”keep the instant gratification coming… fill the empty hole in my heart…”

”social media figures drive people crazy. Theyre like drugs”

Imaginary dreamers

“weve come so far now!! time really flies”

“sometimes I wonder if this is just a dream”

”and that im still the aimless and depressed kid just drifting through life”

“haha… but its not a dream! Im not being delusional! kangel really does have all the fans that she does”

Stream dialogue

All hail the internet

“Hey cuties! It's the internet angel KAngel”

“I love the internet because all you lovely people are willing to listen to me.”

“My biggest fear is abandoment. I can't imagine living a life not being needed by anyone”

“Aha, I love you guys for hearing me out. I'll keep working my hardest for you all!”

“Because it's all over if you get bored of me… And I don't want to die yet! Le'ts gooo!”

“Thank you♡ Come tell me that every day!”~ Reaction to “You're super cute!”

“I've always been an angel since I was born… because I'm just too cute!”~ Reaction to “why angel?”

“people die. And whether I live or die is all up to my fans ♡”~ Reaction to “Please don't die”

“Bitch what? Get lost.
I'm kidding I'm kidding! Please don't go!”~ Reaction to “im bored lmfao”

My secret dark past

“I used to browse the wiki for those vocal synthesizers back in the day.”

“I wrote my own interpretations of the lyrics there…”

“And everyone made fun of me and bullied me a lot.”

“They got turned into copypastas and people even made dramatic readings…”

“That was when I first thought that all nerds should die!”

“Aha! Fuck them all!”

“You want to hear me sing? Buy me a better mic then pls.”~ Reaction to “can we hear you sing please? :D”

“Right? Lol. *crickets* ( '・ω・ ')”~ Reaction to “( ' ・ω・ ) rip”

“Stop I don't want to remember please kill me.”~ Reaction to “What did you write?”

Emoji hand fold.pngBLESS!Emoji hand fold.png

Highschool of the dread

“My childhood? Hm…”

“I didn't go to school much. I only really finished m -”

“I'm an angel! Angels don't have academic records!”

“I never had to go to school! Or do exams! Next question!”

“Don't judge a person by their academic record! I may be a little stupid, but I've got a heart of gold!”~ Reaction to “lmao you a dropout?”

“And that's okay! We can both just live off our cuteness. Who needs school?”~ Reaction to “I can't go to school either because it scares me”

“You when you, like, go to school and then go up to your classroom?”
“Opening the door is super scary 'coz of the pranks…
“Yeah I used to literally tremble so much at the thought. Anyone relate?”~ Reaction to “you should go to school lol”

“I don't need offline friends :P
I mean, why would I when I can just log on and see you guys?”~ Reaction to “Do you even have any friends?”

Needy girl

“I think approval is a very important thing. Humans can't live without approval from their peers.”

“Those who want approval get called attention whores online, but why? It's good for your motivation!”

“Like, I'm only here because of the affirmation everyone gives me, ya know?”

“I need to feel recognized by others and feel like I'm offering something of use to someone out there.”

“Otherwise I'd just be hollow inside. My heart would break.”

“So I'll recognize all of you guys as well. I am here to affirm you.”

“Thanks for always coming by!”“This is just what happens when people online gain more followers, my friend.
We'd all run out of content otherwise!”~ Reaction to “can we not talk about serious stuff please?”

“Yes… I see you”~ Reaction to “You'll see for who I am? Really? Emoji face pien.png

“Here! Affirmation for you!!!”~ Reaction to “(db fuses)”

“I'll see you all in the next stream. Emoji hand fold.pngBLESSEmoji hand fold.png

Imaginary dreamers

“You know imaginary friends, right?”

“The companions that we'd make up as kids?”

“I had one as a kid coz I didn't have any actual friends…”

“We'd play together every day and watch anime and play videogames…”

“We had a lot of fun together. We were best friends.”

“I knew it was just a fanciful illusion I made up, but I wished it could have continued forever.”

“But you know, nothing lasts forever.”

“When I got older, I realized that the internet was way better and more important than a made-up friend.”

“And poof, my imaginary friend dissappeared.”

“I chose to step out and meet all of you as an angel instead of being trapped by my delusions.”


“You'd all better be responsible and take good care of me!♡”

Emoji hand fold.pngBLESSEmoji hand fold.png

Post stream tweeter dialogue

All hail the internet

“Thanks to everyone who came along to today’s stream! Sorry I was a bit all over the place, I’m still new to this 💦Emoji sweat.png

Love you all!😇Emoji heart revolving.png” -Kangel

”ive always thought idols and streamers who made bland posts were boring as hell but oh how the tables have tabled” -Ame

My secret dark past

“I must seal my cringe past away… lest I explode…” -Kangel

”Aaaaaggghhh it’s going to plague my thoughts again and I won’t be able to sleep tonight… T-T” -Kangel

“but cerebrospinal fluid explosion girl is really good and i did have a lot of fun with it… at least the memories arent all bad I guess” -Ame

Highschool of the dread

“Who cares about school?! We shouldn’t have to go!!” -Kangel

“we shouldnt, but… it’s still better if we do…….” -Ame

Needy girl

“Thanks for coming along today as well everyone!Emoji sparkles.png I feel so loved… My heart belongs to all of you!!!Emoji heart revolving.png” -Kangel

”instant gratification really be hitting different maybe making all these bland ass posts all the time is fine actually” -Ame

Imaginary dreamers

“I might just seem like an illusion to some of you since you can only see me through the screen, but I promise that I’ll bring you joy every time we see each other, so… Here’s to many more sweet dreams, my little nerds🎵“ -Kangel

”anyone ever think about why imaginary friends disappear after you grow up? whats wrong with adults being a little delusional too?

wait, maybe i… no, it cant be…” -Ame