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All Streams Level 1.png

Streams are a unique desktop activity, serving as the main way through which Ame-chan can increase her follower count. They are an essential aspect of the gameplay loop that allows the player to unlock several endings and events. On the other hand, streams will typically give Ame a significant increase in detrimental stats. The player must carefully manage Ame in order to properly reap the rewards of streams.

There are 12 different topics for streams that can be unlocked in the Stream tab. Each stream in this tab has five different levels to it, with each consecutive level typically netting more followers than the prior level. Scripted streams cannot be unlocked through the Stream tab. Each stream has a unique set of dialogue and stat changes associated with it.

Stream Ideas


To unlock a stream in the Stream tab, the player will usually have to perform its associated desktop activity. Activities that unlock streams are marked by a exclamation mark icon. Once the appropriate activity has been done, Ame will text the player on JINE, talking about how it gave her inspiration for a stream. Then, a pop-up window labelled "Epiphany" will appear, showing which stream the player has unlocked.

Higher levels of a stream topic cannot be unlocked unless the player has already experienced the prior level of that stream topic. For example, Chat & Chill 2 cannot be unlocked if the player has yet to perform Chat & Chill 1. Additionally, every stream past level 2 is subject to a follower milestone requirement. The player cannot unlock level 3+ of a stream topic until they meet the needed requirements.

  • Level 3: 10k followers
  • Level 4: 100k followers
  • Level 5: 250k followers

It should be noted that certain streams cannot be unlocked through a desktop activity. Internet Angel streams, for example, have unique follower milestone requirements. Lastly, Internet Angel streams are the only topic where the player can unlock higher levels before performing their prior levels. If the player is not careful, this may permanently bar them from experiencing certain levels of Internet Angel.

Stream Gameplay

The player can perform normal streams during Night of the current day. Once a stream has been confirmed, Ame will begin her KAngel transformation sequence. This can be skipped. KAngel will then appear on her webcam, speaking to her followers as they leave behind various messages in the stream chat. As KAngel continues to speak, a progress bar will track the remaining length of the stream. The player can change the stream's speed to their liking. Once a stream concludes, KAngel's end card will typically appear. Ame will then make two twits, one on her public Tweeter account for KAngel, and another on her private Tweeter account. A stream's stat effects will apply at this point, causing Ame to receive followers and other stat changes. Normal streams can be skipped at any time.

The player has several ways to directly interact with Ame's ongoing stream. Deleting certain comments will apply -1 stress, reducing the stream's total stress intake. It should be noted that this only affects Ame's preexisting pool of stress. For example, if Ame has 0 stress when a stream begins, deleting comments will not serve any functional purpose. The stream's stress gain can never be changed. There is also no penalty for deleting innocent comments.

The player can also highlight superchats, shown as comments highlighted in a vibrant color. A maximum of two superchats can be highlighted for KAngel to read at the end of the stream, eliciting a reaction from her. Superchats will only yield flavor text and do not offer any gameplay effects. If a player has already selected two superchats and tries to select another one, the oldest selected superchat will be overwritten. If this happens, the overwritten superchat cannot be highlighted again.

Some streams can bar the player from deleting comments or highlighting superchats altogether. When this occurs, the chat will be greyed out, and text will display "We're not reading comments for this stream." These static streams occur on level 5 of every streaming topic. They also occur on every level of the Internet Angel topic.

Stream Unlocks

This table displays the requirements for unlocking all levels of the 12 normal streams accessible via the Stream tab.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Chat & Chill Unlocked by default Internet, into /st/ Go Out, into Hikarigaoka Park Internet, into Social Media Internet, into Social Media
Letsplay Hang Out, into Play Game Go Out, into Akihabara Internet, into Social Media Go Out, into Nakano Hang Out, into Play Game
Nerd Talk Internet, into Video Streaming Internet, into Vanity Search Sleep, into Sleep Until Dusk Medication, into Magic Grass Internet, into Video Streaming
Conspiracy Theories Internet, into Social Media Hang Out, into Play game Internet, into Video streaming Medication, into Magic Paper Medication, into Magic Paper
Netlore Internet, into /st/ Internet, into /st/ Go Out, into Ichigaya Internet, into Social Media Internet, into /st/
ASMR Sleep, into Sleep Until Tomorrow Hang Out, into Spend Time Together Hang Out, into *** Internet, into Video Streaming Internet, into Dinder
Sexy Stream Hang Out, into Spend Time Together Hang Out, into *** Internet, into Video Streaming Go Out, into Shibuya Hang Out, into ***
Angel Explains Internet, into Video Streaming Hang Out, into Spend Time Together Hang Out, into Play Game Internet, into Social Media Medication, into Magic Paper
KAngel Tries Stuff Go Out, into Harajuku Internet, into Vanity Search Internet, into Video Streaming Internet, into Dinder Hang Out, into Spend Time Together
Breakdown Stream Medication, into Depaz (Overdose) Internet, into Vanity Search Hang Out, into Spend Time Together Medication, into Embian (Overdose) Medication, into Magic Grass
Sponsorships Attain 30k followers Internet, into Video Streaming Hang Out, into Play Game Hang Out, into Spend Time Together Internet, into Vanity Search
Internet Angel Attain 10k followers Attain 100k followers Attain 250k followers Attain 500k followers Attain 1M followers

Stream-based Endings

Four of the twelve stream topics are unique in that their level 5 streams will unlock certain endings.

  • Painful Future will begin immediately after streaming Breakdown Stream 5: "I AM LEGEND".
  • Fallen Angel will begin immediately after streaming Sexy Stream 5: "I'll be in something that begins with P and ends in O!"
  • Welcome To My Religion is unlocked after streaming Conpiracy Theories 5: "The Light". The ending itself does not begin until the player uses magic paper during Noon.
  • Galactic Express is unlocked after streaming Netlore 5: "KAngel". The ending itself does not begin until the player overdoses on any drug during Noon, before going out to the Galactic Rail at Night.

Although the game displays stat changes for Breakdown Stream 5 and Sexy Stream 5, Ame will never receive them, as they result in an immediate GAME OVER.

Scripted Streams

These streams have completely different unlock requirements from normal streams. They will usually, but not always, cause a GAME OVER, preventing any stat changes. Most of these streams are also static. They mainly serve a narrative purpose, and as such, are not visible on the Stream tab.

Stream Calculations

The followers gained from performing streams is dependent on several factors and calculations. Stream calculations can be broken down into several steps.

  1. Check the base follower multiplier.
  2. Multiply the BFM with the player's current follower count. This result yields the base followers gained, or BFG.
  3. Check the stream follower multiplier.
  4. Multiply the SFM with the BFG. This results in the stream followers gained, or SFG.
  5. If applicable, multiply the SFG with any generic stream bonuses.
  6. If applicable, multiply the SFG with any specific stream bonuses.

First, the player checks for their BFM. This determines which calculation will be used on their current amount of followers.

  • If the player has <10k followers, BFG is calculated as 0.01 * x.
  • If the player has 10k+ followers, BFG is calculated as 25 * log_10(x).

The variable x represents the player's current followers.

Once the BFG is known, the player must then check a stream's SFM. This information cannot be viewed in-game, but has been datamined by other players. The table below displays the SFM values, emotional stat changes, and other effects from applicable streams. Note that every stream will yield +1 Communication Bonus.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Chat & Chill 1 SFM, +20 stress 4 SFM, +20 stress 8 SFM, +20 stress 16 SFM, +20 stress 48 SFM, +20 stress
Letsplay 3 SFM, +18 stress, +1 Gamer Girl 6 SFM, +18 stress, +1 Gamer Girl 9 SFM, +18 stress, +1 Gamer Girl 20 SFM +18 stress, +1 Gamer Girl 40 SFM, +18 stress, +1 Gamer Girl
Nerd Talk 2 SFM, +14 stress 6 SFM, +14 stress 12 SFM, +14 stress 18 SFM, +14 stress 30 SFM, +14 stress
Conspiracy Theories 25 SFM, +20 stress, +8 mental darkness, +1 Rabbit Hole 25 SFM, +20 stress, +8 mental darkness, +4 Rabbit Hole 25 SFM, +20 stress, +8 mental darkness, +8 Rabbit Hole 25 SFM, +20 stress, +8 mental darkness, +20 Rabbit Hole 25 SFM, +20 stress, +8 mental darkness, +40 Rabbit Hole
Netlore 3 SFM, +20 stress 6 SFM, +20 stress 9 SFM, +20 stress 20 SFM, +20 stress 40 SFM, +20 stress
ASMR 10 SFM, +24 stress, +1 mental darkness 14 SFM, +24 stress, +1 mental darkness 20 SFM, +24 stress, -4 affection, +4 mental darkness 30 SFM, +24 stress, -8 affection, +4 mental darkness 40 SFM, +24 stress, -12 affection, +8 mental darkness
Sexy Stream 30 SFM, +28 stress, -15 affection, +8 mental darkness 32 SFM, +28 stress, -15 affection, +8 mental darkness 35 SFM, +28 stress, -15 affection, +8 mental darkness 40 SFM, +28 stress, -15 affection, +8 mental darkness Starts Fallen Angel
Angel Explains 2 SFM, +14 stress 4 SFM, +14 stress 8 SFM, +14 stress 12 SFM, +14 stress 30 SFM, +14 stress
KAngel Tries Stuff 4 SFM, +18 stress 8 SFM, +18 stress 12 SFM, +18 stress 16 SFM, +18 stress 20 SFM, +18 stress
Breakdown Stream 20 SFM, +22 stress, +8 mental darkness, +1 Impact 25 SFM, +22 stress, +8 mental darkness, +1 Impact 40 SFM, +22 stress, +8 mental darkness, +1 Impact, 3 day hiatus 30 SFM, +22 stress, +8 mental darkness, +1 Impact Starts Painful Future
Sponsorships 10 SFM, +18 stress 15 SFM, +18 stress 20 SFM, +18 stress 25 SFM, +18 stress 30 SFM, +18 stress
Internet Angel 25 SFM 25 SFM 25 SFM 25 SFM 50 SFM, stress no longer gained from streams
Darkness 10 SFM, +10 mental darkness 10 SFM, +10 mental darkness N/A N/A N/A

Once the SFM is known, the player must then multiply the SFM by the BFG. This result yields the SFG, which is the absolute minimum amount of followers that will be gained after a stream.

Next, the player must check for any generic stream bonuses. These stream bonuses apply to any stream, regardless of the topic.

  • Stream Streak Bonus is calculated as (1 + x) * SFG.
  • Pre-Stream Alert is calculated as 1.2 * SFG, if you have at least 1 Pre-Stream Alert. It does not stack with additional Pre-Stream Alerts.
  • Communication Bonus is calculated as (1 + 0.1 * x) * SFG.

The variable x represents the amount of a bonus the player has racked up.

Finally, the player must check for any specific stream bonuses. These stream bonuses only apply to certain streams.

  • Gamer Girl affects Letsplay.
  • Cinephile affects Nerd Talk.
  • Impact affects Breakdown Stream and Darkness.
  • Experience affects Sexy Stream and ASMR.
  • Rabbit Hole affects every stream, but can only be obtained through Conspiracy Theories.

Every specific stream bonus yields a positive effect for the player. Rabbit Hole is the only exception, serving as a penalty multiplier.

  • The positive bonuses are calculated as (1 + 0.5 + x) * SFG.
  • Rabbit Hole is calculted as (1 - 0.01 * x) * SFG.

The variable x represents the amount of a bonus the player has racked up.

Conflicting Displays

Recent patches have updated the manner in which the value of generic and specific stream bonuses are displayed to the player. Hovering over a desktop activity will display the pre-calculated value of a stream bonus, whereas hovering over a stream will display the exact value of a stream bonus.

For example, if the player hovers over the Tweeter desktop activity, the game will display Pre-Stream Alert as going into 1, which is its pre-calculated value.

PreCalcValue PreStreamAlert.png

However, when hovering over a stream, the game will display the Pre-Stream Alert as 1.2, which is its exact value.

ExactValue PreStreamAlert.png

The former display requires the player to calculate the value themselves. In this example, the player would have to know that Pre-Stream Alert is calculated as "1.2 * SFG" if the bonus is applicable.
However, the latter display informs the player of its exact value, 1.2, which removes the need for any calculations.


These articles contain transcripts for dialogue pertaining to streams.

  • Chat & Chill/Transcript
  • Letsplay/Transcript
  • Nerd Talk/Transcript
  • Conspiracy Theories/Transcript
  • Netlore/Transcript
  • ASMR/Transcript
  • Sexy Stream/Transcript
  • Angel Explains/Transcript
  • KAngel Tries Stuff/Transcript
  • Breakdown Stream/Transcript
  • Sponsorships/Transcript
  • Internet Angel/Transcript
