KAngel Tries Stuff

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KAngel Tries Stuff is one of the streaming topics you can do to gain more followers.

Stream ideas guide

Note: For every 3rd stream of a specific topic you need 10k followers to unlock, for the 4th one you need 100k, then for the last stream you need 250k so please keep that in mind

  1. Trying out gothic lolita! - Go Out > Harajuku
  2. Picking a fight with my haters - Internet > Vanity search
  3. Singing until my throat shrivels up! - internet > video streaming
  4. I tried online dating?! - Internet > Dinder
  5. I met my biggest fan! - Hang Out > Spend time together

Idea get dialogue

Trying out gothic lolita!

“i rate our date today…”

“ten out of ten!!!!!!!!!”

“harajuku was so much fun! Lots of people who think dressing alt is a personality trait though aha”

“also thanks for helping me pick my coord! im going to show my nerds how cute i look in it tonight”

Picking a fight with my haters

“if you only get positive comments, that means youre only mid tier at best because you havent blown up enough to reach the haters”

“basically, the more haters you have, the more fans you have”

“so when you see hate, just keep calm and remember to keep an open mind…”

“SIKE fuck that those arrogant dickheads need to get their heads out of their asses and get lost!!!”

“fuck maybe I should fight my haters on my next stream lol Emoji face zany.png

Singing until my throat shrivels up!

“i guess every streamer has to do karaoke sooner or later… people love to see their favs sing after all”

“maybe ill even get a record deal as kangel!”

“i could get my own theme song… what would i call it?”

“im obsessed with the internet so maybe something like… “INTERNET OVERDOSE”! or maybe thats too weird”

“well anyway i guess ill go with karaoke stream next!”

I tried online dating?!

“yeeeesh i know we’re just doing it for content but still, who lets their girlfriend go on dinder????”

“youre so mean. i love itEmoji heart red.png

I met my biggest fan!

“LOOK AT THIS theres a video of a little girl who loves kangel blowing up on tweeter”

“SHE STARTED BAWLING BC SHE WANTED TO MEET ME SO MUCH AWWWW Emoji face cry.pngEmoji face cry.pngEmoji face cry.png

“we should go meet her!!!! i get to grant her wish AND i get to make a new video. two bird with one stone!!!”

“id go and meet a kid any day over some nerds. lets do this!!!”

Stream dialogue

Trying out gothic lolita!

“Hey cuties! It's KAngel, your favorite gothic angel. Oh, how sinful is my beauty…”

“Today, I went to Harajuku and bought some gothic lolita clothes, and then I went about my day in them.”

“I think this fashion style is sooo cute, but the clothes are pretty out there so I was a bit nervous.”

“But it feels really good to wear what you like! The most important opinion is your own!”

“Yeah! I'll upload a pic to Tweeter later. You guys better give me 100000000 likes!”~ Reaction to “I want to see more lolita clothes!”

“Hehe. We could have a Harajuku date!♡”~ Reaction to “Let's both go out together in lolita!”

“There he is! The guy that calls every girl over 18 a hag!

Fuck off you beta.”~ Reaction to “dress your age hag”

Picking a fight with my haters

“Hey! Shoutout to the trolls online who have never heard of the concept of empathy!”

“You cold-hearted fiends! Anyway, I'm gonna go and reply to some haters today! Let's go!”

“"She's only good for her looks." And what about it? I'm popular because I'm pretty!”

“"Bet she only does this for the money." Stay poor, bitch. Have fun with your crusty-ass opinions.”

“"She panders to betacucks way too much." This is just how I always am! Perfect and angelic!”

“Haah… Haah… I guess that's it for today. Emoji hand fold.pngBLESSEmoji hand fold.png

“Exactly! Haters are the kind of creature that die if you don't give it any attention… How sad.”~ Reaction to “haters are doing it all for the attention”

“True, but sometimes you just gotta hit back. The internet's a warzone. Always be ready to fight!”~ Reaction to “It's best to just ignore the haters”

“Unfortunately, a lot of disgusting dirty gross ugly asses get off on bullying pretty young women online!”~ Reaction to “I can't fathom how an angel like you has any haters…”

“Well of course!
I see you're a man of culture as well.”~ Reaction to “i mean youre not just a cute face but”

Singing until my throat shrivels up!


“So anyway, this is my first karaoke stream ever!”

“Let's kick things off with a bang! I'm gonna sing my throat hoarse!”

“Keep those requests rolling in!”

“Huh? You want me to sing a Vocalbot song that I like? Um, what about Cerebrospinal Fluid Explosion Girl…?”

“Vocalbot songs aren't made with human singers in mind, so it's like… kind of embarrasing to try them?”

“But I said it's a karaoke stream so I'll do it, but… I'm not very good at the fast bits.”

“Uuugh… Help me…”

“You're not wrong, but you nerds probs don't have anyone to karaoke with so I'm doing y'all a favor TBH.”~ Reaction to “when someone does a karaoke stream u know they've run out of ideas”

“Utada H*taru you better watch yourself!”~ Reaction to “you could totally become a professional singer”

“Yeah… Me…”~ Reaction to “anyone else here undecisive af”

“Yeah… People who can sing on the fly really are amazing…”~ Reaction to “singing on the fly”

I tried online dating?!

“Hey cuties! It's ya girl KAngel, the angel of love!”

“Today I'm going to share with you my experience in online dating!”

“…Calm down, guys! I don't usually go on Dinder or anything! I just did it for this stream!”

“I tried to play it safe and go for someone who looked a bit needy and mellow.”

“I thought I'd fare better with someone I could nerd out with rather than, like… a chad, you know?”

“So we met up at Akiharabara and went to a cafe to have a chat.”

“We talked about the anime we liked and it went pretty okay, so I thought I picked a good one…”

“Then came the worse topic change I've ever heard. He was all like…”

“Now that we've had lunch, do you want to go somewhere fun? I… I want to go to a love hotel.”

“Uuuugh! When I heard that, I just got up and left. And where would we even find one in Akiba?!”

“There's a certain order to doing things, people! Promise me you'll learn from my experience.”

“Sorry for ever daring to even breathe at a man, I guess

Where the unicorns at, seriously?!”~ Reaction to “Stop talking to other men slut”

“Eek! ♪”~ Reaction to “How do you know that there's no hotels there?”

“A magical place that your parents, too, went once upon a time. Ask them if you wanna know more♡”~ Reaction to “What's a love hotel”

I met my biggest fan!

“Hey cuties! It's me, KAngel, the internet angel who loves children!”

“Have you guys all seen that video of the kid who cried because she loved me so much?”

“Isn't she adorable? All you nerds watching were pure like her once, too… oh, it brings a tear to the eye.”

“So anyway, I actually went and met up with her today!!!”

“I'll show you guys a video from the meeting. Here goes!”


“Can I really see KAngel if I'm a good girl? I promise I've been a good girl!”

“I wanna see KAngel…”

“Hey cutie! It's me, KAngel, the internet angel!”

“Whaaa?! How? Why?”

“Hehe! I flew all the way out here from the internet to see you because you've been such a good girl!”


“Yes, it's me! Aren't you so glad to meet the real KAngel?”

“You're soooooooo cuuuuuuuute!”

“Really? Thank you! And I'm sure you'll grow up to be a fine lady who's just as wonderful.”


“Yes, really! When you become a really cute girl once you're older…”

“…You can squeeze the nerds watching this video for all they've got and become filthy rich!”

“I will! I love you, KAngel!!!”

“All right, that's it for today! Let's wrap this video up now…”

Emoji hand fold.pngBLESSEmoji hand fold.png

Post stream tweeter dialogue

Trying out gothic lolita!

“Aren’t you too old for Lolita? No 🥰 I’ll be buried in lolita Emoji ribbon red.png” -KAngel

“i think i could go until im 25… no maybe 30…” -Ame

Picking a fight with my haters

“PSA for everyone! It’s true that one of the best things about the internet is that you can say whatever you want, but don’t forget that all the users on your screen are still people! So if they punch back because of something you say, that’s your problem!” -Kangel

“what a productive day of naming and shaming those stupid haters! gonna go stir some shit in the comment section of girl streamers i hate now” -Ame

Singing until my throat shrivels up!

“My voice is completely gone… I’m never doing that again…” -Kangel

“but i got so many super chats hehehe… ill keep singing if the money keeps coming! (<-greedy)” -Ame

I tried online dating?!

“Sorry if today’s stream was a bit heart-attack inducing, but it’s my job as a streamer to take on new challenges! There’s no need to worry, because I will forever belong to you guys!” -Kangel

“virgin nerds >>>> fuckboys anyday tbh” -Ame

I met my biggest fan!

“I hope you guys enjoyed today’s stream! Be good and I might even visit you one day~

Live a good life and have faith, and who knows? You might even find an angel on your doorstep…” -Kangel

“the little girl was soooo cute but her dad kept trying to get my number like what the fuck… please protect her from trash men” -Ame