Go Out

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Go Out is one of the categories of actions you can take to progress and collect ideas for Streams. Ame-chan will always post on Tweeter after going out.

Going out takes 2 time slots and gives -10 stress and +6 affection.

Stream Unlocks

  • KAngel tries stuff 1 (Trying out gothic lolita!): Harajuku
  • Letsplay 2 (Streaming some retro games I bought): Akihabara
  • Chat and Chill 3 (Highschool of the dread): Hikarigaoka Park
  • Netlore 3 (When I got off at a strange station…): Ichigaya
  • Sexy stream 4 (Me riding a huge ball): Shibuya
  • Letsplay 4 (Let’s play a cult classic horror game!): Nakano

Post action tweeter dialogue


"Look at my dinner it was so good!!!!!!!! Big sausage!!!!!! hell yeah!!!!!!!" -KAngel

"i dont get the point of flexing with pics of your food but i have nothing else to do so (BIG SHRUG)" -Ame

- "went to have tea with p-chan at kichijoji! ive always thought all tea was the same but you can really taste the difference with good leaves :0 no wonder liu bei was so desperate to get his mother some good tea" -Ame


"Spent the whole day at the arcade today! I love the cabinets where you customize your own character because I can make my own cute girl that caters to my taste... I wish changing my hair was as easy IRL..." -KAngel

"spent the whole day playing fighting games at the arcadeIcon emoji s 42.png i wish i could just play garou now for the rest of my life" - Ame


"Bought a lot of cute stuffed toys at Nakano today! Who's cuter, me or my new friend? Icon emoji s 42.pngIcon emoji s 57.png" -KAngel

"went shopping at nakano with my little p-chan and bought heaps of bl that ive had my eye for a while" -Ame


"I've been feeling really worn out, so I went to the hospital... I think I'll pull through, so don't worry about me. Keep the Super Chats coming though..." -KAngel

"im just a stupid maggot of a mentally ill trash streamer, but i feel so much better knowing that p-chan's with me when i see my shrink..." -Ame


"Even the happiest of internet angels have to go to an internet psych sometimesIcon emoji s 57.png" -KAngel

"went to the psych today!! i had it booked for the morning so i was really worried that i wasnt gonna wake up for it but p chan woke me up in time and it went really well! im so good hehe" -Ame


"Thrifted some new clothesIcon emoji s 34.png Well, not NEW new since they're all secondhand, but y'know! Maybe I'll show you guys next stream? Like if I should!" -KAngel

“the thrift shops at Shimokitazawa are SO. FUCKING. CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it should be tbh its p much just fabric

spent the whole day looking at clothes for me so next time ill spend the day looking at clothes for p-chan!" -Ame


"shimokitazawa brings all the alt fashion girls to the yard" -Ame


"Went to a live at Shimokitazawa˜ Maybe one day I'll be able to hold my own live show? Ooh, maybe I should do a live singing streamIcon emoji s 2.png If i do, you'll all come and watch, right? Icon emoji s 57.png" -KAngel

"there were so many vkei fangirls with crazy hair i was like holy shitIcon emoji s 66.png not that im one to talk but" -Ame

Hikarigaoka Park

“Leaving the park at night and going home is always kind of sad... Reminds me of when I was a kid. Ah, the nostalgia... Icon emoji s 21.png” -KAngel

“i used to hate parks because they were always filled with people having fun and being an introvert i always felt really out of place. it became a reminder of the kind of fun someone like me would never be allowed to experience... but going with p-chan is ok. good, even” -Ame


“Went to a park for a walk today! I'm usually holed up at home all the time, so this was a nice change of pace. My legs are super swollen after all that walking though... Anyone want to give me a message?” -KAngel

“the difference between hikarigaoka and the parks in ikebukuro is astounding lmfao wont see shady weed dealers in hikarigaoka” -Ame


“went to the aquarium in Ikebukuro! All the fish there were so cool, but I was most excited about seeing the penguins! I love penguins!!! Icon emoji s 29.pngIcon emoji s 29.pngIcon emoji s 29.png” -KAngel

“the aquarium was so beautiful…” -Ame


“Went to a couple of cute cafes in Ikebukuro today! I’m not very familiar with Ikebukuro, so if you have any recommendations let me know in the replies! I’ll be sure to check them all out!!! Icon emoji s 11.png” -KAngel

”gotta go bargain bin diving for merch on otome road when you visit ikebukuro amirite? legit cant think of anything else worth doing in ikebukuro” -Ame


“Went shopping at the huge bookstore in Ikebukuro and bought a lot of books on beauty and stuff! I want to become even cuter for you all so I’m going to study up! Icon emoji s 42.pngIcon emoji s 57.png” -KAngel

”also bought a shitload of bl lmao thats what i actually went for Icon emoji s 60.png Im gonna make p-chan read all my fav doujins… gotta spread the gospel” -Ame


“Saw one of these giant ad trucks in Ikebukuro the other day, but they’d turned the volume way down 'coz I guess people kept complaining haha.” -KAngel


“guess how much money we spent on our date today? None!!!

guess where i took this pic? at the top of the tokyo metropolitan government building!! love to not spend money☺️” -Ame


“BJDs are so expensive but i reeeeeeaaally wanted one so i gave in… dinner for the next few weeks will have to be random shit from the supermarket… literally not my fault that the shop was super nice and sucked me in……..” -Ame


“Went to this shop today that was cuteness overload, from everything inside to the staff!! I felt so healed just being thereIcon emoji s 15.pngIcon emoji s 35.png” -KAngel

”the shop i went to was sooo cute i love it!!! made me feel worse about myself thoughIcon emoji s 21.png (dies)” -Ame


“Bought a lot of new makeup Icon emoji s 37.pngIcon emoji s 37.pngIcon emoji s 37.png I usually don’t wear a lot of makeup, so this is very exciting for me!” -KAngel

”you know how a lot of those what to get your girlfriend lists always recommend giving expensive makeup that can work for multiple looks? like i understand why but also if i get hooked on the expensive stuff im scared i wont be able to go back to the cheap stuff…” -Ame


“Spent the whole day eating desserts at HarajukuIcon emoji s 23.png Sweets Paradiso is the best! Icon emoji s 42.pngIcon emoji s 18.png” -KAngel

”i shouldve just gone somewhere else… sweets paradiso is not worth battling the harajuku crowds for;;” -Ame


“Went to Harajuku for some crepes. My legs are so sore from queueing for so long… Icon emoji s 5.png” -KAngel

”oh my god queueing for those crepes was absolute hellIcon emoji s 20.png wtf were there so many girls there for go hoooome” -Ame


“Went to the art gallery today! I’m a big fan of ImpressionismIcon emoji s 42.png I hope you’re taking notes!” -KAngel

“there was a beautiful painting there that looked all foggy and i was like wow thats how i feel when i wake up depressed… it made me kind of happy because it made me feel like maybe the way i see the world could also be something beautiful” -Ame


“Went clothes shopping at Shibuya today! Here’s what I bought Icon emoji s 25.png How do I look???” -KAngel

”why does clothes shopping take so much time i spent four hours trying on two or three outfits… i made p-chan wait for me the whole time and didnt even end up buying anythingIcon emoji s 39.png but on the bright side p-chan got to spend time with the cutest girl in the world (me) so it’s fine” -Ame


“went to smoke shisha with p-chan in shibuya. i wasnt used to all the smoke so i kept choking on it but i still had a good time! you could pick your own flavor so i went with mint chocolate!” -Ame


“Gotta go to the Scramble Crossing when you go to Shibuya! Visited Tsudaya and stuff as well~

Maybe I should do something fun in the future with the Scramble and Hachiko~ Icon emoji s 27.png” -KAngel

“every time i see the scramble crossing i think of the ryuki op” -Ame


“the only thing dogenzakas good for is their love hotels lmao” -Ame


“I really like stairs! Especially the super fancy and gaudy ones from the 80s or 90s. I love the slightly gloomy-looking Kinds of retro stairs as well. Stairs are the unsung heroes of architecture that carry the weight of the world on them. I think they’re very coolIcon emoji s 38.png” -KAngel

”i think architecture is a really cool art form… i have a photobook of nice staircases :) my favs are the spiral ones that suck you in when you look at them. one day i want to find a nice one to walk down with p-chan, hand in hand” -Ame


“went on a date with p-chan at the fishing hole that was in onomatsu-san! i think jiang ziya was onto something… taking the time to chill and fish is kinda nice once in a while

i suck at fishing though so i didn’t catch anything… Icon emoji s 21.png at least im good at reeling in male nerds lol” -Ame


“Spent the day at Jinbocho by myselfIcon emoji s 2.png Saw a lot of stuff that I wanted but in the end I just picked up some new manga and went home haha. So much for going to the one place known for its used bookstores!” -KAngel

”Jinbocho was just like what i saw in ROD! p-chan and i went to a bunch of used bookstores there. Some of them were selling some pretty sus kiddie stuff though wtf” -Ame


“Found an amazing toy shop at Akiba and I couldn’t hold back! They had everything from Bayblades to Sylvanian Friends to Furbees to Swetches, everything you could imagine! Icon emoji s 60.png“ -KAngel

”im so fckin broke now aaaaaaaaaaaaaa……. but now i can play some retro fighting games with p-chan on our new switch so thats ok” -Ame


“i usually dont buy these kinds of things but i thought p-chan might like it so i gave in……. how do i look??

bet if i posted this on main id get flamed to death lol” -Ame


“Bought some PC parts at Akiba! Next time I stream, it’ll be from a super buff PC Icon emoji s 7.pngIcon emoji s 57.png” -KAngel

“taking your date to trawl junk pc parts sounds like a terrible idea but it was actually a lot of fun Icon emoji s 35.pngIcon emoji s 35.pngIcon emoji s 35.png p-chan can turn anything into a good time Icon emoji s 43.png” -Ame


“Went to a maid cafe today! It was so nice being surrounded by a bunch of cute girls and cute outfitsIcon emoji s 36.png Like and comment if I should wear a maid dressIcon emoji s 32.png” -KAngel

”now to wait for all the maid outfits on my wishlist to come rolling in i love being a streamer” -Ame


“Did some shopping at a cosplay store in AkibaIcon emoji s 2.png I may or may not wear something special in the next stream, so keep your eyes peeled~“ -KAngel

“I think my fav is the piccolo cosplayIcon emoji s 57.png SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!!!! (me blasting all my haters)” -Ame


“Went incognito with a friend to Ueno! We visited the park and the zoo, and we saw the pandas and the elephants and lots of other animals!

I'm a huge ele-fan of elephants!!! Icon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 26.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.pngIcon emoji s 28.png” -KAngel

“had a really good time at ueno zoo and ueno park! there were couples everywhere but no one was as cute as me~ p-chan, i hope you know how lucky you are to have such a cute girlfriend like me hanging off your arm!” -Ame


“whoever thought to combine cute girls and boats was a genius. Like who knew cute boat girls could be so sexy?? anyway speaking of cute boat girls I took some pics with boats today~ i really wish i could post them on KAngels account lol” -Ame


“Went to Ueno to watch a movie! Guess what it was in the repliesIcon emoji s 19.png Whoever guesses it right might get a super secret and exclusive selfie from meIcon emoji s 42.pngIcon emoji s 35.png” -KAngel

”went to an old adult theater in ueno. p-chan and i were the only ones there that werent old men so we stood out like sore thumbs but it wasnt too bad. i wanna try out some of the stuff from the movie in bed tonightIcon emoji s 36.png” -Ame


“had a really wholesome date at asakusa! we bought a lot of food and took a walk at the park and along the river. we also went to this shifty underground shopping arcade and then went around asakusa in a rickshaw. kinda feel like this level of wholesomeness is wasted on me tho lol” -Ame


“Went to the skytree for the first time on a whimIcon emoji s 57.png I really enjoyed looking at the shops there, especially the Pouchmon Center. And climbing to the top of the tallest tower in Japan was really cool!” -KAngel

”cant believe skytree makes you pay extra on the top of the deck entrance fee if you want to go to the highest floor… Icon emoji s 21.png would recommend to streamers who are That desperate to get to the top (lmao)” -Ame


“Visited a planetarium today! It was really pretty but the darkness also made me really sleepy… Icon emoji s 21.png It also got me wishing that the actual sky could be as pretty as a planetarium~” -KAngel

”What say you to a visit to your local planetarium? The endless expense of stars here will be forever a-gleaming, always waiting for you…… lmao” -Ame


“Went to Gisney with a friend for a fun day in school uniformsIcon emoji s 2.png No one could tell that we weren’t actually students! My friend was really scared of the roller costars which was kinda funny haha. Might talk about our day in the next Chat & Chill Icon emoji s 57.png” -KAngel

“this is just between yall and me and p-chan butIcon emoji s 19.png we went on a school uniform date at gisney todayIcon emoji s 35.png guess we still look youthful enough for the part!

also i never knew p-chan was that scared of roller coasters?? Adorbs ☺️“ -Ame


“Wanted to buy a shelf for all of my streaming equipment so I went to my local shopping mall. Every time I go, I like to imagine what I would do if I were trapped in one during a zombie apocalypseIcon emoji s 41.pngIcon emoji s 57.png” -KAngel

”i love going to the mall with p-chan… feels kinda like we’re already married

though tbh if a bunch of zombies appeared id probably run away by myself” -Ame


“The scenery on the way home was so beautiful it made me feel super emotional Icon emoji s 21.png I took a pic~” -KAngel

”my stairway to heaven would be a boring, lifeless escalator, and the day I climb it will be the day I no longer have to make shallow posts on KAngels account. i shall fill it with words of the internet angels gospel, though i worry no one would understand anything i say” -Ame

Special "Go Out"

Ame's Parents

This is an event you can only get if you have 80+ affection by the end of day 23.

”Went to see my parents for the first time in a long while! I had a lot of fun hanging out in all the spots I used to visit as a kid. Speaking of, I also found a lot of my old childhood photos! Do you guys wanna see?” -KAngel

“p-chan met the parents so we’re practically married now!!!” -Ame


This is a random event where Ame will say “let’s just drop everything and go out I wanna go see the ocean”. Replying with with “sure” forces you to go out here. This specific event will make you lose 15 stress instead of 10.

“Desperately needed some time off so I went to see the ocean today! Sorry for the spontaneous time away. But I hope you will all be as forgiving as the ocean is wide.” -KAngel

“so you CAN be nice instead of a big meanie all the time huh p-chan?? youre sooo cuuute hehe” -Ame

DM Dialogues after going out

  • "going back to my cave like the nerd i am"
  • "going out is... the best!!! (coz i dont have to think about the nerds)"
  • "i had fun!"
  • "lets go out again sometime"
  • ”I love going outside!”