Conspiracy Theories

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Conspiracy Theories is one of the streaming topics you can do to gain more followers.

Stream ideas guide

For every 3rd stream of a specific topic you need 10k followers to unlock, for the 4th one you need 100k, then for the 5th you need 250k.

  1. What if the government made you a nerd? - Internet > Social media
  2. Only one government 30 years later?! - Hang Out > Play game
  3. Beware the microchips - Internet > Video streaming
  4. I’ve seen the truth - Medication > Magic paper
  5. The truth - Medication > Magic paper
  6. The light - Medication > Magic paper (5th time only) (unlocks the Welcome To My Religion ending)

Idea get dialogue

What if the government made you a nerd?

“conspiracy theories are always so interesting to read about… it’s so funny seeing people arguing about wether theyre real or absolute bullshit. i never get tired of it”

”but you know, i feel like if you go deep enough youll end up buying into it sooner or later… curiosity killed the cat kinda deal”

”lol im fine though! id never let that happen to me. im the most rational and logical girl in the world! the only thing that drives me crazy is you <333”

”but anyway, i figured that conspiracy theories would make for great content so let’s start this off with a banger!”

Only one government 30 years later?!

“i just remembered this game i played where you become some bigshot who has global influence or whatever (i actually got so into it i ended up skipping meals and stuff…)”

”but anyway, I noticed recently that a lot of people these days like to play games where you have power to rule the world and even reduce populations and stuff”

”and some people also truly believe thats whats happening in our world and make up these wild boogeymen to direct their rage at”

”i dont blame them, though. i think considering the times we live in, its not so strange that people want someone or something to be angry at”

”but we should all be working together! please, this is my only wish as the internet angel…”

”sounds good, doesnt it? lol im gonna say that and see how the stream viewers react. They are my little guinea pigs :D”

Beware the microchips

“maybe ill talk about conspiracy theories again today. i got hella views last time”

”but you know, im a little scared that the more i talk about conspiracy theories, the more ill buy into them…”

”but i dont think i have to dwell too much on that. and plus, i guess believing in them is kind of like its own brand of happiness for those that do”

”i think ill talk about microchips next. those are one of my favorites”

”i remember watching a talkshow once and this guy on it was talking about an urban legend, and another guest was like “you got microchipped didnt you?” and the guy was like “i could tell you, but then id have to kill you” with the most deadpan face ever”

”that was what made me look into this whole microchip business in the first place. i guess i want to talk about it because of how plausible it is”

I’ve seen the truth

“during one of my hallucinations i felt like i had unlocked the secrets of the universe…”

”i know everything there is to know now…”

”i can see the link between the nerds and streamers and me… its been so simple all this time…”


”i need to tell everyone about this…”

The truth

“have you heard of the “original sin”? its the first sin ever committed by adam and eve in the garden of eden. and us humans bear the burden of that sin when we are born”

”so basically, we’re all sinners from the moment we're born. and sins have to be atoned for, right?”

”but do we really have what it takes? we forget that weve sinned and instead spend our days squabbling over petty arguments and doing otherwise inconsequential stuff”

”god would never forgive us if we continue on like that”

”we’re long overdue for a reckoning.”

Stream dialogue

What if the government made you a nerd?

“Hey cuties! It's KAngel, the fixer who controls the entire world!”

“Do you guys like conspiracy theories? I do, so I read about them a lot.”

“So I thought maybe I could share some of my favorites with you guys here and there.”

“Today I'll be talking about the nerd culture conspiracy theory!”

“Some people say that it did not develop organically, and it was actually spread by the Freemasons.”

“They wanted to turn the japanese masses into nerds to numb them. Sounds wacky, but what if it did happen?”

“Everyone watching now would be dacing to the tune of the Freemasons! Aha!”

“But it's okay, 'coz even if you were all manipulated into being nerds, you got to meet a real life angel!”

“right??!? But promise me you won't get too paranoid. And if you do, promise me you'll go to therapy!”~ Reaction to “ooooh i love conspiracy theories im EXCITE”

“Scared? Maybe you should turn off your modem and go outside before you uncover more truths online.”~ Reaction to “Conspiracy theories scare me”

“That's what all nerds sayEmoji face smirking.png~ Reaction to “I'm not a nerd!”

“Hahaha if I ever get taken by the darkness then mercy kill me please”~ Reaction to “Feels like you're going to eventually go off the deep end if you keep this up…”

Only one government 30 years later?!

“Hey cuties! It's KAngel, The Napoleon of the streaming world!”

“In 30 years, our world could be ruled by one body… Or so the New World Order conspiracy theory goes.”

“Conglomerates are scheming to create an incredibly disparate society they will eventually take over.”

“They're even trying to reduce the world population to 1 billion… or so the conspiracy theorists say.”

“What would the world be like, ruled by one government? Some say we'd all be forced to worship Lucifer.”

“I don't know how I feel about worshipping a fallen angel, being an angel myself.”

“There's a really really good manga where Napoleon is the main character. You should totally read it!”~ Reaction to “who's napoleon?”

“Yeah, but just sitting around and complaining isn't going to change anything.

We must fight!
There is no living without fighting!”~ Reaction to “thats scary… i want to live in an equal society…”

“Sure, you can be a passive observer, but what about taking direct action? Be the change you want to see.

I shall be the new God of this world!”~ Reaction to “im kind of curious about that kind of world”

“No matter what the world comes to, please don't lose your faith in me, okay? “Emoji hand fold.pngBLESSEmoji hand fold.png””

Beware the microchips

“As technology improves by leaps and bounds, perhaps one way we will all be microchipped.”

“Imagine cities of people being controlled by microchips embedded from birth…”

“The ruling class could manipulate our brainwaves as they like! we'd all be their puppets!”

“Maybe… Just maybe… We already have those chips in our arms…?”

“And the moment you act out of line, some bigshot could hit your kill switch from god-knows-where!”

“Aha. As if that technology could exist. Relax, people.”

“For now, anyway.”

“Really? You shouldn't tell anyone about it, otherwise you might get committed!”~ Reaction to “I've got a microchip too”

“Hehehe. Scary, isn't it! It'd be scarier if it were real, though.”~ Reaction to “i dont want to be mind controlled…”

“Umm, why do you ask? Am I being interrogated?! The government must have sent you to kill me!”~ Reaction to “how did you find out about this?”

“Dystopia for us would be utopia for the ruling class. Perspective is a funny thing isn't it?”~ Reaction to “we live in a dystopia”

Emoji hand fold.pngBLESSEmoji hand fold.png

I’ve seen the truth

“Hey cuties!
Anyone here heard of the Akashic records?”

“It's something that supposedly contains all universal events, thoughts, and emotions.”

“And you know, a while ago…”

“I saw it. The truth of all truths.”

“Aha. I guess I have to spill now…”

“Hey, promise me something.
No matter how unbearable the truth gets…”

“Please remember that I will always be by your side as your guardian angel.”

“I love you, everyone…”

“What's wrong? Ohh, I see. You're scared of the truth.

It's all right. Don't think about it. We'll all be put out of our miseries soon.”~ Reaction to “kangel…?”

“Hehe… Now, is this despair or revolution? It's up to you to see this through…”~ Reaction to “is the world going to end?”

“Yep. I'll be waiting for all of you up above!”~ Reaction to “I see you've reached "there."”

Emoji hand fold.pngBLESSEmoji hand fold.png

The truth

“Hey cuties! No conspiracy theories today. But I do have something else for you.”

“The truth.”

“You know how a lot of self-proclaimed truthers just get their "facts" (rumor and conspiracies) online?”

“And they get ridiculed for that? Yeah, deserve. I mean, believing stuff on the internet? Please.”

“But if you can't trust the internet, what can you trust? Well, let me tell you. The universe.”

“Specifically, the higher beings-or beings-that created it. Yes, I'm talking about what we like to call gods.”

“They say the world is headed for destruction. "To be honest, the Earth is doomed," they say.”

“No surprise there, really. Look at how ugly the human realm is”

“Soon, the lands will quake with rage. Waves will crash with insurmountable force.”

“Volcanoes will spit fiery damnation. Foolish humans will panic and fight each other to save themselves.”

“But the only way this war will end is with the manmade fruits of our sins… nuclear weapons.”

“Humans will be eradicated by the hand of their own unbearable crimes.”

“Terrifying, isn't it? Of course it is. But don't worry, I will be with you until the inevitable end.”

Post stream tweeter dialogue

What if the government made you a nerd?

“If there’s one thing you can trust is true on the internet, it’s that you guys all met me! So be proud of the fact that you’re my fan!!! I would never trick you or turn my back on you😌” -KAngel

”i will shittalk yall on my priv though lmao
but well as long as no one finds it they can stay blissfully unaware forever
and even if someone does find it its not like im committing a crime even if it does feel like a betrayal. Thats just how our world works” -Ame

Only one government 30 years later?!

“To be honest, sometimes I think that the internet is such a mess because there are too many people. So what if we reduced the population by 90%?

Just a shower thought! I’d never want to actually make that happen!” -KAngel

”i think that no matter where you go on the internet, youre always bound to end up fighting one way or another

those who do not fight will not survive!” -Ame

Beware the microchips

“Help me! The microchip in my arm is controlling what I post! Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!” -KAngel

”microchips are like whatever coz even without them you still cant prove that we actually have free will” -Ame

I’ve seen the truth

“There’s no point in entertaining this further anyway, because we’re all headed for death.” -KAngel

”i can hear a beeping in my head… pi… pi… pi… pi…

p-chan…?” -Ame

The truth

“Since I’m an angel, I could grant you all salvation. So be strong in your faith. Pray with pure intentions. This is the only way you can wash yourself of your sins.

Never forget to pray.” -KAngel

“you remember to pray too, p-chan. not me though. i wont pray anymore. i cant stream with my hands together can i?” -Ame